Logical Reasoning

Clocks Calender and Age-Exercise Questions

|   124830

1. What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when the time shown by the

    clock is 5.30 p.m. ?

    a) 00        b) 50     c)30      d)150


2. By how many degrees does the minute hand move in the same time, in which the

    hour hand move by 18 degree ?

    a)168 degree       b)216  degree  c) 196  degree d) 276 degree


3. A watch, which loses time uniformly, was observed to be 5 minutes fast at 8.00 p.m.
    on Thursday. It was noticed to be 7 minutes slow at 8.00 a.m. on the subsequent
    Monday. When did the watch show the correct time ?

        a) 7 a.m. Saturday                       b) 7 a.m. on Friday

     c) 10a.m. on Sunday                    d) 11 a.m. on Friday


4. In the time in which the second hand covers 3960 degrees, how many degrees does

    the hour hand move?

    a) 11                    b) 5.5               c)3/4                d) 55


    5. By how many degrees does the hour hand lag behind the minute hand  in a span of

       42 minutes, if initially they are at the same position?

    a) 2330                   b)211 degree               c)231 degree   d)None of these


6. March 1st  is Wednesday. Which month of the same year has the same calendar

    a)July      b) November   c) December    d)October


7. If  today is Thursday , after 730 days which will be the day of the week ?

   a)Thursday           b)Friday          c)Saturday       d)Monday


8. A year starting with Monday and ending with Tuesday. How many days are there
    from 16th January to 15th March of  that year.

    a) 58         b)60     c)59     d)61


9. The last day of a century cannot be :

    a) Monday          b) Wednesday c) Friday          d) Saturday


10. What will be the day of the week on 1st January, 2010 ?

     a) Friday            b) Saturday     c) Sunday        d) Monday


Answer & Explanations


     1. q = 11/2 m – 30h

        = 11/2 *30  - 30 *5

        = 165-150 = 150

2. 18*2 *6 = 216  degree

3. The number of hours from 8:00 p.m. on Thursday to 8:00 a.m. on Monday = 84

    In 84 hours, the clock gained 12 minutes.

    But to show the correct time, the clock has to gain 5 minutes.

    :. 5/12 *84 = 35 hours.

   35 hours from 8:00 p.m. on Thursday is 7:00 a.m. on Saturday.

4. 3960/(360*2) = 5.50

5. 42*6-(42/2) = 252-21 = 231 degree

6. Odd days from March to October : 3 + 2 +3 +2 +3 +3 +2 +3 = 21/7 = 0 . If odd day
    is 0 then next  month has the same calendar.

7. 730/7 = 2 odd days. So Saturday will be the day of the week.

8. It is a leap year.  So 16(Jan)+ 29(Feb) + 15(March) = 60 days

9. 100 years contains 5 odd days. So last day of 1st century is ‘Friday’.

    200 years contains (5*2) =10 = 3 odd days. So last day of second century is        
   ‘Wednesday’. 300 years contain 15 odd days = 1 odd day.

   . : Last day of 3rd century is ‘Monday’. 400 years contains 0 odd day.

   : . Last day of  4th century is ‘Sunday’.

   Since the order is continually kept in successive cycles, we see that the last day of a   
   century cannot be Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday

10. 2000 years have 2 odd days.

     Number of odd days from 2001 –2009 = 11 odd days = 4 odd days. 1st January    
     2010 has 1 odd day. Total number of odd days = (2 + 4 + 1) =  7 = 0 odd day

     : . 1st January, 2010 will be a Sunday.
