HR Interview Questions with Sample Examples

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HR Interview Questions with Sample Examples


Q1: Tell me about yourself


Example 1:

I would like to you thank you for a give this great opportunity to introduce my self in front of you.
I am Praveen, I am 23 yrs old.I hold a Bachelor Degree in Commerce (B.Com),in Samatha Degree collage at Narayanguda.I have completed intermediate C.E.C. in V.C.J.C. at tarnaka.I have completed my schooling level in Z.P.H.S. at Ghatkesar.

My hobbies are:

I am very interested to listen to music and In my free time i would like to play cricket with my friends.
Confidence and hard work, patience are my strengths.I would be the best in my field, where ever I work.I never compromise with out quality.I was born and brought up in Ghatkesar.My family consists of 7 members including with me.My father is head of family Mr. Balaji, he is my father, he is working in electricity department. Swarupa she is my mother, she is a homemaker. I am having 3 elder sisters and 1 elder brother.My 1st sister's name is Swapna, she is got a married with Yash, who is working in cabel limited com.My 2nd sister's name is Laxmi, she is also got a married with Saran,he is a painter.My last sister's name is Pushpa, she is studying M.Sc maths.Coming to my brother he is Venu, he is working as a sub engineer in electricity department.

That's all Thank you once again.


Example 2 : 

First of all I would like to thank you for giving me this great opportunity to introduce myself in front of you.I am Neena from Vellore. I completed my BCA in MMES arts and science college with 86% and I completed +2 from EVRN higher secondary school with 84%, I completed my 10th from same school with 74%.Coming to my family. We have 4 members including me. My father is a employee and my mother is a home maker. I have a elder brother. He s a software engineer in Wipro, that's all about my family.My strength is I can handle any kind of situation, quick learner.My weakness I trust others quickly. That's all about me.

Thank you!


Q2: What is the difference between confidence and over confidence?


Example 1: Confidence means belief in oneself overconfidence means excessively confident or presumptuous confidence leads to success overconfidence leads to failure confidence strengthen self-strength overconfidence debilitate self-strength confidence make us think positive overconfidence make us think negative confidence itself positive in meaning while overconfidence itself negative in meaning.


Example 2 : The differences between confidence and over confidence is:

Confidence: I will fight and win the fight.
Over Confidence : There's no way I will loose the fight.

Q3: What is the difference between hard work and smart work?


Example 1: Hard worker can not be a smart worker but smart worker handle all situation either there is easy or hard.


Q4 : How do you feel about working nights and weekends?


Example 1 : Usually, I finish my work in given time. But if it is requirement of any job and I am applying for that job then I will definitely present at nights and weekends, without any problem.


Example 2 : Sir, I don't care about time, I don't care about night or day I just care about my work. Sir, if my work is incomplete or my company requires my presence at night or weekend i'll be there!


Example 3 : 

If my work is pending then surely I do not have any problem working at weekends. If the company provides full security for girls during night times then working at nights is not an issue.

Q5: Tell me about the most boring job you have ever had?


Example 1   : The most boring job is 'having no job'. On contrast, if We have a job but we don't have interest in that job, then It would become a boredom for us.


Example 2   : According to me feeling bore and feeling happy its all depend upon us, nothing is boring in this life everything comes with new ideas so we have to enjoy it and learn from it.


Example 3 : You can't say any work/ job as boring. As their are always scope of learning, improvement to develop procedure which will take less time to accomplishment and 100 % successful completion of existing work and search for new areas where you can expertise yourself and enhance your existing skills.


Q6: On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer.


Example 1 : Giving this opportunity but sir I'm not position rate as interviewer, but this's interview question, I can give 9/10. I debut one mark because no any person not perfect and every time give space for learning.


Example 2 : Thank you for giving this opportunity but I think this is not my place to tell you because you are a experienced person but if you are giving me the opportunity for these question then I will give 9/10 because there is always be a scope of improvement.


Q7: How do you feel about reporting to a younger person?


Example 1 : I doesn't matter of his age. I respect to his ability, skills and talent and I am not hesitate to learn from him/her. My work is very important and I am reporting to that designation.


Example 2 : Sir, I don't have any problem to work under a younger person because I don't have ego on top of my head to push me down instead I put that ego under my feet so that it can push me up.


Q8: Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized.


Example 1 : As a fresher I joined my previous organization and after spending my two months over there I start working in my own way which I learnt during my training period, but my senior didn't like this he start criticizing me, for at least one week he always rejected my work which I was doing.
After this when I get one project by my these efforts then he stop criticizing me an appreciate me. Through this I learnt my biggest experience in my professional field that how we can overcome with criticism.


Example 2 : I would like to replace the word criticized by Coached. There are mistakes that we all make at work and I was lucky to be coached by my superiors in my past jobs. To give you an example I was asked to make a presentation for the entire team as a training material and my superiors were not impressed by the presentation so I asked them to help me make a perfect presentation and it turned out to be one of the best presentations.


Example 3 : When senior ask to finish particular work within targeted time. If unable to finish it, then mentally disturbed. It makes situation to be criticized.


Q9: Could you have done better in your last job?


Example 1 : Yes, no one is perfect I did good job there and sometime I made error bit every time I learn by those error which increase my knowledge day by day.


Example 2 : Yes. No one is 100% perfect. Perfect is the term for the people who tries to find error in his own job, where I would like to stand in that list to do better things regularly from my previous work.


Example 3 :There is always scope of improvement in everything that we do and I think that every job I take up I can do better. I have taken feedback from my superiors and constantly work on improvement.

Q10 : What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced?


Example 1 :One of the biggest challenge that I had faced is providing 100 percent quality to my work. But yes I worked very hard to improve my quality and note down all my errors and not to make repetitive errors again and again. The only way to overcome challenges is to face them.


Example 2 : Given that I'm just living 23years. I would say that the greatest challenge that I have ever faced is when I need to work with someone I don't like, but we need to finish this project in time. So I need to adjust and control my emotion and just be professional and matured enough for the sake of the project. And yes. I succeeded.


Q11: Have you been absent from work more than a few days in any previous position?


Example 1 : Yes But i have true reason for that and my absence make no issue in target completion.

Example 2 : Due to health problems / Functions / Family reasons that too in a critical positions. I kept leaves. After coming back to my company I cleared my work with accuracy.


Q12: Explain how would be an asset to this organization?


Example 1 : Let's walk with an example. If I am working with your organization effectively and efficiently having my great potential, caliber and knowledge which in return, gives better results, like profits, new ideas, future opportunities, contribution in company's growth factors. So it proves that I am a valuable assets for your organization.


Example 2 : I can be asset to your organisation since I am dedicated towards my work. I have a patience to hold up pressure and work sincerely. Moreover I have a quality to learn from my failure and don't give up until I achieve positive result.


Example 3 : I can promise you that my every step will be towards the growth of the organization. According to me to become the asset for organization we have to put all the strength which we have poses.My technical knowledge, punctual, dedication, hard working with positive attitude, team working skills such as sharing our knowledge to others in the team and at the same moment gaining knowledge from other team members, learning from failures, working under pressure, ability to work under time deadlines, and my experiences and practices definitely help to me to work for the growth of the organization and for my own growth.
