SBI Whole-Testpaper

|   11685

                                        SBI Model Questions and Answers


Section A : Quantitative Aptitude


Directions(1-10): What should come in the place of question mark(?) in the following questions .


1. 7960 + 2956 - 8050 + 4028 = ?


a) 6984

b) 6884

c) 6894

d) 6954


Answer : c


2. 25 ×3.25 + 50.4 ÷24 = ?


a) 84.50

b) 83.35

c) 83.53

d) 82.45


Answer : b


3. 350% of ? ÷ 50 + 248 = 591


a) 4900

b) 4890

c) 4850

d) 4950


Answer : a


4. ½ of 3842 + 15 % of ? = 2449


a) 3520
b) 3250
c) 3350
d) 3540


Answer : a


5. (833.25 -384.45)÷ 24 = ?


a) 1.87

b) 20.1

c) 18.7

d) 2.01


Answer : a


6. 325 314 288 247 191 ?


a) 126

b) 116

c) 130

d) 120


Answer : d


7. 45 46 70 141 ? 1061.5 


a) 353

b) 353.5

c) 352.5

d) 352


Answer : b


8. 620 632 608 644 596  ?


a) 536

b) 556

c) 656

d) 646


Answer : c


9. 15 25 40 65 ? 170


a) 115

b) 90

c) 105

d) 120


Answer : c


10. 120 320 ? 2070 5195 13007.5


a) 800

b) 920

c) 850

d) 900

e) None of these


Answer : e


11. A train moves past a telegraph post and a bridge 264 m long in 8 seconds and 20 seconds respectively. What is the speed of the train?


a) 69.5 km/hr         

b) 70 km/hr

c) 79 km/hr             

d) 79.2 km/hr


Answer : d


12. A 300 metre long train crosses a platform in 39 seconds while it crosses a signal pole in 18 seconds. What is the length of the platform?


a) 320 m   

b) 350 m

c) 650 m   

d) Data inadequate


Answer : b


13. P can complete a work in 12 days working 8 hours a day. Q can complete the same work in 8 days working 10 hours a day. If both P and Q work together, working 8 hours a day, in how many days can they complete the work?


a) 5/11

b) 6/11

c) 7/12

d) 8/12


Answer :  a


14. Ravi and Kumar are working on an assignment. Ravi takes 6 hours to type 32 pages on a computer, while Kumar takes 5 hours to type 40 pages. How much time will they take, working together on two different computers to type an assignment of 110 pages?


a) 7 hours 30 minutes

b) 8 hours
c) 8 hours 15 minutes

d) 8 hours 25 minutes


Answer : C


15. A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per kg with 30 kg of rice of other variety at Rs. 36 per kg and sells the mixture at Rs. 30 per kg. His profit percent is:


a) No profit, no loss

b) 5%
c) 8%

d) 10%

Answer : b


16. The cost price of 20 articles is the same as the selling price of x articles. If the profit is 25%, then the value of x is:


a) 15

b) 16
c) 18

c) 25


Answer : B


17. Present ages of Kiran and Syam are in the ratio of 5 : 4 respectively. Three years hence, the ratio of their ages will become 11: 9 respectively. What is Syam's present age in years?


a) 28
b) 27
c) 26
d) 24

Answer : d


18. A is two years older than B who is twice as old as C. If the total of the ages of A, B and C be 27, then how old is B?


a) 7         
b) 8
c) 9
d) 10

Answer : d


19. The average weight of 8 person's increases by 2.5 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. What might be the weight of the new person?


a) 76 kg

b) 76.5 kg
c) 85 kg

d) Data inadequate

Answer : c


20. 9 In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'LEADING' be arranged in such a way that the vowels always come together?


a) 360      
b) 480
c) 720      
d) 5040

Answer : c


21. What will be the least number which when doubled will be exactly divisible by 12, 18, 21 and 30 ?


a) 196

b) 630
c) 1260

d) 2520


Answer : B


22. A group of students decided to collect as many paise from each member of group as is the number of members. If the total collection amounts to Rs. 59.29, the number of the member is the group is:


a) 57

b) 67
c) 77

d) 87


Answer : C


23. An industrial loom weaves 0.128 metres of cloth every second. Approximately, how many seconds will it take for the loom to weave 25 metres of cloth?


a) 178

b) 195
c) 204

d) 488


Answer : b


24. A container contains 40 litres of milk. From this container 4 litres of milk was taken out and replaced by water. This process was repeated further two times. How much milk is now contained by the container?


a) 26.34 litres

b) 27.36 litres
c) 28 litres

d) 29.16 litres


Answer : d


25. Sakthi invests a part of Rs. 12,000 in 12% stock at Rs. 120 and the remainder in 15% stock at Rs. 125. If his total dividend per annum is Rs. 1360, how much does he invest in 12% stock at Rs. 120?


a)  Rs. 4000

b)  Rs. 4500
c)  Rs. 5500

d)  Rs. 6000


Answer : a


26. The true discount on a bill of Rs. 540 is Rs. 90. The banker's discount is:


a) Rs. 60

b) Rs. 108
c) Rs. 110

d) Rs. 112


Answer : b


27. Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform in 27 seconds and 17 seconds respectively. If they cross each other in 23 seconds, what is the ratio of their speeds?

