Accenture Question Bank

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Accenture Solved Paper

Factorial of number?
Sorting an array??
Fibonacci series?
Perfect number?
Armstrong number?
Reverse of string(with and without string reverse)
Can you write a c program for 2x3 and 3x1 matrix multiplication?

Accenture Technical Questions

Difference between Arrays and Linked List?
What are pointers in c?
What is data warehousing?
What is Recursion Function?
What is TDM?
What are the layers of OSI Model?
Difference between TCP and UDP?
What is Function Overloading?
What is the difference between C and Java?
What is the difference between array and pointer?
What is normalisation?and their types?
What is the difference between Char and Varchar in DBMS?
What is the difference between C and CPP?
Why C is procedural?
What are the phases of a compiler?
Define Routing Algorithm?
Define map and hash functions?
What is circular linked list?
What are the types of data models?

Accenture GD Topics

GD Topics
15 to 20 minutes
GD Panel
10 to 12 Members


Status of women in india?
How Indians are harassed in Australia and what should we do to help them?
Innovation in Software?
Dress code is Necessary for College Students are not?
Ragging should be legalised?
Effect of cinema on Youth?
India china economy?
Reservation System in India?
Politics in India between regional and national parties?
Impact of Global Warming?
Impact of IT on India?
Why India is Lagging in Olympics?
Should Hockey still be the national game of India?
Impact of Televisions on Humans?
should actors join Politics?

Accenture HR Interview

Explain Your Current Project?


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What are your short term and long term goals?
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Can you go anywhere for working in Accenture?
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Tell me top 3 Indian IT Companies?
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Do you have any question for me?

Accenture aptitude questions, Accenture free on line mock test questions with answers,

1. Some guy holding a glass of wine in his hand looking around in the room says, "This is same as it was four years ago, how old are your two kids now?" Other guy says "Three now, Pam had one more in the meanwhile." Pam says, "If you multiply their ages, answer is 96 and if you add the ages of first two kids, addition is same as our house number." The first guy says, "You are very smart but that doesn't tell me their ages." Pam says, "It's very simple, just think." What are the ages of three kids?

Ans: 8, 6, 2

2. My rack contains 8 Red colour ties, 13 violate colour ties,10 Blue colour ties, 5 Pink colour ties, 4 green colour ties. If electricity gone and i want at least two ties of same colour then how many ties i should take out from my rack?

Ans : 6 ties.

3. Two trains leaving from two station 50 miles away from each other with costant speed of 60 miles per hour, approaches towards each other on diffrent tracks. if lenght of each train is 1/6 mile. when they meet How much time they need to pass each other totally?

ANS : 10 sec. ( not sure)

4. A man walks east and turns right and then from there to his left and then 45degrees to his right. In which direction did he go

Ans. North west

5. A man shows his friend a woman sitting in a park and says that she the daughter of my grandmother's only son. What is the relation between the two

Ans. Daughter

6. water is continuously poured from a reservoir to a locality at the steady rate of 10,000 liters per hour. When delivery exceeds demand the excess water is stored in a tank. If the demand for 8 consecutive three-hour periods is 10000,10000,45000,25000,40000,15000,60000 and 35000 liters respectively, what will be the minimum capacity required of the water tank (in 1000 litres) to meet the demand?


7. If 5 tomatoes are worth 8 oranges,5 oranges are worth 4 apples, 7 apples are worth 3 pineapples and 7 pineapples cost rs.203,then he approx price of each tomato is


8.The radius of the circle is reduced from 5cm to 4cm then the % change of area .

Ans: 36%

9.Two workers can type two pages in two minuets then how many persons can type 18 pages in 6 minuets

Ans: 6

10. X is min of { n+5,6-n}then what is the min of X if,0 <1?

Ans 5.5

Accenture programming Questions 

1. What is the output of the program
void main()
char s[]="oracle is the best";
char t[40];
char *ss,*tt;
// A. oracle is the best
// B. Core dump
// c. Error Message
// D. Goes into infinite loop
Ans: B. core dump (Garbage value)

2. .//What is the output of the program
void main()
printf(" Hello World");
// A. Hello World
// B. Hello World Hello World
// c. Error Message
// D. None of these
Ans: B

3. What is the output of the program
void main()
int i,j,k;
if(++k && ++i<--j|| i++)
printf(" %d %d %d",i,-j--,k);
// A. 4,-3,2
// B. 5,-3,2
// c. 4,-2,2
// D. 5,-2,2
Ans: D

4. public void static main(String []args)
String s1=new String("test");
String s2=new String("test");
System.out.println("Both are equal");
Boolean b1=new Boolean("true");
Boolean b2=new Boolean("false");
System.out.println("some message");

what is the value of y

5.The ratio between the radius and height of a cone is 3:4. What is the curved surface area of the cone?
1) 15p m2
2) 12p m2
3) 9p m2
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

6. A man stands on the top of a pole and makes an angle of 60° on the surface of a ground. He slides 20 m down and makes an angle of 30°at the same point. If he takes 10 seconds to reach the ground from here, find his speed.
1) 6 km/hr
2) 5 km/hr
3) 10 km/hr
4) 8 km/hr
5) 10.80 km/hr

7.The compound interest for first and second years is 200 and 220 on a certain amount. Find the sum.

