LIC Question Bank

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Reasoning Ability Test question and answers for LIC,IBPS bank PO UPSC CDS,SCRA SSB,SSC......practice questions,LIC model questions for practice,LIC reasoning aptitude general awareness questions for practice 

Directions—(Q. 1–5) For each of the following questions there is some relationship between the two terms to the leftof :: and the same relationship obtains between the two terms to its right. In each of thesequestions the fourth term is missing. This term is one of the alternatives among the five terms given below. Find out this term.

1. ABCD is related to BEGI in the same way as BCDE is relatedto ... ?





Ans : (B)

2. ABEF is related to BCFG in the same way as GHKL is relatedto ... ?





Ans : (B)

3. BYCX is related to AZDW in the same way as DWEV is relatedto ... ?





Ans : (B)

4. 'CIRCLE' is related to 'RICELC' in the same way as 'SQUARE' is related to—





Ans : (A)

5. 'JKLM' is related to 'XYZA' in the same way as 'NOPQ' is related to—





Ans : (D)

Directions—(Q. 6–15) Each of the following questions has four alternative responses. Select the correct response.

6. Which one of the following is same as liver, heart, kidney?

(A) Nose

(B) Blood

(C) Urine

(D) Lung

Ans : (D)

7. Which one of the following is same as uncle, aunt, brother?

(A) Child

(B) Boy

(C) Adult

(D) Nephew

Ans : (D)

8. Which one of the following is same as Jute, Cotton,Wool ?

(A) Nylon

(B) Rayon

(C) Silk

(D) Terylene

Ans : (C)

9. Which one of the following is same aslead, convince, allure?

(A) Direct

(B) Order

(C) Initiate

(D) Fascinate

Ans : (D)

10. Which one of the following is same as flood, fire, cyclone?

(A) Accident

(B) Rain

(C) Earthquake

(D) Damage

Ans : (C)

11. Which one of the following is same ascarpenter, plumber, electrician ?

(A) Doctor

(B) Blacksmith

(C) Teacher

(D) Lawyer

Ans : (B)

12. Which one of the following is same as cork, plug,dam ?

(A) Obstruction

(B) Drain

(C) Pipe

(D) Tap

Ans : (A)

13. Which one of the following is same as red, yellow, blue?

(A) Sky

(B) Dark

(C) Green

(D) Bright

Ans : (C)

14. Which one of the following is same as desire, wish,want ?

(A) Pleasant

(B) Feel

(C) Anxiety

(D) Satisfy

Ans : (C)

15. Which one of the following is same as ohm, volt, amp. ?

(A) Light

(B) Metre

(C) Hour

(D) Watt

Ans : (D)

Directions—(Q. 16–20) In each of the sentences given below, there are two questions marks given one in the beginning and the other at the end. To fill up the question marks, there are few alternatives. Choose the correct alternative.

16. ( ? ) is related to Masculine in the same way Woman is relatedto ?

(A) Disguise, Modest

(B) Capacity, Woman

(C) Man, Feminine

(D) Brave, Mrs.

Ans : (C)

17. ( ? ) is to Sky as Fish isto ?

(A) Blue, Swim

(B) Bird, Water

(C) Open, Hook

(D) Tree, Colour

Ans : (B)

18. ( ? ) is to Uncle as Mother isto ?

(A) Brother, Brought-up

(B) Father, Aunt

(C) Cousin, Beautiful

(D) Aunt, Father

Ans : (D)

19. ( ? ) is to Sri Lanka as Delhi isto ?

(A) Columbo, India

(B) Kathmandu, Capital

(C) India, Paris

(D) Island, Harbour

Ans : (D)

20. ( ? ) is to Ivory as Deer isto ?

(A) White, Hunt

(B) Elephant, Horn

(C) Huge, Rare

(D) Costly, Scarce

Ans : (B)

Directions—From questions 21 to 25 fill the correct pair in place of question marks.

21. Table is to ( ? ) as Cup isto ?

(A) Furniture, Tea

(B) Student, Horse

(C) Wood, Hot

(D) Chair, Plate

Ans : (D)

22. Sugar is to ( ? ) asMava is to ?

(A) Sweet, Sour

(B) Energy, Machine

(C) Sugarcane, Milk

(D) White, Sweet

Ans : (C)

23. ( ? ) is to Sun as Rain isto ?

