SJVN-Ltd Question Papers - SJVN-Ltd Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

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Category: Mechanical-Engineering

Category: Electrical-Engineering-EE

The SJVN Ltd (formerly Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited-SJVNL ) was incorporated on May 24, 1988 as a joint venture of the Government of India ( GOI ) and the Government of Himachal Pradesh (GOHP) to plan, investigate, organize, execute, operate and maintain Hydro-electric power projects. The present authorized share capital of SJVN is Rs 7000 crores.

The Nathpa Jhakri Hydro – Electric Power Station– NJHPS ( 1500 MW ) was the first project undertaken by SJVN for execution. In addition to the financial assistance from the World Bank, SJVN has also been financed as loan by a Consortium of European Banks, the Power Finance Corporation ( PFC ) and various domestic commercial banks.

Besides the social and economic upliftment of the people in its vicinity, the 1500 MW NJHEP has been designed to generate 6612 MU of electrical energy in a 90% dependable year with 95 % machine availability. It is also providing 1500 MW of valuable peaking power to the Northern Grid.

Out of the total energy generated at the bus bar, 12 percent is supplied free of cost to the home state i.e. Himachal Pradesh. From the remaining 88% energy generation, 25% is supplied to HP at bus bar rates. Balance power has been allocated to the beneficiary states / UTs of Northern Region by Ministry of Power, Government of India.

Besides above, indirect benefits has also accrued to the region by way of increase in agriculture and indus­trial production. In addition, the project has provided gainful employment to a large number of skilled and unskilled workers and has also opened the landlocked hinterland by providing essential facilities such as schools, hospitals etc. for the people of the area. Thus, 1500 MW NJHPS has ushered in the social and economic upliftment of the persons living in the vicinity of the Project i.e. of society at large.

SJVN’s Future Projects

Since the commissioning of the largest underground 1500 MW Hydro Electric Power Project, NJHEP with the gigantic efforts made by its engineers, workers and all its associates, the first project allocated to SJVN, the Corporation expanded its base from a single project to a Multi Project and thereafter from a presence in a single state to a pan- Indian Corporation and established its footprint in the neighbouring countries of Nepal & Bhutan.

SJVN is currently constructing the 412 MW Rampur Hydro Electric Project in the state of Himachal Pradesh. SJVN is also implementing three hydro projects (252 MW Devsari, 60 MW Naitwar Mori and 51 MW Jakhol Sankri) in the state of Uttarakhand. Further, SJVN has also been allocated Luhri Hydro Electric Project (775 MW) and Dhaulasidh HEP (66 MW) in the state of Himachal Pradesh for preparation of Detailed Project Report and subsequent execution.

The company has now gone across the borders and has bagged 900 MW Arun III hydroelectric project in Nepal through, competitive bidding. In addition, the corporation has also been assigned the task of updating/preparing DPRs of two Hydro Electric Projects 600 MW Wangchu HE Project and 650 MW Kholongchu HE Project in Bhutan by Govt. of India.

SJVN Venturing into Wind Energy Sector

India consumes about 3.7% of world's commercial energy and is ranked as the fifth largest consumer of energy in the world in terms of energy demand. This is despite having one of the lowest per capita energy consumption in the world. Continued economic development and increasing population are pushing up the demand for energy at a higher rate than addition in generation capacity. Peak energy demand is about about 12.7% (for Year 2009-10 as per CEA report) more than the total available energy for consumption. The energy demand is expected to grow at 5.2% and to have sustainable development, the electricity energy addition is to be around 10% annually.

With the growing environment consciousness and reserves of the fossiles like coal, crude oil, natural gas etc. depleting at faster rate and the vast available renewable recourse had a big role towards meeting up the energy demands of such a vast nation.

In view of the advantages SJVN is venturing into the Wind Energy field with an initial addition of 50MW of wind energy by the end of 2012 to promote and develop more renewable resource of energy. In pursuit of the above mission SJVN has already started surveying the various potential locations in India where the wind energy can be exploited economically. The consultant for this new venture of setting up of the 50MW wind Power Project has already submitted the feasibility report for establishing the project with the advantages of various locations.

Our vision
To make india a fountainhead of hydro power and the energy source of the future by reorganizing development with passion and professionalism for sustainable viability of the corporation on bedrock of sound commercial principles.

Our mission
To plan, investigate, organise, execute, operate and maintain power projects in the satluj river basin in himachal pradesh and at any other place in india & abroad

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