8. Marked price of a commodity is 35% above the cost price. If he gives a discount of 15%, how much he gains on the deal.

9. 5 mangoes + 4 oranges = 7 mangoes + 1 orange. Find the ratio of mango to orange.

10. Length of a rectangle is increased by 50% and breadth is decreased by 25% what is the difference in the area

11. Mr X position in a class is 13th from first and 17th from last, and 8th from the first and 13th from last in passed candidates list, then how many candidates failed in the exam

12. Two successive discounts of 20% and 15% is equal to a net discount of .....

13. A two digit number is 4 times to its sum of digits , when 9 is added to the number, the digits will get reversed. Then what is that number?

Ans: 12

14. When do you say that a digraph is a cyclic
A)if and only if its first search does not have back arcs
B)a digraph is acyclic if and only if its first search does not have back vertices
C)if and only if its first search does not have same dfnumber
D)None of these

15.A function ‘q’ that accepts a pointer to a character as argument and returns a pointer to an array of integer can be declared as:
A)int (*q(char*)) []
B)int *q(char*) []
C)int(*q)(char*) []
D)None of the Above the code:
void main()
const int a=100;
int *p;
What is printed?

17. In how many ways can a lock be opened if that lock has three digit number lock if 
i) the last digit is 9
ii) and sum of the first two digits is less than or equal to the last digit. numbers are from 0-9

18. A person sold an item at a profit of 12% .If he sold it at a loss of 12% then he would get Rs.6/- less. What is the cost price?

19. (1 ½ /((3/4-2/5 )/(2/3+4/5))) * ((2 ¾/((4/3-2/5 )/(5/3+6/5))) (Numbers different)

20. Avg age of X number of adults in a class is 30yrs. If 12 new adults with avg age of 32 joined with them then the avg age increases by one. Find X?

Accenture -2010 Questions
1. What is the value of *second_ptr
int *first_ptr;
int *second_ptr;

*second_ptr = 30;

ptr value = 1;

first_ptr = &value

second_ptr = first_ptr;

(A) 30
(B) 1
(C) first_ptr
(D) None of the above

2. What is the output of the program

void main()


int i,j,k;





if(++k && ++i<--j|| i++)




printf(" %d %d %d",i,-j--,k);



A. 4,-3,2

B. 5,-3,2

c. 4,-2,2

D. 5,-2,2

Ans: D

3. Output of the following program is
int i=0;
case 0:
case 1:
case 5:

4. Find the approximate value of the following equation. 6.23% of 258.43 - ? + 3.11% of 127 = 13.87
1) 2
2) 4
3) 8
4) 6
5) 10

5. A train overtakes 2 persons walking at 3 km/hr and 5 km/hr respectively in the same direction and completely passes them in 8 seconds and 10 seconds respectively. Find the speed of the train.
1) 15 km/hr
2) 13 km/hr
3) 10 km/hr
4) 10 km/hr
5) None of these

6. The ratio between the radius and height of a cone is 3:4. What is the curved surface area of the cone?
1) 15p m2
2) 12p m2
3) 9p m2
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

7. In a business P and Q invested amounts in the ratio 3:4, whereas the ratio between amounts invested by P and R was 6:7. If Rs 106501.50 was their profit, how much amount did Q receive?
1) Rs 40572
2) Rs 30429
3) Rs 35500.50
4) Rs 34629
5) None of these

8. A function ‘q’ that accepts a pointer to a character as argument and returns a pointer to an array of integer can be declared as:
A)int (*q(char*)) []
B)int *q(char*) []
C)int(*q)(char*) []
D)None of the Above

9. Identify the correct argument for the function call fflush() in ANSI C:
D)All the above

10. Which of the Following will define a type NODE that is a node in a Linked list?
A)struct node {NODE*next;int x;};type def struct node NODE;
B)typedef struct NODE {struct NODE *next;int x;};
C)typedef struct NODE {NODE *next;int x;};
D)typedef struct {NODE *next;int x;}NODE;

11.Which of these statements are false w.r.t File Functions?

i)fputs() ii)fdopen() iii)fgetpos() iv)ferror()

10.Study the code:
void show()
void show (char *s)

What will happen if it is compiled & run on an ANSI C Compiler?