(A) Moon, Rainbow

(B) Light, Cloud

(C) Sky, Wet

(D) Day, Night

Ans : (B)

24. ( ? ) is to Brain as Mouth isto ?

(A) Skull, Tongue

(B) Hat, Lips

(C) Hair, Voice

(D) Turban, Saliva

Ans : (A)

25. ( ? ) is to Touch as Ear isto ?

(A) Hand, Know

(B) Experience, Feeling

(C) Skin, Hear

(D) Hair, Dirt

Ans : (C)

Directions—(Q. 26–30) In Column I are listed certain groups of individuals while in Column II are listed some of the characteristics against each group of individuals which are common to each member of that group.

Column I     Column II

FHI             J TW

IJK                 PT

IJLM             SUW

GHIK            M RV

GHI             QRV

FGI             PR

HIJ             QTW

IJL             QSUW

GIJ             PQS

26. Which individualhas all the above characteristics?

(A) J

(B) I

(C) H

(D) M

Ans : (B)

27. Which characteristics are found either in J or in K or in both but in M?

(A) P, Q, T

(B) P, Q, R, S

(C) Q, R, S, T

(D) U, V, T

Ans : (A)

28. Which Characteristics is common to G and H but not in M?

(A) S

(B) B

(C) Q

(D) R

Ans : (C)

29. Which Characteristics are common to H and J but not in K?

(A) P, Q

(B) Q, W

(C) Q, R

(D) R, W

Ans : (B)

30. Which Characteristics is not found either in F or in L or in both?

(A) Q

(B) U

(C) S

(D) V

Ans : (D)

Directions—(Q. 31–35) In each of the following question, three words are given with four alternatives. One of the four alternatives is same as the three words given in beginning. Then find out the correct alternative answer.

31. Which oneis the same as Mumbai, Kolkata, Cochin ?

(A) Delhi

(B) Kanpur

(C) Chennai

(D) Sholapur

Ans : (C)

32. Which oneis the same as Coal, Ebony and Soot?

(A) Blush

(B) Raven

(C) Ash

(D) Rust

Ans : (C)

33. Which oneis the same as Basket, Pail and Pan ?

(A) Knife

(B) Spoon

(C) Fork

(D) Bowl

Ans : (D)

34. Which oneis the same as Emancipate, Free and Release?

(A) Ignore

(B) Pardon

(C) Liberate

(D) Quit

Ans : (C)

35. Which oneis the same as Daisy, Pansy and Rose?

(A) Bed

(B) Violet

(C) Plant

(D) Red

Ans : (C)

Directions—Find out the correct answer in each of the questions from 36 to 40.

36. Which oneis the same as Arid, Parched and Droughty ?

(A) Draft

(B) Cow

(C) Earth

(D) Dry

Ans : (D)

37. Which one is the same as Grandfather, Father and Brother?

(A) Baby

(B) Father-in-law

(C) Son

(D) Son-in-law

Ans : (C)

38. Which one is the same as Yellow, Orange and Green?

(A) Tree

(B) Purple

(C) Grass

(D) Leaf

Ans : (B)

39. Which one is the same as Lungs, Liver and Kidneys?

(A) Heart

(B) Intestines

(C) Testis

(D) Neck

Ans : (A)

40. Which one is the same as Lock, Shut and Fasten?

(A) Window

(B) Door

(C) Block

(D) Iron

Ans : (C)

Directions—(Q. 41–45) In each of the following questions, three words are given. Under them four alternatives are provided, one of which expresses most effectively the general characteristic if these three words. That alternative is your answer.

