Antonym tests may be used by some recruiters to evaluate the vocabulary, knowledge and analysis capabilities of the applicants if needed. The question in the tests may specify words and you may be required to choose an option that will have the opposite meaning of the given word. Multiple probable answer options are usually given for each question one of which is correct. The candidate must figure out the right answer. These tests may also be made use of by some universities for providing admission to various graduate courses.

Verbal Ability

Antonyms-Common Antonyms

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1. Adulation X Criticism


2. Advocate X Oppose


3. Affable X Rude


4. Affected X Unfeigned


5. Affluence X Poverty


6. Agility X Awkwardness


7. Alacrity X Slowness


8. Alleviate X Worsen


9. Allure X Repel


10. Aloof X Gregarious


11. Amalgamate X Separate


12. Ambiguous X Clear


13. Amble X Hasten.


14. Ambulatory X Bedridden


15. Ameliorate X Make Worse


16. Analogous X Not Comparable


17. Anathematize X Bless


18. Anomaly X Regularity


19. Antipathy X Fondness


20. Antithesis X Similarity


21. Baroque X Simple


22. Beatific X Dreadful


23. Belittle X Extol


24. Bellicose X Peaceful


25. Benign X Malignant


26. Benison X Curse


27. Berate X Praise


28. Bestial X Noble


29. Bigotry X Tolerance


30. Bizarre X Normal


31. Blanch X Darken


32. Blend X Soft


33. Blesse X Ardent


34. Blithe X Cheerless


35. Bleak X Cheerful


36. Capacious X Not Spacious


37. Capricious X Steadfast


38. Captious X Tolerant


39. Carnal X Spiritual


40. Carnivorous X Herbivorous


41. Carping X Uncritical


42. Castigation X Commendation


43. Categorical X Qualified


44. Catholic X Narrow


45. Celerity X Delay


46. Celibate X Married


47. Censure X Praise


48. Centrifugal X Centripetal


49. Cessation X Gravity


50. Chaffing X Capitalistic


51. Dank X Dry


52. Dapper X Untidy


53. Dauntless X Cowardly


54. Dearth X Bundance


55. Debacle X Progress


56. Debilitate X Strengthen


57. Debonair X Awkward


58. Derogatory X Praising


59. Desecrate X Consecrate


60. Destitute X Affluent


61. Devoid X Full Of


62. Devout X Impious


63. Diabolical X Seraphic


64. Diatribe X Eulogy


65. Diffidence X Boldness


66. Dilate X Contrast


67. Dilatory X Prompt


68. Diminution X Appreciation


69. Din X Silence


70. Disabuse X Deceive


71. Disconsolate X Joyous


72. Enervate X Strengthen


73. Enhance X Degrade


74. Ennui X Excitement.


75. Enunciate X Mumble


76. Ephemeral X Eternal


77. Equable X Stormy


78. Equanimity X Agitation


79. Equilibrium X Imbalance


80. Equitable X Unfair


81. Equivocal X Clear


82. Erratic X Steady


83. Erroneous X Accurate


84. Erudite X Ignorant


85. Ethereal X Earthy


86. Eulogistic X Critical


87. Grandiose X Simple


88. Gratuitous X Warranted


89. Gregarious X Antisocial


90. Grisly X Antisocial


91. Gullible X Incredulous


92. Gusto X Distaste


93. Gusty X Calm


94. Hackneyed X Original


95. Haggard X Plump


96. Halcyon X Martial


97. Haphazard X Deliberate


98. Ignoble X Worthy


99. Illusive X Not Deceptive


100. Irksome X Interesting


101. Irrelevant X Pertinent


102. Irreparable X Correctable


103. Irreverent X Pious


104. Jaded X Stimulated


105. Jaundiced X Unbiased


106. Jaunty X Sedate


107. Jeopardy X Safety


108. Jettison X Salvage


109. Jocular X Serious


110. Judicious Unwise


111. Kindle X Extinguish


112. Keen X Dull


113. Knowledge X Ignorance


114. Kill X Animate


115. Lachrymose X Cheering


116. Lackadaisical X Ambitious


117. Laconic X Verbose


118. Lampoon X Praise


119. Languor X Vitality


120. Latent X Obvious


121. Lavish X Frugal


122. Laudatory X Defamatory


123. Lax X Strict


124. Lechery X Purity


125. Lethargic X Invigorating


126. Limpid X Turbid


127. Lithe X Stiff


128. Loath X Eager


129. Loquacious X Taciturn


130. Lugubrious X Cheerful


131. Lurid X Dull


132. Malign x Eulogize


133. Malleable X Brittle


134. Manacle X Sane


135. Manifest X Obscure


136. Manumit X Enslave


137. Martial X Bellicose


138. Nebulous X Clear


139. Nefarious X Bergin


140. Negation X Affirmation


141. Neophyte X Veteran


142. Niggardly X Prodigal


143. Nocturnal X Daily


144. Obdurate X Fleeting


145. Obese X Cadaverous


146. Objective X Emotionally Involved


147. Obligatory X Optional


148. Obloquy X Praise


149. Obsequious X Supercilious


150. Odium X Liking


151. Omnipotent X Weak


152. Omniscient X Ignorant


153. Opiate X Stimulant


154. Opportune X Awkward


155. Opportunist X Man of Principle


156. Opprobrium X Praise


157. Optimum X Worst


158. Opulence X Poverty


159. Ostentatious X Unassuming


160. Precipitate X Stationary.


161. Permeable X Impenetrable


162. Pernicious X Harmless


163. Perpetual X Momentary


164. Perspicuity X Vagueness


165. Pertinacious X Superficial


166. Petulant X Uncomplaining


167. Precipitate X Cautious


168. Prefatory X Conclusive


169. Quell X Incite


170. Quintessence X Impure


171. queue X Curve, Zigzag


172. Ratify X Denounce


173. Resilient X Unyielding


174. Restive X Placid


175. Retentive X Forgetful


176. Reticence X Loquaciousness


177. Retrograde X Progressing


178. Reverie X Dishonor


179. Rife X Scant


180. Robust X Weak


181. Rotundity X slimness


182. Rubble X Unbroken stone


183. Ruddy X War


184. Rudimentary X Developed


185. Rueful X Content


186. Rustic X Urban


187. Ruthless X Merciful


188. Seldom x Frequently


189. Wreck X Restore


190. Wonder X Expectations


191. Wane X Prosper


192. Weary x Energetic


193. Well-round x Scattered


194. Wrath X Delight


195. Within X Beyond


196. Worried x Cheerful


197. Watch x Neglect


198. Zany X Sane


199. Zeal X Apathy


200. Zaftig x Petite

Antonym tests may be used by some recruiters to evaluate the vocabulary, knowledge and analysis capabilities of the applicants if needed. The question in the tests may specify words and you may be required to choose an option that will have the opposite meaning of the given word. Multiple probable answer options are usually given for each question one of which is correct. The candidate must figure out the right answer. These tests may also be made use of by some universities for providing admission to various graduate courses. The objective type questions and examples given by freshersworld in this section will be useful to all the freshers, college students and engineering students preparing for placement tests or any competitive exam like MBA, CAT, MAT, SNAP, MHCET, XAT, NMAT, GATE, Bank exams - IBPS, SBI, RBI, RRB, SSB, SSC, UPSC etc. Freshersworld provides students or job seekers with the antonyms questions and answers for verbal aptitude reasoning. Free antonyms practice test and tips to find antonyms of words for aptitude tests are also provided by freshersworld.