Cooperative Bank (States) Question Papers - Cooperative Bank (States) Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

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The cooperative bank is a commercial and retail bank that provides all the necessary banking facilities. Co-operative banks are deeply rooted inside local areas and communities. They are involved in local development and contribute to the sustainable development of their communities, as their members and management board usually belong to the communities in which they exercise their activities. By increasing banking access in areas or markets where other banks are less present - SMEs, farmers in rural areas, middle or low income households in urban areas - co-operative banks reduce banking exclusion and foster the economic ability of millions of people. They play an influential role on the economic growth in the countries in which they work in and increase the efficiency of the international financial system. Their specific form of enterprise, relying on the above-mentioned principles of organization, has proven successful both in developed and developing countries.

The beginning of the Kerala State Cooperative Bank Ltd (KSCB) dates back to early 20th century. In 1914, the then Maharaja of Travancore, his highness The Moolam Thirunal Ramavarma, by his proclamation introduced the “Travancore Cooperative Societies Regulation Act”. As per the Act, the first cooperative society - The Trivandrum Central Cooperative Bank - was registered in the year 1915. The bank started functioning on 18th January 1916 with a share capital of Rs.1.00 Lakh consisting of 1000 shares of Rs.100 each.

The Mission of the Tamil Nadu State Apex Co-operative Bank Limited is to mobilise resources, provide banking products and other professionalised services to the people, strengthen the affiliates, provide vibrant leadership to the co-operative banking system, achieve sustained growth and ultimately to attain prime position in the banking industry. 

Tripura State Cooperative Bank was registered under the Tripura State Cooperative Societies Act,1358 (Act VI of 1358 T.E) under Certification of Registration No. 183, dated 21 January 1957,Wing Comdr. M. Ramunny,DM and Collector was the first Chairman of this bank. The bank started its operation with 3 branches namely Agartala Branch, Dharmanagar Branch & Udaipur Branch and one Head office at Agartala. Now the bank has 39 branches & Extension counters all over the state.

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