CSC Aptitude-Analytical placement paper questions

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CSC sample placement papers of aptitude and technical questions.CSC previously asked model questions of aptitude reasoning and communication skills questions with answers

CSC sample and model placement papers questions of aptitude and reasoning

1. If a printer can print 2 pages of text per second, then at this rate, approximately      how many minutes will take to print 5000 pages of  text.
a. 4        b. 25        c. 42        d. 250

2. Last year vivek saved 10% of his annual earnings, this year he earned 5% more  than last year and he saved 12% of his annual earnings. The amount saved this       year was what percentage of the amount saved last year?
a. 124%        b.126%        c.128%        d.122%

Q(3-4) In a class consisting of 75 students 25 didn’t know typing,45 knew short hand and 10 knew neither typing nor short hand.

3. How many students knew both typing and short hand?
a. 20        b. 25        c. 30        d. cannot be determined
4.  How many students knew only typing?
a. 20        b. 25        c. 30        d. 35

5. What is the value of  15²-14²+13²-12². . . . -2²+1²?
a. 225        b.265        c.120        d.125

6.   Tanks A&B are each in the shape of right circular cylinder,the interior of tank A has a height of 10mts and circumference of 8mts and the interior of tank B has a height of  8mts and circumference of  10mts. Tha capacity of tank A is what  %  capacity of tank B.
a. 80%        b.75%        c.100%        d.120%

7. In a survey, 20% of a town has car, and 10% has a bike. 1/3rd of the car owners also own a bike. What proportion of the town doesn’t own either a car or a bike?
a. 23/30        b. 11/15        c. 7/10        d. 1/6

8. In how many arrangements can a teacher seat 3 girls and 3 boys in a row of 6   
Seats, if the boys are to have 1, 3, 5 seats?
a. 9        b. 12        c. 36        d. 720

9. There are 11 women and 9 men in certain club. If the club is to select a Committee of  2 women and 2 men, how many different such committees are possible.
a.120        b. 720        c. 1060        d. 1980

 10. A grocer has 400 pounds of coffee in stock, 20% of which is decaffeinated. If the grocer buys another 100 pounds of coffee of which 60% is decaffeinated. What percent by weight, of the grocer stock of coffee is decaffeinated?
a. 30%        b. 28%        c. 32%        d. 34%

11. Mr.Verma  has two children and at least one of them is a girl. What is the probability that the both children are girls?
 a. ¼         b. ½        c. 300/11         d. Cannot be determined

12. 4.8(10^9)/ 1.6(10³)
a. 30(10^6)    b. 30^5        c. 30(10^5)    d. [3(10)]^6

13. If I have to measure all weights from 1kg to 121kg , what is the minimum number of weights I should keep?
a. 1        b. 5        c. 13        d. 21

14. If f(x)=minimum (3x+5,10-2x),what is the maximum possible value of f(x)?
a. 1        b. 3        c. 6        d. 8

15. Mara runs faster than gail, lily runs faster than mara, gail runs faster than lily. If the two statements are true the third statement is
a. false        b. uncertain    c. none        d. true    

16. A mountain goat attempts to scale a cliff 60 ft high every minute the goat bounds upward three feet but slips back two, how long does it take for the goat to reach the top?
a. 1hr        b. 48 mins        c. 30min        d. 58min

17. In the triangle ABC right angled at B, AB = 4cm. BC = 3 cm and DE=EF. If BE is extended to meet AC at G, then find the length of AG.


a. 15/7                          b. 20/7             c. 35/14            d. 5/2

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following:

If x and y are positive integers, then A(x,y) is defined as follows
A(0,y)  = y+1
A(x,0)  = x
A(x,y) = A(x-1,A(0,y-1))
A(0,0) = 1

18. The value of A(1,3) is
a. 1        b. 2                  c.3                    d. 4

19. The value of A(3,0) is
a2                  b. 3                  c. 4                    d. 5

20. The value of A(2,0) is
a. 1               b. 2                  c. 3                    d. 4
