Data Interpretation questions on Tables are very common in competitive exams. The boxes of the table consist of different type of information like facts and figures, etc. Generally the first row and column of the table denote the titles. While any type of data can be presented in table form, that too in a very accurate manner, interpreting the data in table form is more difficult and time consuming than the other modes, all of which are basically pictorial or graphical in presentation.

Data Interpretation

Tabular Data-Exercise Questions

|   34047

I. Directions (1-5) These questions are to be answered on the basis of the following table giving the bank rates for 100 units of various foreign currencies converted to Indian rupees.

1. For how many currencies is the difference between buying and selling rates (per 100 units ) more
    than Rs. 35?





 2. For which foreign currency is the difference between the rates for buying and
    selling approximately equivalent to the buying rate of one unit of that currency?

a. Deutsche Mark

     b. US Dollar

c. Swiss Franc

    d. Swedish Kroner

  3. A man wants to convert Rs. 10,000 into forign currency. He wants to buy the foreign currency which
     gives him the maximum number of units. Which currency should he buy?

  a. Pound Sterling

      b. U.A.E. Dirham

  c. Japanese Yen

     d. French Franc

  4. What is the approximate ratio of the buying rate of Australian Dollar of that to the U.S. Dollar?





  5. If  the bank buys 100 Pounds Sterling and 200 U.A.E. Dirham, how much money in rupees is given
      to the seller  of the foreign  currency?

a. Rs. 3,382

     b. Rs. 6,421

c. Rs. 4,621

    d. Rs. 6,382


           II. For questions (6–10) Refer to the table below and answer the questions that

           The Internet is spreading its wings at a very fast pace and along with it, the software  business
           resulting from the net is also growing. The table below provides a breakdown of the growth of the
           internet software market.


          BREAKDOWN ( in  $  million )


6. Which of the markets is expected to show maximum compounded
     annual growth rate(CAGR) growth from 1997 to 2000?





7. What is the approximate CAGR rate at which total internet software market is
    expected to grow between 1197 and 2000?





8. How much business will be contributed by Browsers in percentage terms over
    the four year period?

        a. 4

        b. 5.5

        c. 4.5

        d. 9

9. Which software has minimum growth over the period of four years?



         c. Authoring

         d. Retrieval

10. How much business will be generated by servers and retrieval in percentage
       terms over the four years period?






Answer & Explanations


I. 1. For four currencies  Pound Sterling, Deutche Mark, Swiss Franc and
       Australian Dollar it is more than 35.

   2. For US Dollar difference between buying and selling rates = (3152-3120)

       = 32. Buying rate per unit = 31.20 » 32

   3. (c)

   4. Required ratio = 2080/3120 = 208//312 =0.67

   5. Buying price for 100 Pound Sterling = Rs. 4723

      Buying price for 200 UAE = Rs. 2 * 849 = Rs. 1698

      Therefore, Required money = (4723 + 1698 ) = Rs. 6421


        II. Exp. As a first step we will construct the following table



6. It is difficult to find CAGR, so instead of this, we can find which market has   
    grown the most. From the table, we see that Authoring will grow maximum. 

7. CAGR rate  =  [ Total sales in 2000/Total sales in 1997] 1/3 -  1

     =   [3301/342] 1/3 -  1  =( 9.65 ) 1/3  - 1  ,   9.66 <  ( 2.5 ) 3

    Hence, CAGR <  1.5.  Hence ( b )      

8. Percentage of business contributed by Browsers=346.1*100/6311.5 @ 5.5%       
    Hence (b)

9. From table, minimum growth will be by Browsers. Hence ( b)

10. Business contribution by servers and retrievals = 4954.7+528.0  @  86.9% 


      Hence (a)                                                                                       


Data Interpretation questions on Tables are very common in competitive exams. The boxes of the table consist of different type of information like facts and figures, etc. Generally the first row and column of the table denote the titles. While any type of data can be presented in table form, that too in a very accurate manner, interpreting the data in table form is more difficult and time consuming than the other modes, all of which are basically pictorial or graphical in presentation. Freshersworld provides students or job seekers with concept, solved questions on pie chart. Questions and answers with explanation on pie chart are also provided.