World Largest Producers-General Knowledge Questions and Answers

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Top Producer’s Of Different Crops In World : List of largest producing countries in the world


•  The Largest producer of groundnut in World =India

•  The Largest producer of Tobacco in World = China

• The Largest Quantity of Barley is produced in World = Russia

•  The Largest producer of Long Staple Cotton in World = USA

• The Largest Cattle production in World = India

•  The Largest producer of Butter & Ghee in World = India

•  The Largest producer of Rice in World = India & USA

•  The Largest Exporters of Rice In the World = Thailand


Top 10 Largest Exporters of Rice In the World


Thailand     8500

Vietnam     6500

Pakistan     3800

India         2200

Cambodia   850

Uruguay     700

China        600

Egypt        600

Argentina   500

Brazil         400

•  The Largest producer of Fish in World = China

• The Largest producer of Mutton in World = New Zealand & Australia.

•  The Largest producer of Mercury in World = Spain

•  The Largest producer of Rock Phosphate in World = USA & Russia.

•  The Leading producer of Uranium in World = Kazakhstan

•  The Leading producer of Automobiles in World = USA

• The Leading producer of Cement in World = USA

• The Country that Manufactures due Maximum number of Locomotives in World = USA

•  The Country known for Locomotive = Philadelphia

• The Country famous for Petroleum = Baku

•  The Country famous for Wollen textiles in World = Leeds.

The Largest producer of Sugar in the world : Brazil


World’s Top 10 Sugar-Producing Countries in 2010-2011

Country Production

1) Brazil 38.745
2) India 26.000
3) China 11.475
4) Thailand 10.061
5) U.S. 7.210
6) Mexico 5.495
7) Pakistan 4.400
8) France 4.275
9) Australia 3.800
10) Germany 3.565


• The Country known as Sugar Bowl in World = Cuba.
