Cooperative Bank (States) Question-Paper |   18049

Cooperative Bank (States) Question-Paper

                                            Cooperative Bank Sample Paper

1) A Primary Co-operative Society in Kerala not coming under the Banking Regulation Act shall maintain fluid resources to the extent of -----------its demand liabilities 
a) 10% 
b) 20% 
c) 100% 
d) none of these

2) Protection to collecting Banker under N.I Act is available only if it is a----------- 
a) Bearer cheque 
b) order cheque 
c) order cheque as well as crossed one 
d) none of these 

3) All loans can be treated as secured loans if those loans were disbursed against--------------. 
a) Personal security 
b) on the security of gold 
d) charge on crop 
d) none of these

4) Documentation means-------------------- 
a) drafting of documents 
b) filing and execution of security document 
c) keeping them safe and legally alive after execution 
d) All of these 

5) Industrial development of India was established under the initiative of--------------. 
a) SBI 
b) World Bank 
c) RBI 
d) none of these 

6) Is it necessary to register ‘equitable mortgage’ 
a) yes 
b) Not necessary 
c) at certain times 
d) Necessary if the loan amount exceeds lakh 

7) A depositor can withdraw amount from his SB Account through ---------- in a Primary Credit Co-operative Society 
a) Cheque 
b) voucher 
c) Withdrawal slip 
d) none of these 

8) Banker should obtain ------------- writing if the customers Account is to be operated by another 
a) probate 
b) mandate 
c) pronote 
d) none of the above 

9) Cash or other assets continually undergoing conversion into cash is known as-------------. 
a) Fixed asset 
b) Statutory asset 
c) floating asset 
d) none of these. 

10) Drawer in the case of Demand Draft is---------- 
a) Purchaser 
b) Payee 
c) Issuing Banker 
d) none of these 

11) RBI’s licensing policy for setting new co-operative Urban Banks is based on --------------. 
a) Strong start up capital 
b) Corporate Governance 
c) All of these 
d) none of these 

12) Banks without any branch is called-------------- 
a) Federal bank 
b) unit Bank 
c) Apex Bank 
d) none of these 

13) Urban co-operative Bank shall maintain SLR at the rate ------------- its demand and time liability 
a) 10% 
b) 24% 
c) 25% 
d) 6% 

14) Maximum Interest rate on various deposits in a Service Co- operative Bank in Kerala is fixed by ------------- 
a) Reserve Bank of India 
b) Managing Committee 
c) Registrar of Co-operative Societies 
d) none of these 

15. The basis of quantum of mortgaged loan to be sanctioned by the Banker to the borrower is ------------ 
a) encumbrance certificate 
b) Possession and enjoyment certificate 
c) Valuation certificate 
d) none of the above 

16. Essential characteristic of Banking to accept deposits from ----------- for the purpose of lending or investment. 
a) members 
b) public 
c) government 
d) none of these 

17. ----------- is the right of the Banker. 
a) General lien 
b) Moral lien 
c) special lien 
d) none of the above 

18. A document is defined in ------------ 
a) Indian Evidence Act 
b) Negotiable Instrument Act 
c) Indian Stamp Act 
d) none of these 

19. Co-operative Bank as per section5 (cci) of Banking Regulation Act Include -----------------. 
a) Primary Agricultural Credit Society 
c) Urban Co-operative society 
d) none of these 

20. ------------ maintains currency chest with public Sector Banks 
a) RBI 
b) SBI 
c) State Co-Operative Bank 
d) none of these 

21. ’protest’ is issued by--------------- 
a) Borrower 
b) Banker 
c) Notary public 
d) none of these 

22. Gilt edged securities include---------- 
a) Securities issued by 1st class Magistrate 
b) Government securities 
c) Debentures 
d) none of these 

23. Material alteration in a cheque means ---------------- 
a) Alteration from general crossing to special crossing 
b) Negligible alteration 
c) Alteration of amount 
d) none of these 

24. Responsibility of fixing stamp of proper value to the document is vested with ---------------- 
a) Banker 
b) Executor 
c) Both of them 
d) none of these. 

25. Transfer of money, paying telephone bills, and water charges can be done at your home or workplace of a customer is called ---------------- 
a) Telephone banking 
b) ATM service 
c) Internet banking 
d) none of these
