HPCL Question Papers - HPCL Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

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HPCL, a fortune 500 company, is one of the major integrated oil refining and marketing companies in India. It is a Mega Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) with Navaratna status.

HPCL accounts for about 20% of the market share and about 10% of the nation's refining capacity with two coastal refineries, one at Mumbai (West Coast) having a capacity of 6.5 Million Metric Tonnes Per Annum (MMTPA) and the other in Vishakapatnam (East Coast) with a capacity of 8.3 MMTPA. HPCL also holds an equity stake of 16.95% in Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL),a state-of-the-art refinery at Mangalore with a capacity of 9 MMTPA.

HPCL owns the country's largest Lube Refinery with a capacity of 335,000 Metric Tonnes which amounts to 40% of the national capacity of Lube Oil production. HPCL has given India a firm ground in this sector with its world class standard of Lube Base Oils. Presently HPCL produces over 300+ grades of Lubes, Specialties and Greases.

HPCL has earned "Excellent" performance for fifteen Consecutive years upto 2005-06, since signing of the first MOU with the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. HPCL won the prestigious MOU Award for the year 2007-08 for Excellent Overall Performance, and for being one of the Top Ten Public Sector Enterprises who fall under the 'Excellent' category. HPCL's performance for the year 2008-09 also qualifies for "Excellent" rating.

HPCL, over the years, has moved from strength to strength on all fronts. The refining thruput has increased three fold between 1984/85 to 2007/08, rising from 4.47 MMTPA in 1984/85 to 15.76 MMTPA (2009-10). 

Consistent excellent performance has been made possible by highly motivated workforce of over 11,360 employees working all over India at its various refining and marketing locations. 

HPCL continually invests in innovative technologies to enhance the effectiveness of employees and bring qualitative changes in service. Business Process Re-Engineering exercise, creation of Strategic Business Units, ERP implementation, Organizational Transformation, Balanced Score Card, Competency Mapping, benchmarking of refineries and terminals for product specifications, ISO certification of Refineries and Supply Chain Management are some of the initiatives that broke new grounds. 

HPCL has successfully integrated Information Technology in its activities at different levels. The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is now operational on J.D.Edwards, an Oracle product, across the Corporation.

We Believe

Our Mission

"HPCL, along with its joint ventures, will be a fully integrated company in the hydrocarbons sector of exploration and production, refining and marketing; focusing on enhancement of productivity, quality and profitability; caring for customers and employees; caring for environment protection and cultural heritage. 

It will also attain scale dimensions by diversifying into other energy related fields and by taking up transnational operations."

Our Vision

To be a World Class Energy Company known for caring and delighting the customers with high quality products and innovative services across domestic and international markets with aggressive growth and delivering superior financial performance. The Company will be a model of excellence in meeting social commitment, environment, health and safety norms and in employee welfare and relations

Our Roots
1952: The Company was incorporated in the name of Standard Vacuum Refining Company of India Limited on July 5, 1952
1962: On 31st March,1962 the name was changed to ESSO Standard Refining Company of India Limited.
1974: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited comes into being after the takeover and merger of erstwhile Esso Standard and Lube India Limited
1976: Caltex Oil Refining (India) Ltd. - CORIL is taken over by the Government of India with an Ordinance in 1976, subsequently ratified by an Act in 1977 and merged with HPCL in 1978.
1979: Kosan Gas Company, the concessionaries of HPCL in the domestic LPG market, are taken over and merged with HPCL.
HPCL thus comes into being after merging four different organizations at different points of time.

Message of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, to HPCL in 1974.

CEOs Who have shaped HPCL.

Who are we?

HPCL is a Government of India Enterprise with a Navratna Status, and a Fortune 500 and Forbes 2000 company, with an annual turnover of Rs. 1,32,670 Crores and sales/income from operations of Rs 1,43,396 Crores (US$ 31,546 Millions) during FY 2010-11, having about 20% Marketing share in India among PSUs and a strong market infrastructure. HPCL's Crude Thruput and Market Sales (including exports) are 14.75 Million Metric Tonnes (MMT) and 27.03 MMT respectively in the same period. 

HPCL operates 2 major refineries producing a wide variety of petroleum fuels & specialties, one in Mumbai (West Coast) of 6.5 Million Metric Tonnes Per Annum (MMTPA) capacity and the other in Vishakapatanam, (East Coast) with a capacity of 8.3 MMTPA. HPCL holds an equity stake of 16.95% in Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Limited, a state-of-the-art refinery at Mangalore with a capacity of 9 MMTPA. In addition, HPCL is constructing a 9 MMTPA refinery at Bathinda, in the state of Punjab, as a Joint venture with Mittal Energy Investments Pte. Ltd. 

HPCL also owns and operates the largest Lube Refinery in the India producing Lube Base Oils of international standards, with a capacity of 335 TMT. This Lube Refinery accounts for over 40% of the India's total Lube Base Oil production.

HPCL's vast marketing network consists of 13 Zonal offices in major cities and 101 Regional Offices facilitated by a Supply & Distribution infrastructure comprising Terminals, Pipeline networks, Aviation Service Stations, LPG Bottling Plants, Inland Relay Depots & Retail Outlets, Lube and LPG Distributorships. HPCL, over the years, has moved from strength to strength on all fronts. The refining capacity steadily increased from 5.5 MMTPA in 1984/85 to 14.8 MMTPA presently. On the financial front, the turnover has grown from Rs. 2687 Crores in 1984-85 to an impressive Rs 1,32,670 Crores in FY 2010-11.

Know more about HPCL from our Annual Reports page. The RTI Information Manual provides various details about the operation of the Corporation.

Registered Office and Corporate Headquarters:

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited,
Petroleum House,
17, Jamshedji Tata Road,
Mumbai 400020
Maharastra, India

e-mail: corphqo@hpcl.co.in

Marketing Headquarters

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited
Hindustan Bhawan,
8, Shoorji Vallabhdas Marg,
Ballard Estate,
Mumbai 400001
Maharastra, India

e-mail: mktghqo@hpcl.co.in

Location of other Offices

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