Synonyms are featured in many competitive exams like GRE, CAT, MAT, SAT, Civil Services, UPSC. It also features in company papers like Wipro, IBM, Infosys, Capgemini, Cognizant, amazon and many others. Synonyms are words that substitute in a context for another words. Synonym is nothing but the similar meaning of a particular word or its semantic relation. So, synonym is a word or a phrase that means the same as another word or a phrase in the same language. Synonyms can be of any part of speech; however, the words have to be of the same part of speech in order to be synonyms of each other. Two words can be synonyms of each other in one particular context; however, they need not be synonyms in all contexts.

Verbal Ability

Synonyms-Common Synonyms

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1. Abase: lower , degrade , humiliate

2. Abate: subside ,moderate

3. Aberrant:  abnormal ,deviant

4. Abeyance :  suspended action , not in continuation

5. Abet : Assist, usually doing something  in wrong

6. Abbreviate : shorten

7. Abolish:  cancel, put an end to 

8. Ablution :  Washing

Synonyms are featured in many competitive exams like GRE, CAT, MAT, SAT, Civil Services, UPSC. It also features in company papers like Wipro, IBM, Infosys, Capgemini, Cognizant, amazon and many others. Synonyms are words that substitute in a context for another words. Synonym is nothing but the similar meaning of a particular word or its semantic relation. So, synonym is a word or a phrase that means the same as another word or a phrase in the same language. Synonyms can be of any part of speech; however, the words have to be of the same part of speech in order to be synonyms of each other. Two words can be synonyms of each other in one particular context; however, they need not be synonyms in all contexts. For example, the words ‘hard’ and ‘difficult’ have similar meanings, but when the word ‘hard’ is used in the context of ‘solid, firm or rigid’, ‘difficult’ is no longer a synonym. Freshersworld provides students or job seekers with the synonyms questions and answers for verbal aptitude reasoning. Tips to find synonyms of words for aptitude tests are also provided by freshersworld.