Insufficient data


a) 3 : 1
b) 1 : 3
c) 3 : 2
d) 1: 4


Answer : d


28. An automobile financier claims to be lending money at simple interest, but he includes the interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he is charging an interest of 10%, the effective rate of interest becomes:


a) 10%

b) 10.25%
c) 10.5%

d)  None of these


Answer : b


29. The last day of a century cannot be


a) Monday

b) Wednesday
c) Tuesday

d) Friday


Answer : c


30. A and B started a partnership business investing some amount in the ratio of 3 : 5. C joined then after six months with an amount equal to that of B. In what proportion should the profit at the end of one year be distributed among A, B and C?


a) 3 : 5 : 2

b) 3 : 5 : 5
c) 6 : 10 : 5

d) Data inadequate


Answer : c


31. If 3(x - y) = 27 and 3(x + y) = 243, then x is equal to:


a) 0

b) 2
c) 4

c) 6


Answer :  C


32. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 6 hours. After working at it together for 2 hours, C is closed and A and B can fill the remaining part in 7 hours. The number of hours taken by C alone to fill the tank is:


a) 10

b) 12
c) 14

d) 16


Answer : c


33. A rectangular field is to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet uncovered. If the area of the field is 680 sq. feet, how many feet of fencing will be required?


a) 34

b) 40
c) 68

d) 88


Answer : d


34. In a class, there are 15 boys and 10 girls. Three students are selected at random. The probability that 1 girl and 2 boys are selected, is:


a) 21/46

b) 25/117

c) 1/50

d) 3/25


Answer : A


35. Find the odd one out


2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, 64


a) 50

b) 26
c) 37

d) 64


Answer : d


36. A man standing at a point P is watching the top of a tower, which makes an angle of elevation of 30º with the man's eye. The man walks some distance towards the tower to watch its top and the angle of the elevation becomes 60º. What is the distance between the base of the tower and the point P?


a) 43 units

b) 8 units
c) 12 units

d) Data inadequate

Answer : d


37. A hall is 15 m long and 12 m broad. If the sum of the areas of the floor and the ceiling is equal to the sum of the areas of four walls, the volume of the hall is:


a) 720

b) 900
c) 1200

d) 1800


Answer : c


38. How many times in a day, are the hands of a clock in straight line but opposite in direction?


a) 20

b) 22
c) 24

d) 48


Answer : b


39. A boat running upstream takes 8 hours 48 minutes to cover a certain distance, while it takes 4 hours to cover the same distance running downstream. What is the ratio between the speed of the boat and speed of the water current respectively?


a) 2 : 1

b) 3 : 2
c) 8 : 3

d) Cannot be determined

Answer : c


40. At a game of billiards, A can give B 15 points in 60 and A can give C to 20 points in 60. How many points can B give C in a game of 90?


a) 30 points

b) 20 points
c) 10 points

d) 12 points


Answer : c



Section B : Logical  Reasoning Questions


1. In the following question, various terms of an alphabet series are given with one or more terms missing as shown by (?). Choose the missing terms out of the given alternatives.

A, B, N, C, D, O, E, F, P, ?, ?, ?


a) G, H, I

b) G, H, J

c) G, H, Q

d) J, K, L


Answer : c


Directions (2-6): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:

In a sports event, different games are scheduled to be held on seven days, starting on Monday and ending on Sunday. Two games are scheduled to be held on Saturday as well as on Sunday and one game on each of the remaining five days. The games to be held in these seven days are: Basketball, Football, Boxing, Sprinting, and Swimming, shooting, weightlifting, wrestling, and cycling, but not necessarily in the same order. Shooting is scheduled to be held on Thursday. Boxing and Cycling are scheduled to be held on the same day. Wrestling is scheduled to be held three days before basketball, i.e. two sports are scheduled between wrestling and basketball. Wrestling is not scheduled to be held on Wednesday. Weightlifting is scheduled immediately after the day boxing is scheduled. Football is scheduled immediately after the day wrestling is scheduled. Swimming is not scheduled on Monday. 


