Microland Placement Papers - Microland Interview Questions and Answers updated on Feb 2025

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Category: Candidate-Experiences

Category: Aptitude-Numerical

Category: Placement Paper

Microland is a leading specialist IT infrastructure services provider, offering a comprehensive range of services to clients across the globe. A pioneer of the remote infrastructure management concept, Microland has its operations hub in India with global presence across USA, UK and Middle East. Incorporated in 1989, Microland has deep and broad expertise in all areas of technology infrastructure set up, management and optimization.

Microland has built extraordinary partnerships with global customers, nurturing them with rare commitment for years. Commitment to place the customer ahead of everything else. Commitment to highest standards of governance and business ethics. Commitment to provide solutions and services of the highest quality. Commitment to consistently deliver superior value through innovation and smart thinking resulting in Reduced TCO, Greater IT-Business alignment and Higher performance to our clients.

A team of over 2300 highly skilled and motivated employees, equipped with the right tools and systems, work round-the-clock out of our world-class facilities to optimize the performance of our clients' technology infrastructure.

Micro land's management team, with deep domain knowledge and industry leading expertise, ensures personalized client management. Our partnerships with leading global players help us stay ahead of the curve. We also have strategic partnerships with technology leaders such as Avaya, ChangeBASE AOK, Cisco, Microsoft, Sybase, Symantec and VMware.

Microland Rated Amongst the Top 10 Infrastructure Management Services Vendors by Global Services

“The annual survey and analysis of the global ITO-BPO industry done by Global Services also places Microland in the GS List :100 Companies That Define Global Outsourcing, for the fourth time in a row.

Dig deeper in to what makes Microland tick and you will see consistent commitment to certain fundamentals over the last twenty years.

We focus 100% on IT infrastructure since we are a pure play specialist.

We are committed to consistently delivering superior business value and aligning to the business needs of enterprises.

We have institutionalized smart thinking and innovation through smartcenter - A unique framework that combines Analytics, Automation and Assurance.

Service Excellence
Leveraging best-in-class people, processes and technology; Six Sigma and ITIL based framework; Unique service automation platform to ensure service delivery par excellence.

Partner Mindset
Being transparent is something close to our heart. Besides, our flexibility and partnership mindset in our DNA make us easy to do business with.

Right Size
We work with Fortune 10 to Global 2000 customers making us an ideal fit for every customer.

Microland was one of the earliest companies to recognize the potential of Remote Infrastructure Management Services. Since incorporation, Microland has evolved and adapted itself to meet newer challenges of the constantly changing global outsourcing industry. In 1998, Microland leveraged its deep understanding of IT infrastructure management to pioneer the concept of remote IT infrastructure management services.

Microland’s Transition Over 20 years.

* The Early Years(1989 - 1998)
* The First Transition : Transitioning to the internet economy (1998 - 2001)
* The Second Transition: From incubator to technology services company (2001 - 2002)
* Progressing Forward : Sustaining value delivery to our Clients (2003 onwards)
Key Highlights: Rapid growth, innovations galore, several alliances, leadership in networking integration space, Microland brings the best-of-breed technology players to India.

* Microland incorporated to address the computer networking opportunity. Microland launches several global brands in India.
* Opens offices in Bangalore, Chennai and Bombay. It was named Microland Electronics Limited.
* Sets up Novell's Software training center, second in the country to launch Novell authorized training center.

* Microland appointed VAR by Wipro in Networking Area

* Featured in the top 10 best performing infrastructure service providers by Global Services
* Announces key leadership additions - Jawahar Bekay, VM Kumar, Shirish Netke and Partho Dasgupta
* Partners with Microsoft for Unified Communications
* Ranked # 2 in 2009 amongst Mid Tier IT Infrastructure Outsourcing Suppliers by the Black Book of Outsourcing

Microland’s services are designed to deliver value to enterprise IT operations today and over the years to come, and are offered in modular fashion so that you can pick the ones that truly address your needs.
smart future new paradigms to redefine tomorrow

You have a need to make sure that IT is aligned to the future needs of your business. smartfuture services are game changing solutions that are directly aligned to the strategic needs of your business for years to come. Microland's vast experience and deep expertise are at your disposal to assess, strategize and execute solutions that will maximize business impact.know more
smart now optimize for better performance today
While you are redefining the future of your enterprise, Microland understands you also have an urgent need to restructure your current IT operations for effectiveness and efficiency. smartnow services leverage Microland’s remote operations capabilities to deliver high quality services that make your IT operations world-class, while delivering immediate cost savings, improved security and compliance. know more

Microland follows a practice based delivery alignment. Each practice focuses on developing people skills, building technology expertise and creating thought leadership in their respective domains to bolster our services lines. This approach allows us to continuously develop innovative solutions that address our client’s IT Infrastructure needs.

Microland’s Practice Structure

* Systems and Databases
* Messaging and Collaboration
* Data and Information
* Networks and Communication
* End User
* Security
* Service Innovation

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