Logical Reasoning

Day Sequence-Day Sequence

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Day Sequence Aptitude basics, practice questions, answers and explanations 
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Day sequence Test: In these question a date given with the day of the week (Monday, etc.....) using that information you will be asked to find out day of other date.


1)Find the No. of years and No. of days between the "given date" and "asked date".

2)Divide the No. of days by 7.

3)Find the reminder of the division.

4)If the reminder is '0' then the required day is as same as "given days".

5)If the reminder is '1' then the required day is the next day to given day in question date?

6)If the reminder is '2' then the required day is two days after the "given date", so on for the 3, 4, 5 and 6 reminders.


1) If 15th August is Monday, 17th November comes on which day?

Answer: August month has 31 day, September has 30 days and October has 31 days.
The number of days between 15th August to 17th November= 16 + 30 + 31 + 17= 94.
94/7, it leaves reminder 3. 17th November= 3 days after Monday.
i.e. Thursday.

2) If 7th February of 2006 is Saturday, 24th April 2006 comes on which day?

Answer: 2006 is not a leap year, so February has 28 days, March 2006 has 31 days. 
The No. of days between 7th February 2006 to 24th April 2006 = 21 + 31 + 24 = 76.
76/7, it leaves reminder 6, 24 th April 2006 = 6 days after Saturday = Friday.

3) 14th December 2004 is Monday, 25th November 2005 comes on which day? 

Answer: The No. of days between 14th December 2004 to 25 th November 2005 = 365 - 19 (days gap between 14th December to 25 th November = 19 and 2005 is a normal year) = 346.
346/7, it leaves reminder 3; 25th November 2005 = 3 days after Monday = Thursday.

4) If 26th March 2006 is Friday, 18th May 2008 is comes on which day?

Answer: Days between Step 1 : from 26th March 2006 to 25th March 2007 - 365 days 
Step 2 : from 26 th March 2007 to 25 th March 2008 – 366 days 26 th March 2008 to 18 th May 2008 = 31 + 22 = 53 days Total days = 365 + 366 + 53 = 784.
784/7 = 112, it leaves no reminder.
18th May 2008 is also Friday.


A year has 365 days

A leap year has 366 days

Any year is divisible by 4 is a leap year e.g. 2004, 2008,.......

In normal year, February has 28 days but leap year has 29 days. Hence the leap year has one day extra than normal year.

In a normal year, if the year begins with Sunday, it ends with Sunday. The next year starting day will be Monday.

In a Leap year, if the year begins with Sunday, it ends with Monday, the starting day of the next year of the leap year will be Tuesday.

The no. of days in January = 31 days

The no. of days in February = 28 or 29 days

The no. of days in March = 31 days

The no. of days in April = 30 days

The no. of days in May = 31 days

The no. of days in June = 30 days

The no. of days in July = 31 days

The no. of days in August = 31 days

The no. of days in September = 30 days

The no. of days in October = 31 days

The no. of days in November = 30 days

The no. of days in December = 31 days

In a normal year, it has 52 weeks and one day

In a leap year, it has 52 weeks and 2 days.

For every 400 years, the day repeats. e.g. 14th April 1604 is Wednesday, 14th April 2004 is also Wednesday.