2. Which of the following games is scheduled to be held on Friday?


a) Basketball
b) Wrestling
c) Swimming
d) Weightlifting

Answer : a


3. Which of the following games is scheduled to be held on Sunday?


a) Football
b) Wrestling
c) Basketball
d) Cycling
e) Swimming


Answer : e


4. On which of the following days is sprinting scheduled?


a) Saturday
b) Friday
c) Wednesday
d) Monday

Answer : d


5. On which of the following days is weightlifting scheduled?


a) Monday
b) Tuesday
c) Wednesday
d) Friday
e) Sunday


Answer :  e


6.  Shooting is related to Basketball in the same way as Wrestling is related to


a) Sprinting
b) Football
c) Shooting
d) Weightlifting

Answer : b


7. In a certain code, COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How is MEDICINE written in the same code?




Answer : a


8.  In a code if THRIVES is denoted by SIUHRDU then SOULFUL is denoted in the same code by





Answer : a


Direction (9 to 13): These questions are based on the figure given above in which (1) Rectangle represents Males, (2) Circle represents the urban (3) Square represents the educated and (4) Triangle represents the civil servants.


9. The number indicating the uneducated urban males is


a) 4
b) 5
c) 7
d) 11


Answer : b


10. The number indicating the educated civil servants who are males but not urbans is 


a) 7
b) 8
c) 9
d) 10


Answer : d


11. The number indicating the educated urban males who are not civil servants is 


a) 8
b) 9
c) 10
d) 11


Answer : b


12. The number indicating the educated males who are urban civil servants is 


a) 4
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9


Answer : c.


13. The number indicating the uneducated females who are urban civil servants is 


a) 6
b) 9
c) 10
d) 11


Answer : d


14. Introducing Suresh, Subha said, “The father of his brother is the only son of my Grandmother”. How is Subha related to Suresh?


a) Mother
b) Cousin
c) Aunt
d) Daughter


Answer : b


15. A B @ # $ 1 2 f G h 9 2 u V n M N Q O? % = 8
If the first half of the above sequence is written in reverse order, which symbol or letter will be 11th of the right of 21th symbol or letter from the left end?


a) G
b) H
c) #
d) @
e) None of these


Answer : e


16. The question given below consists of a statement, followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments a ‘strong’ argument is and which a ‘weak’ argument is.


Statement: Should the railways in India be privatized in a phased manner like other public sector enterprises?




I.Yes. This is the only way to bring in competitiveness and provide better services to the public.
II.No. This will pose a threat to the national security of our country as multinationals will enter into the fray.


a) Only argument I is strong
b) Only argument II is strong
c) Either I or II is strong
d) Neither I nor II is strong
e) Both I and II are strong


Answer : d


17. Read the conclusion and then decides which of the given conclusions logically follows from the two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.




1. Some swords are sharp. 
2. All swords are rusty




I.  Some rusty things are sharp.
II. Some rusty things are not sharp.


a) Only conclusion I follows
b) Only conclusion II follows
c) Either I or II follows
d) Neither I nor II follows
e) Both I and II follow


Answer : a


18. In a code BOY is written as $@% and HOUR is written as ×@£O then RUBY is written in the indicating language is …..


a) O£$%
b) O$£%
c) %$£O
d) %£$O


Answer : a


19. Vijay started to move towards the South. After moving 15 m, he turned to his left and moved 15 m. Again he turned to his left and moved 15 m. Now how far is he from his starting point and in what direction?


a) 15 m, North
b) 15 m, South
c) 30 m, East
d) 15 m, West
e) 15 m, East


Answer : e


20. In a code of PROVIDE is denoted by OSNWHED then MORNING is denoted in the same code by


e) None of these


Answer : a


21. In a row of girls, Rita is eight from the left and Reena is seventeenth from the right. If they interchange their positions, Rita becomes fourteenth from the left. How many girls are there in the row?


a) 25
b) 26
c) 29
d) 32
e) 30


Answer : e


22. What will come in the place of question mark?
G D B A C?


a) E
b) F
c) G
d) H
e) A


Answer : b


23. A good way to figure out the relationship in a given question is to make up a sentence that describes the relationship between the first two words. Then, try to use the same sentence to find out which of the answer choices completes the same relationship with the third word.


Play is to actor as concert is to


a) symphony

b) musician
c) piano

d) percussion


Answer : b


24. In the following question contains a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the question given below it.


