NHPC Question-Bank Questions of Engg civil,electrical,mechanical,general aptitude,geology

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NHPC -Question Bank -Question of Civil Engg, Electrical, Mechanical. IT.CA,Fiance, Geology, and general aptitude intelligence NHPC Previous years placement paper questions with answers

1 The ceiling height of a building may be defined as:
(1)Height of the roof above the ground level
(2)Height between the ceiling and ground level
(3)Height between the ceiling and floor level
(4)Height of the ceiling from the basement

2 The minimum number of days after which the form work under the slabs (including props) can be stripped is:

3 For a given soil material the values of d60, d30, and d10 are 1.0 mm, 0.90 mm and 0.81 mm respectively. The values of coefficient of curvature and coefficient of uniformity respectively would be:
(1)1.0 and 1.23
(2)1.11 and 1.21
(3)1.0 and 0.81
(4)0.18 and 1.23

4.A flow is occurring in series through four soils having permeability values as 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 and 0.0001 cm/sec. The maximum head lost will be through the soil having a permeability value of:
(1)0.1 cm/sec
(2)0.01 cm/sec
(3)0.001 cm/sec
(4)0.0001 cm


1. What other effect of the electric current is also present in the fluorescent lamp and causes losses in the efficiency of the lamp?
(1)The chemical effect
(2)The magnetic effect
(3)The heating effect
(4)The chemical and magnetic effect

2. The electromotive force is:
(1)The torque produced by a motor
(2)The force experienced by an electromagnet
(3)The force with which the current carrying conductors attract or repel each other
(4)The voltage produced by voltage source

3 Inside a hollow spherical conductor:
(1)E is zero
(2)E is constant
(3)E changes with the magnitude of the charge given to the conductor
(4)E changes with distance from the centre of sphere


1. If V is the volume of metal in a casting and A its surface area, the time of solidification will be proportional to:
(1)V, 1/A
(2)V, 1/A2
(3)V2, 1/A
(4)V2, 1/A2

2.The collapsible tooth paste tubes are manufactured by:
(1)Direct extrusion
(3)Impact extrusion
(4)Indirect extrusion

3.If lbe the length of job, d is diameter, f the feed, and n the spindle speed, then time for turning the job is equal to:

4.Average cutting speed in machining cast iron by a single point cutting high speed steel is:
(1)6 m/mt
(2)11 m/mt
(3)22 m/mt
(4)33 m/mt


General Awareness/ Intelligence / Aptitude

DIRECTIONS: Study the following diagram to answer this question.


NHPC -NHPC Limited (Formerly known as National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd.)Question Bank -Question of Civil Engg, Electrical, Mechanical. IT.CA,Fiance, Geology, and general aptitude intelligence NHPC Previous years placement paper questions with answers

No of students in the square study sociology.
No of students in the Hexagon study Economics.
No of students in the oval study History.
No of student in the triangle study Psychology.
1.What is the percentage of students who have taken three subjects out of the given four subjects?
(2)11 and 1/9%
(4) None of these

2 ECG is used to detect the problems associated with heart, which of the following serves the same function for brain?
DIRECTIONS: This question, a series is given which may consist of numbers, alphabets or a mixture of both. You have to identify from the choicesgiven against question, the next term in the series in the place of question mark.
3. P3C, R5F, T8I, V12L, ?

4 The position of the first and the fifth digits in the number 89123647 are interchanged. Similarly, the positions of thesecond and the sixth digits are interchanged, and so on. Which of the following will be the fourth digit from the right endafter the rearrangement?
(4)None of these

5.The science of dealing with the studies of benign and malignant tumours is:

6 Which of the following Article of Constitution of India entrusts parents with the responsibility of providing opportunitiesfor education to their children?
(1)Article 21 (A)
(2)Article51 (A)
(3)Article 45 (A)
(4)Article 350 (A)




1. Taxing authorities allow the fully installed cost of an asset to be written off for tax purposes. This amount is called the asset's:
(1)Cost of capital
(2)Initial cash outlay
(3)Depreciable basis
(4)Sunk cost

