Reservation for women would help the society
- There is no valid point till date which makes any women unequal in comparison to a man.
- Giving reservation to women would give them encouragement. They would not be recognized in society as mere domestic workers.
- Reservation should not be given to treat them superior; it should be given to help people understand that they are equal. This is because, few communities in India still believe in female foeticide. Little do they know that its a woman that delivers a man
- If women need to do something for the society and country, there is no need for reservation.
- Instead of concentrating on reservation, the society can be improved by concentrating on other ethical issues.
- There have been many great and famous women in politics that did what they could for society. They didnt any special reservation!
- Women may undoubtedly take advantage of reservation to defend themselves.
- Although reservations should be encouraged and Like they say Great powers come with great responsibility, it should become a moral responsibility of women to not misuse the same.