The school has always been the most important means of transferring the wealth of tradition form one generation to the next. This applies today in an even higher degree than in former times for, through the modern development of economy, the family as bearer of tradition and education has become weakened. 

This passage best supports the statement that for transferring the wealth of tradition from one generation to the next -


a) there are means other than the school.
b) several different sources must be tried.
c) economic development plays a crucial role
d) modern technology must be put to use.

Answer : c


25. Read the paragraph carefully and determine the main point the author is trying to make. What conclusion can be drawn from the argument? Each paragraph is followed by five statements.One statement supports the author's argument better than the others do.


The criminal justice system needs to change. The system could be more just if it allowed victims the opportunity to confront the person who has harmed them. Also, mediation between victims and their offenders would give the offenders a chance to apologize for the harm they have done.
This paragraph best supports the statement that victims of a crime should


a) learn to forgive their offenders.
b) have the right to confront their offenders.
c) learn the art of mediation.
d) insist that their offenders be punished.

Answer : b


26. In a beach, Rina is walking with her children’s and there she met Samuel and Susan. Samuel introduces Susan to those children as “this person is the daughter of your mother’s father’s mother and is my sister. How is Samuel and Susan related to Rina?


a) Brother, sister
b) Uncle, aunt
c) Cousin, aunt
d) Uncle, Cousin

Answer : b


27. Which of the following is exactly in the middle of the eleventh from the left end and the fifteenth from the right end?

B A 5 D % R I * F H 6 # V 9 $ 3 E 7 G 1 ÷2 M K X 8 U F W Z N


a) V
b) $
c) 7
d) E
e) None


Answer : e


28. Direction: The question given below consists of a statement, followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments a ‘strong’ argument is and which a ‘weak’ argument is.Give answer as


(1) If only argument I is strong

(2) If only argument II is strong

(3) If either I or II is strong

(4) If neither I nor II is strong and

(5) If both I and II are strong.


Statement: Should there be a complete ban on manufacture of firecrackers in India?



I   : No. This will render thousands of workers jobless.

II : Yes. The firecracker manufacturers use child labour to a large extent.      


a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
d) 5


Answer :  a


29. Direction: Read the conclusion and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.




All windows are doors
No door is wall




I. No window is wall

II. No wall is door


a) If only conclusion I follows
b) If only conclusion II follows
c) If either I or II follows
d) If neither I or II follows
e) If both I and II follows


Answer :  a


30. In a certain code “a friend of mine” 'is written as “4 9 1 6 “, “mine lots of metal “is written as “3 1 0 9 “and “a piece of metal “is written as “ 7 1 6 3” . What is the code for 'piece '?


a) 3
b) 2
c) 1
d) 7

Answer :  d


31. A school bus driver starts from the school, drives 2 km towards the North takes a left turn and drives for 5 km. He then takes a left turn and drives for 8km before taking a left turn again and driving for 5km. The driver finally takes a left turn and drives 1 km before stopping. How far and towards which direction should the driver to reach the school again?


a) 3 km towards North
b) 7 km towards East
c) 6 km towards South
d) 6 km towards West
e) 5 km towards North


Answer : e


32. In a code of COURAGE is denoted by UOCREGA then JOURNAL is denoted in the same code by




Answer : a


33. In a queue, Vijay is fourteenth from the front and Jack is seventeenth from the end, while Mary’s position is in the middle of Vijay and Jack. If Vijay be ahead of Jack and there be 48 persons in the queue, how many persons are there between Vijay and Mary?


a) 8

b) 7

c) 6

d) 5


Answer : a


34. Athul finds that he is twelfth from the right in a line of boys and fourth from the left, how many boys should be added to the line such that there are 28 boys in the line?


a) 12
b) 13
c) 14
d) 15

Answer : b


35.  Look carefully the pattern and then fill the blank



a) UAV    
b) UAT
c) TAS
d) TAT

Answer : a


Section C : Verbal Ability Questions


1. Direction: In the following question, find out which part of the sentence has an error. The error may be idiomatic or grammatical. If there is no mistake, the answer is ‘No error’.


