Microland Candidate-Experiences |   20979

Microland Candidate-Experiences

Microland Candidate Experiences

Hi all
I share my experience to all Aptitude test was not tough 

HR interview and Group discussion you have to more concentrate

Microland is into database Management Services. U'll have to work in night shifts too.

Selection Procedure is as follows
Total attended = around 540 
Cleared Aptitude = 158 
Selected = 49

The selection process included of
(1) Written test
(2) GD
(3) HR
(4) One more interview at their office.

Written test consisted of 30 questions
First 15 English, 
it included of synonyms,antonyms and pick the odd one out (level: not so easy)
16-30 question were aptitude questions. (LEVEL:very easy!)

Q1) A's average in 4 tests is 80%. If he has to bring up his agg to 84 in one more test, how much does he have to score in 5th test?
Ans: 100%

Q2)How many 5's are thr between 400 to 600?

Q3) If the sum of squares of two numbers is 289 and their product is (i dont recall)... then the sum of two numbers is

I can recall only these. they question were very very easy. u could answer within the given time.

Next round was GD.
Our topic was: Movies influence on kids.

Hr asked me to summarise.( Here they dont listen to your content. Just speak watever you are speaking confidently and very clearly(imp))
They see only your fluency and grammar.

Next round was HR its was around 9.45pm.
Hr: hello

hr: so.. wat do i ask u?
me: hmm... tell me about yourself?!

hr: nah! very common question.
me:(laughs, more like giggles).

hr:if u had to go back in time and change something wat would it be?
me: about my life or in general?

hr: with regard to the whole world.
me: told something about 26/11 attacks on Mumbai.

hr:do you see friends?
me: YES i DO!! ( I had a huge smile on my face!)

hr:tell me about your favourite episode.

hr:who do you like? joey,ross or chandler?
me:joey! he so funny... blah balah!

And then asked me about my name and my interview was done!

I was in the list!
But its a night shift And u'll have to sign 2 and half years bond with them!

All the best u guys!
do well :)

The aptitude would be very easy heard.....

Anyways ALL THE BEST....
