Vizag-Steel-Plant-RINL Question Papers - Vizag-Steel-Plant-RINL Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

Category: Recruitment-Notification-Syllabus

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Category: Placement Paper

Vizag Steel Plant Company Profile


There are 4 batteries, each having 67 ovens.
The volumetric capacity of each oven is 41.6 m3.
Dry Coal charge /Oven is 32 t

Salient Features
• Largest and technologically unique Coke Oven Batteries in the country at the time of commissioning.
• 7 metre tall coke ovens batteries.
•  Selective crushing of coal to improve the coke quality.
• 100% Dry Quenching of coke using Nitrogen gas.
•  Power generation, from the waste heat recovered, at BPTS (Back Pressure Turbine Station).


Production capacity – 2.635 Mt of Gross coke per annum (2.261 Mt of BF Coke per annum)

Commissioning Dates
Battery No. 1 - 1st Pushing - 06.09.89
Battery No.2  - 1st Pushing - 31.10.91
Battery No.3  - 1st Pushing - 30.07.92
Battery No.4  - 1st Pushing - 12.04.09

Ammonium Sulphate Plant production commenced- 21.09.89
Back Pressure Turbine Station (BPTS) trial synchronization – 27.12.90
Tar Distillation Plant production commenced – 30.05.91
Benzol Plant commissioned – 15.12.92
HRED (Hydro Refining & Extractive Distillation) commissioned – 18.12.93

Coke Ovens & Coal Chemical Plant

 Coal is converted into coke by heating the prepared coal blend charge in the coke ovens in the absence of air at a temperature of 1000oC-1050oC for a period of 16/18 hours. The volatile matter of coal liberated during carbonization is collected in gas collecting mains in the form of raw coke oven gas passing through stand pipes and direct contact cooling with ammonia liquor spray. The gas cooled from 800oC to 80oC is drawn to Coal Chemical Plant by Exhauster. The residual coke is pushed out of the oven by pusher car through a guide into coke bucket. The red-hot coke is taken to coke dry cooling plant for cooling.

The main by product in the process of coke making is crude coke oven gas and this has lot of valuable chemicals. Coal Chemical Plant recovers Ammonia (NH3),Tar and Benzol from CO-Gas. The primary By-products from Crude CO Gas are Ammonium Sulphate (NH4)2 SO4, Crude Tar, Crude Benzol and cleaned coke oven gas. The cooled coke from CDCP (Coke Dry Cooling Plant) is separated into 3 fractions, BF Coke i.e. +25-70 mm which is sent to Blast Furnaces, Coke Breeze i.e. +0-15 mm which is sent to Sinter making and nut coke i.e., +15-25 mm, which is also used in the Blast Furnaces.


IT Policy

RINl/VSP is committed to leverage Information Technology as the vital enabler in improving the customer-satisfaction, organizational efficiency, productivity, decision-making, transparency and cost effectiveness, and thus adding value to the business of steel making. Towards this, RINL shall

• Follow best practices in Process Automation & Business Processes through IT by in-house efforts / outsourcing and collaborative efforts with other organizations / expert groups / institutions of higher learning, etc, thus ensuring the quality of product and services at least cost

• Follow scientific and structured methodology in the software development processes with total user-involvement, and thus delivering integrated and quality products to the satisfaction of internal and external customers

•   Install, maintain and upgrade suitable cost-effective IT hardware, software and other IT infrastructure and ensure high levels of data and information security

• Strive to spread IT-culture amongst employees based on organizational need, role and responsibilities of  the personnel and facilitate the objective of becoming a world-class business organization

• Enrich the skill-set and knowledge base of all related personnel at regular intervals to make employees knowledge-employees

• Periodically monitor the IT investments made and achievements accrued to review their cost effectiveness

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