Removing seeds from (1)/cotton plants was (2)/a slowest job until (3)/Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin (4)/No error (5).


a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

e) 5


Answer : c


2. Choose the correct meaning of proverb/idiom, if there is no correct meaning 'None of these' will be the answer

To set one's face against.


a) To oppose with determination   
b) To judge by appearance
c) To get out of difficulty  
d) To look at one steadily

Answer : a


3. Direction: Choose the correct SYNONYM of the word in capital letters from the five options given below.




a) Dormant


b) Delicious


c) Fussy


d) Faint


Answer : c


4.  Direction: Fill the blank with suitable one.


Although, he is reputed for making very candid statements .............


a) his today’s speech was not fairly audible

b) his promises had always been realistic

c) his speech was very interesting

d) people follow whatever he instructs to them

e) his today’s statements were very ambiguous


Answer : e


5. Grammatically correct the sentence.


Along with a sharp rise in ……., a recession would eventually result in more men, women and children living in ………. .


a) Crime, apathy

b) Fatalities, poor

c) Deaths, slums

d) Unemployment, poverty

e) Migrations, streets


Answer : d


6. Direction: In the following question, the first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts and named, P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the parts and find out which of the four combinations is correct. Find the correct answer.


1. A study

P. success increase

Q. concludes that

R. and chances for

S. commitment to future tasks

6. future success







Answer : C


7. Direction: Choose the correct ANTONYM of the word in capital letters from the five options given below.




a) Disagreeable

b) Inconvenient

c) Delightful

d) Unsuitable


Answer : a


8. Direction: A statement given below is capable of being expressed by a one word. The sentence is followed by four such words of which only one is correct. Pick out the correct choice


A lady’s umbrella is……..


a) Parasol

b) Granary

c) Epitaph

d) Aviary


Answer : a


9. Direction: In the following question, find out which part of the sentence has an error. The error may be idiomatic or grammatical. If there is no mistake, the answer is ‘No error’.


India is a land of (1)/great political leaders (2)/who ruled the country effectively (3)/and also by protecting its national interest. (4)/No error (5).


a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

e) 5


Answer : C


10. In the following question five alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase capitalized in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase.


Why do you wish to TREAD ON THE TOES?


a) To give offence to them
b) To follow them grudgingly
c) To treat them indifferently
d) To be kicked by them
e) To be treat them


Answer : a


11. Direction: Choose the correct ANTONYM of the word in capital letters from the five options given below.




a) Decadent

b) Teutonic

c) Slavish

d) Autonomous


Answer : a


12. Direction: Choose the correct SYNONYM of the word in capital letters from the five options given below.




a) Briskness
b) Fear
c) Frankness
d) Duplicity

Answer :  a


13. Direction: Fill the blank with suitable one.


The ...... of the Minister's statement cannot be verified by people who have no access to official records.


a) Veracity

b) Verbosity

c) Ambiguity

d) Validity


Answer : a


14. Direction: In this question, the first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence is split into four parts and named, P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the parts and find out which of the four combinations is correct. Find the correct answer.


1. As we move

P. We face increasing number of stressful events

Q. for instance

R. through middle age

S. that are not

6. easily controlled







Answer : d


15. Direction: A statement given below is capable of being expressed by a one word. The sentence is followed by four such words of which only one is correct. Pick out the correct choice.


A person who renounces the world and practices self-discipline in order to attain salvation.


a) Sceptic

b) Ascetic

c) Devotee

d) Antiquarian


Answer : b


16.  Grammatically correct the sentence.


If I……..a more reliable car, I…………to Spain rather than fly.


a) Would have…..Would drive

b) Had…..Had driven

c) Had……Would drive

d) Would have had……Would drive


Answer : c


Direction (17- 20): Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions given below.

Harold a professional man who had worked in an office for many years had a fearful dream. In it, he found himself in a land where small slug-like animals with slimy tentacles lived on people's bodies. The people tolerated the loathsome creatures because after many years they grew into elephants which then became the nation's system of transport, carrying everyone wherever he wanted to go. Harold suddenly realized that he himself was covered with these things, and he woke up screaming. In a vivid sequence of pictures this dream dramatized for Harold what he had never been able to put in to words; he saw himself as letting society feed on his body in his early years so that it would carry him when he retired. He later threw off the "security bug" and took up freelance work.


17. In his dream Harold found the loathsome creatures


a) in his village

b) in his own house

c) in a different land

d) in his office


Answer : c


18. Which one of the following phrases best helps to bring out the precise meaning of 'loathsome creatures'?


a)  Security bug and slimy tentacles

b)  Fearful dream and slug-like animals

c)  Slimy tentacles and slug-like animals

d)  Slug-like animals and security bug


Answer : c


19.  The statement that 'he later threw off the security bug' means that


a) Harold succeeded in overcoming the need for security

b) Harold stopped giving much importance to dreams

c) Harold started tolerating social victimization

d) Harold killed all the bugs troubled him


Answer : a


20.  Harold's dream was fearful because


a) It brought him face to face with reality

b) It was full of vivid pictures of snakes

c) He saw huge elephant in it

d) In it he saw slimy creatures feeding on people's bodies


Answer : a
