Group discussion

Current GD Topics-Self discipline is the key to better and safer traffic

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Self discipline is the key to better and safer traffic


Nagpur and Traffic, these two words are closely related to each other. The city is known for its unmanaged traffic system. It is the same story for many other Indian cities. The traffic police is there to keep the traffic streamlined. However, the scenario still remains dismal. As the vehicular population is on rise, it seems that the citizens have to contribute to keep traffic safer. They have to work in coordination with cops to minimize accidents. Do you think that self discipline can lead to better and safer traffic?


  1. The complete responsibility cannot lie on the traffic police as no matter what, the police to vehicle ratio will always stay low.
  2. Rights and duties go hand in hand. If the people want the rights then they need to fulfill their moral duties first.
  3. It is said that every drop forms the sea. So, people need to get rid of the attitude that one man’s efforts cannot bring a change. 
  4. Most of the accidents occur as the people are in rush and don’t pay any attention to the traffic rules.
  5. Self discipline in any area provides a better control on the way we react to situations. It always brings positive results. 


  1. Self discipline cannot solve all the problems. The government needs to set up proper traffic system.
  2. Taxpayers pay their hard earned money so that they can get the right facilities at right time in different areas.
  3. The government should focus more on the concept of flyovers that can greatly reduce the problem of traffic.
  4. The traffic cops should do their duty sincerely. They should be proactive to take any strict action against the offenders.
  5. If the roads are occupied by the street shops, then government should take actions to shift the hawkers to other area.