2. A profitability index of .85 for a project means that:
(1)The present value of benefits is 85% greater than the project's costs
(2)The project's NPV is greater than zero
(3)The project returns 85 cents in present value for each current dollar invested
(4)The payback period is less than one year

3.India’s first credit bureau through which commercial banks will share credit history of the customers:

4.A bank, examining comparative statements of financial position and other financial data relating to a company, is faced with the decision on whether or not to approve a loan to the company. It would probably be least intere
sted in which ofthe following ratios?
(1)Quick ratio
(2)Current ratio
(3)Earning per share ratio
(4)Inventory turnover ratio



1. TOC test is carried for waste water to measure:
(1)Titrametric organic carbon
(2)Total organic carbon
(3)Total overall carbon
(4) Tetravalent organic carbon

2.Plume relates to:
(1)Continuous release of air pollutants/ gases mixture from stack
(2)Instantaneous release of air pollutants/ gases mixture from stack
(3)Step wise release of air pollutants/ gases mixture from stack
(4)Pulse wise release of air pollutants/ gases mixture from stack

3.Design of venturi scrubber to remove air pollutants is based on:
(1)Speeding up of waste gases in the converging section
(2)Mechanical force
(3)Concentration of pollutants
(4)Speeding up of waste gases in the diverging section

4..Basic principle of Electrostatic Precipitators is:
(1)Electrostatic attraction
(2)Magnetic attraction
(3)Electric current
(4)Electro–Magnetic attraction




1. "Espirit de crops" principle means:
(1)Union is strength
(2)Union is power
(3)Union is motive
(4)Union is command

2. Management by objective implies:
(1)Setting objectives at the top
(2)Setting objectives at subordinate level with the help of top
(3)Setting objectives to maximize profits
(4)Setting objectives at all levels

3 .Which is the function of HRM process:
(1)Acquisition on human resources
(2)Development of human resources
(3)Maintenance of human resources
(4)All the above

4 .Win-Win strategy is also known as:



1. The Wiechert-Gutenberg discontinuity observed at:
(1)About 35 km below the surface
(2)About 2881 km below the surface
(3)About 3473 km below the surface
(4)About 200 km below the surface

2 High heat-flow isobserved in:
(1)Ocean trenches
(2)Precambrian shields
(3)Ocean ridges
(4)Cenozoic volcanic areas

3 .Who discovered the “principle of uniformitarianism”:
(1)Author Holmes
(2)Charles Lyell
(3)James Hutton
(4)James Hall

4 The least contaminated and primitive lavas in the Deccan Basalt Stratigraphy is represented by:
(1)Mahabaleshwar Formations
(2)Jawar Formation
(3)Bhimshankar Formation
(4)Ambenali Formation

1.Find the odd one amongst the following:
(1)Telluric Method
(2)Gravity Method
(3)Magnetic Method
(4)Resistivity Method

2.The Adams-Williamson equation is utilized for modeling the variation of the following with depth inside the earth:
(1)Temperature Variation
(2)Pressure Variation
(3)Density Variation
(4)Electrical Properties

3.A Seismic Phase refracted along the Mohorovicic discontinuity is denoted as:

4.The approximate distances to the planets from the sun follows the:
(1)Kepler’s Law
(2)Titus-Bode’s Law
(3)Newton’s Law
(4)Poisson’s Law

1.Pyriformis syndrome results due to:
(1)Injury to Sciatic nerve
(2)Injury to Pyriformis muscle
(3)Compression of Sciatic nerve by piriformis muscle
(4)Injury to nerve supply to Pyriformis muscle

2.Percussion helps to assess whether the underlying tissues are:
(1)Air filled
(2)Fluid filled
(3)Solid filled
(4)All of these

3.Percentage of RBCs destroyed daily in normal young adult is:

4.The conductive system in human heart includes all except:
(1)AV Node
(2)Bundle of His
(3)Purkinjee fibres
(4)SA Node
