SBT Question Papers - SBT Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025
State Bank of Travancore (SBT) was originally established as Travancore Bank Ltd. in 1945 sponsored by the erstwhile princely state of Travancore. Under a special statute of the Indian Parliament (SBI subsidiary Banks Act 1959) it was made an Associate of the State Bank of India and a member of the State Bank Group, the largest banking group in India. Registered. office/Head Office at: Poojapura, Trivandrum 695 012, Kerala state, India.
591 Social circles provide selfless community service
Free Medical Camps, Rehabilitation Programs, distribution of free wheel chairs
Programs for improving the facilities of orphanages, care homes, geriatric centres
Programs for the benefit of the student community
Eco-friendly smoke - free offices
Being a public sector bank, we are committed to the policies of the Government for social development. We offer credit to the Priority Sectors and also the special
schemes announced by the Government.
The Bank is alive to its developmental role and actively participates in meeting need based requirements of Agriculture and MSE (Micro and Small Enterprises) business. It has consistently met the benchmarks for priority sector advances stipulated by the Government from time to time.
The Bank attaches priority to this vital sector and encourages technocrats and women entrepreneurs. Bank’s Technical Consultancy Cell assists the small units in evaluation of techno-economic feasibility of their projects. Bank has setup exclusive Small and Medium Enterprises Branches for this sector.
The Bank caters to the needs of farmers through its rural, semi-urban and identified Agriculture intensive branches. The Bank also encourages allied activities such as dairy, poultry, piggery, fishery, horticulture, etc., Schemes like Kamadhenu for rearing of Calves and Heifers, Ksheerasamrudhi for dairy farming, Rabbit Plus for Rabbit rearing and Matsya Plus for Fish farming has been introduced. Farm mechanisation and Agro based industries are given due attention too. We have also introduced Kisan Credit Card Scheme, for the farmers to purchase agricultural inputs and meet other productive needs. Bank also has introduced scheme to extend assistance to tenant farmers who are holding only leasehold rights over the land in which they cultivate. Large areas of fallow lands are being brought under cultivation under this Scheme. The Bank has also introduced the following schemes for the development of agriculture
Finance for Food Processing and Agro Based Industries
Kissan Gold Card scheme for Investment and Consumption purposes
Produce Marketing Loans
Advance against Warehouse receipts
Karshaka Suhrut
SHG & JLG to groups for Agriculture and allied activities, including small trading
During the year, SBT-Harithosalvam 2011 campaign has been launched to cater the needs of the farmers in a bigger way. The Bank has surpassed the bench mark level of 18% under Agriculture sector and achieved 19.15% of ANBC.
The Bank spearheaded financial inclusion initiative in the state of Kerala. 100% financial inclusion was achieved in the state of Kerala in 2007.
The Bank has opened 13.20 lac “No-frills” accounts as on March 2012 as part of Financial Inclusion initiatives and 70% of these accounts were opened in the state of Kerala. 35 villages having a population above 2000 and that are un-banked/under banked, were allocated to our Bank for providing basic banking services under the Government of India’s Financial Inclusion Initiatives. The Bank has gone in for providing basic banking services in these villages under the BF/BC route except for Perumanna in Calicut district where the Bank has opened a new branch. Out of the 35 villages so allocated, 29 are in the State of Kerala and 6 in the state of Tamilnadu. As on 31st March 2012, the Bank has enrolled approximately 13000 customers under “SAHAYA HASTHAM” in the 34 FI villages. The SAHAYA HASTHAM product consists of an SB Account (Zero balance),A Recurring Deposit account and an Overdraft (General Credit Card) for Maximum of Rs.10,000/- for the rural poor. Bank has opened 1954 No-Frills accounts through the new branch opened at Perumanna village.
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