41. Aeroplane, Train, Truck

(A) Speed

(B) Rooms

(C) Wheels

(D) Transport

Ans : (D)

42. Wolf, Leopard, Deer

(A) Meat eater

(B) Jungles

(C) Mammals

(D) Cruel

Ans : (C)

43. Sword, Gun, Pistol

(A) Arms

(B) Constable

(C) Bullet

(D) War

Ans : (A)

44. Fraud, Jealously, Hatred

(A) Destruction

(B) Envy

(C) Human Characteristics

(D) Quality

Ans : (C)

45. Novel, Epic, Drama

(A) Subject

(B) Literature

(C) Poetry

(D) Knowledge

Ans : (B)

Directions—(Q. 46–50) In each of the following questions, three words are given. They are followed by four words, one of which stands for the class to which these three words belong. Identify that word.

46. Wheat, Barley, Rice

(A) Food

(B) Gram

(C) Cereal

(D) Agriculture

Ans : (C)

47. Coal, Iron, Mica

(A) Rock

(B) Minerals

(C) Gold

(D) Earth

Ans : (B)

48. Honesty, Credibility, Reliability

(A) Quality

(B) Dependability

(C) Charter

(D) Nicety

Ans : (A)

49. Cap, Coat, Trousers

(A) Smart

(B) Shirt

(C) Dress

(D) Tailor

Ans : (C)

50. Stool, Table, Chair

(A) Bench

(B) Furniture

(C) Carpet

(D) Office

Ans : (B)

Directions—(Q. 51–60) For each of the following questions, there are two words and five alternative answers. In each of the alternative answers there are two words. Then find out the alternative whose two words have the same relation as in the two words given in question.

51. Resignation : Office ::

(A) Competition : Game

(B) Illness : Hospital

(C) Abdication : Throne

(D) Moisture : Rain

(E) Appointment : Interview

Ans : (C)

52. Bunch : Key ::

(A) Hound : Pack

(B) Team : Competition

(C) Beehive : Bee

(D) Examination : Subject

(E) Bouquet : Flower

Ans : (E)

53. Profit : Loss ::

(A) Success : Failure

(B) Rupee : Paisa

(C) Whole : Part

(D) Multiplication : Addition

(E) Adult : Child

Ans : (A)

54. Sapling : Tree ::

(A) Horse : Mare

(B) Student: Teacher

(C) Bud : Flower

(D) Tree : Furniture

(E) River : Brook

Ans : (C)

55. Supervisor : Worker ::

(A) Junior : Senior

(B) Superior : Inferior

(C) Elder : Younger

(D) Debtor : Creditor

(E) Officer : Clerk

Ans : (E)

56. Malaria : Mosquito ::

(A) Poison : Death

(B) Rat : Plague

(C) Epidemic : Bacteria

(D) Cholera : Water

(E) Medicine : Disease

Ans : (D)

57. Paisa : Rupee ::

(A) Kilogram : Quintal

(B) Metre : Centimetre

(C) Coin : Money

(D) Weight : Ton

(E) Rupee : Wealth

Ans : (A)

58. Poet : Verse ::

(A) Prose : Novelist

(B) Author : Book

(C) Novel : Prose

(D) Publication : Editor

(E) Summary : Paraphrase

Ans : (B)

59. Water : Thirst ::

(A) Food : Hunger

(B) Sun : Energy

(C) Appetite : Meal

(D) Ice-cream : Cold

(E) Poison : Death

Ans : (A)

60. Pulp : Paper ::

(A) Wood : Table

(B) Cloth : Shirt

(C) Yarn : Fabric

(D) Iron : Steel

(E) Wood : Sawdust

Ans : (C)

Directions—(Q. 61–70) For each of the following questions, there are two words and eight alternative answers. Then find out two such alternatives the relation in which is the same as in the two words given in the beginning.

61. Trees and Forest

(A) Ocean (B) Page

(C) Books (D) Study

(E) Library (F) Ship

(G) Boys (H) Classes

Ans : (C, E)

62. Constable and Police

(A) Clerk (B) Hospital

(C) Medicine (D) Mother

(E) Girl (F) Doctor

(G) File (H) House

Ans : (B, F)

63. Brother-in-law and Sister

(A) I (B) Youth

(C) Female-companion (D) Wife

(E) My (F) Beautiful Woman

(G) Damsel (H) Sister-in-law

Ans : (B, G)

64. Cold and Hot

(A) January (B) Monday

(C) Year(D) June

(E) March (F) Thursday

(G) Month (H) August

Ans : (A, D)

65. High and Low

(A) Far (B) Rent

(C) Next (D) Near

(E) Distance (F) Fair

(G) Last (H) Clean

Ans : (A, D)

66. Unsuccess and Laziness

(A) Study (B) Success

(C) Day (D) School

(E) Labour (F) Lazy

(G) Game (H) Honesty

Ans : (E, B)

67. Car and Garage

(A) Horse (B) Grass

(C) Bird (D) Water

(E) Man (F) Stable

(G) Animal (H) Hive

Ans : (A, F)

68. Hand and Fingers

(A) Foot (B) Eyes

(C) Hat (D) Teeth

(E) Head (F) Stomach

(G) Nose (H) Hair

Ans : (E, H)

69. Oxygen and Man

(A) Petrol (B) Stool

(C) Carpenter (D) Sky

(E) Driver (F) Wood

(G) Water (H) Fish

Ans : (G, H)

70. Neat and Clean

(A) Dirty (B) Tidy

(C) Route (D) White

(E) Wise (F) Ravi

(G) Foul (H) Beauty

Ans : (A, G)

Directions—(Q.71–75) In each of the following two columns, the groups of three words are given. Compare two columns and find the pairs given below each question, which satisfy the same relationship between the two groups of that pair.

Column I

(A) Cereal, Wheat, Tomato

(B) Seeds, Apple, Fruit

(C) Mother, Sister, Female

(D) Teacher, Writer, Speaker

(E) Stool, Furniture, Table

Column II

(P) Apple, Banana, Fruit

(Q) Wheat, Barley, Cereals

(R) Doctor, Painter, Father

(S) Cow, Mammal, Animal

(I) Soldier, Army, Civilian

71. (A) BP

(B) AQ

(C) CR

(D) EP

Ans : (D)

72. (A) BR

(B) AT

(C) CS

(D) DP

Ans : (C)

73. (A) DR

(B) BR

(C) ET

(D) CS

Ans : (A)

74. (A) BS

(B) AT

(C) AQ

(D) DQ

Ans : (B)

75. (A) CR

(B) EQ

(C) BQ

(D) DS

Ans : (B)

1. Piyush is 18th from either end of a row of boys. How many boys are there in that row ?

(A) 26

(B) 32

(C) 24

(D) 35-Answer

2. ‘Medicine’ is related to ‘Patient’ in the same way as ‘Education’ is related to—

(A) Teacher

(B) School

(C) Student

(D) Tuition

(C) As ‘Medicine’ is used by a ‘Patient’ in the same way ‘Education’ is used by a ‘Student’.

3. Fill in the missing letter in the following series—

S, V, Y, B, ?

(A) C

(B) D

(C) E-Answer

(D) G

4. What should come in the place of question mark in the following series ?

3, 8, 6, 14, ?, 20

(A) 11

(B) 10

(C) 8

(D) 9-Answer

5. Select the correct option in place of the question mark—




(C) IWX-Answer


6. What should come in the place of question mark in the following series ?

1, 4, 9, 25, 36, ?

(A) 48

(B) 49-Answer

(C) 52

(D) 56

7. In a class of 60 where boys are twice that of girls, Raman ranked 17th from the top. If there are 9 boys ahead of Raman, how many girls are after her in the rank ?

(A) 26

(B) 12-Answer

(C) 10

(D) 33

8. If ‘BOAT’ is written as ‘YLZG’ in a code language how is ‘EGG’ to be written in the same language ?



(C) VTT-Answer


9. In a code language SINGER is written as AIBCED then GINGER will be written in the same code as—


(B) CIBCED-Answer



10. If BAT is coded as 283, CAT is coded as 383 and ARE is coded as 801, then the code for BETTER is—

(A) 213310-Answer

(B) 213301

(C) 123301

(D) 012334

11. If water is called black, black is called tree, tree is called blue, blue is called rain, rain is called pink and pink is called fish in a certain language then what is the colour of sky called in that language ?

(A) Blue

(B) Fish

(C) Rain-Answer

(D) Pink

12. A man walks 3 km northwards and then turns left and goes 2 km. He again turns left and goes 3 km. He turns right and walks straight. In which direction he is walking now ?

(A) East-Answer

(B) West

(C) North

(D) South

13. One morning after sunrise Vikas and Shanu were standing in a lawn with their back towards each other. Vikas’s shadow fell exactly towards left-hand side. Which direction Shanu was facing ?

(A) East

(B) West

(C) North

(D) South-Answer

14. Neelam is taller than Paumpi but not as tall as Mihir. Roma is taller than Namarata but not as tall as Paumpi. Who among them is the tallest ?

(A) Mihir Answer

(B) Paumpi

(C) Namarata

(D) Neelam

Answer-Mihir > Neelam > Paumpi > Roma > Namrata = The tallest is Mihir.

15. In an examination Raja got more marks than Mohit but not as many as Minal. Minal got more marks than Suresh and Rupali. Suresh got less marks than Mohit but his marks are not the lowest in the group. Who is second in the descending order of marks ?

(A) Minal

(B) Rupali

(C) Raja

(D) None of these

Answer(C) Minal > Raja > Mohit > Suresh > Rupali

16. Pointing to a photograph of a girl, Raja said “She has no sister or daughter but her mother is the only daughter of my mother’’. How is the girl in the photograph related with Raja’s mother ?

(A) Sister in law

(B) Grand Daughter

(C) Daughter in law

(D) None of these
Answer-The girl in the photograph is the daughter of Raja’s sister. Hence the girl is grand daughter of Raja’s mother.

17. If Suyash’s father is Babloo’s father’s only son and Babloo has neither a brother nor a daughter. What is the relationship between Suyash and Babloo ?

(A) Uncle–Nephew

(B) Father–Daughter

(C) Father–Son

(D) Grandfather–Grandson

Answer (C) Suyash is the son of Babloo.

18. An application was received by inward clerk in the afternoon of a weekday. Next day he forwarded it to the table of the senior clerk, who was on leave that day. The senior clerk next day evening put up the application to the desk officer. Desk officer studied the application and disposed off the matter on the same day, i.e., Friday. Which day the application was received by the inward clerk ?

(A) Tuesday

(B) Earlier week’s Saturday

(C) Wednesday

(D) Monday

Answer-(C) The desk officer received the application on Friday. Hence the senior clerk received it on Thursday and the inward clerk received the application on Wednesday.

19. Flight to Mumbai leaves every 5 hours. At the information counter I learnt that the flight took off 25 minutes before. If the time now is 10 : 45 a.m., what is the time for the next flight ?

(A) 2 : 20 a.m.

(B) 3 : 30 a.m.

(C) 3 : 55 p.m.

(D) 3 : 20 p.m.
Answer-(D) The time for the next flight= 10·45 – 0·25 + 5·00= 15·20 = 3 : 20 p.m.

20. Babloo ranked 16th from the top and 29th from the bottom among those who passed an examination. 6 boys did not participate in the competition and 5 failed in the examination. How many boys were there in that class ?

(A) 44

(B) 40

(C) 50

(D) 55

Answer- (D) Number of boys in the class= (16 + 29 – 1) + 6 + 5 = 55

21. Indra is 7th from the left and Jaya is 5th from the right. When they interchange their position Jaya becomes 19th from the right. What is Indra’s position from the left ?

(A) 21st-Answer

(B) 19th

(C) 23rd

(D) 20th

22. If EARTHQUAKE is coded as MOGPENJOSM then EQUATE will be coded as—




(D) MNJOPM-Answer

23. If COUNTRY is coded in certain way as EMWLVPA, ELECTORATE will be coded in the same manner as—





24. ‘Air’ is to ‘Bird’ as ‘Water’ is to…

(A) Drink

(B) Fish

(C) Wash

(D) Swim
Answer-(B) As ‘Bird’ flies in ‘Air’ similarly ‘Fish’ swims in ‘Water’.

25. ‘Pencil’ is to ‘Write’ as ‘Knife’ is to ……….

(A) Injure

(B) Peel

(C) Prick

(D) Attack

Answer -(D) As ‘Pencil’ is used to ‘Write’ similarly ‘Knife’ is used to ‘Attack’.