A)It will compile & nothing will be printed when it is executed
B)it will compile but not link
C)the compiler will generate an error
D)the compiler will generate a warning

12. After 10 years A will be twice the age of B before 10 years.and now if the difference is 9 years between them then what is the age of B after 10 years 

Ans 49

13. Races and games ---- 2 questions from this chapter like (A beats B by 10 meters and B beats C by 15 metres the A beats C by ) 

14. In the year 1990 there are 5000 men 3000 women 2000 boys .in 1994 men are increased by 20% women are increased by ratio of boys and women (this type of question but some what difficult I mean it takes too much time to solve)

15. The equivalent compound ratio of 5:6::7:10::6:5 ( question of this type this is not exact question).

16. Work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days, the same work can be done by 10 children and 5 women . in how many days 2 children and 3 men (similar to this) 

17. One Cannot Take the address of a Bit Field

b.bit fields cannot be arrayed
c.Bit-Fields are machine Dependant
d.Bit-fields cannot be declared as static
Which of the Following Statements are true w.r.t Bit-Fields

18. What is the function of ceil(X) defined in math.h do?

A)It returns the value rounded down to the next lower integer
B)it returns the value rounded up to the next higher integer
C)the Next Higher Value
D)the next lower value

19. A shopkeeper labels the price of article 15% above the cost price. If he allow Rs 51.20 discount on an article of Rs 1024, find his profit percent.

1) 10%
2) 8%
3) 12%
4) 9%
5) 9.25%

20.Which of the following numbers are completely divisible by 11?

A. 3245682
B. 283712
C. 438416
D. 36894

1) Only A
2) Only B
3) Only C
4) Only D
5) All are divisible

Accenture 2011 question papers

1. #include
void main()
char s1[]="abcd";
char s2[10];
char s3[]="efgh";
int i;

What will be the output?

2. Look at the Code:
int a[]={1,2,3},i;

3. Which Statement is/are True w.r.t the above code?
I.Executes Successfully & Prints the contents of the array
II.Gives the Error:Lvalue Required
III.The address of the array should not be changed
IV.None of the Above.

A)Only I B)Only II C)II & III D)IV

4. study the code:
void main()
const int a=100;
int *p;
What is printed?

5. Which of the following are valid “include” formats?
A)#include and #include[file.h]
B)#include (file.h) and #include
C)#include [file.h] and #include “file.h”
D)#include and #include “file.h” 

6. Work can be done by 8 men and 10 women in 25 days, the same work can be done by 10 children and 5 women . in how many days 2 children and 3 men (similar to this) 

7. One man or two women or three boys can do a work in 44 days then one man, one women and one boy together can fininsh the same work in ---- dyas

8. (998-1) (998-2) (998-3)????.. (998-n)=------- when n>1000 ans is zero

9.Study the Following Points:
a.One Cannot Take the address of a Bit Field
b.bit fields cannot be arrayed
c.Bit-Fields are machine Dependant
d.Bit-fields cannot be declared as static
Which of the Following Statements are true w.r.t Bit-Fields

10. What is the function of ceil(X) defined in math.h do? 
A)It returns the value rounded down to the next lower integer
B)it returns the value rounded up to the next higher integer
C)the Next Higher Value
D)the next lower value

11.The ratio between the radius and height of a cone is 3:4. What is the curved surface area of the cone?

1) 15p m2
2) 12p m2
3) 9p m2
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

12. A man stands on the top of a pole and makes an angle of 60° on the surface of a ground. He slides 20 m down and makes an angle of 30°at the same point. If he takes 10 seconds to reach the ground from here, find his speed.

1) 6 km/hr
2) 5 km/hr
3) 10 km/hr
4) 8 km/hr
5) 10.80 km/hr

13. Which of the following values of 'n' satisfies the in-equality n2 - 24n + 143 < 0?

1) n < 11
2) n > 13
3) 11 < n < 13
4) 11 > n > 13
5) None of these

14. If 2x+y = 11, 2y+z = 12 and z+2x = 8, find the value of 2x + 3y +4z.

1) 29
2) 33
3) 25
4) 39
5) None of these

15. What is not true about the following statements about java. 
a) it is compiled using javac compiler
b) the compiled files have .class extension.
c) such files cannot be transfered from one comp to another.
d) they use the java interpreter 

Ans: c

16. Which of the Following is not defined in string.h? 


17.Identify the correct argument for the function call fflush() in ANSI C:

D)All the above

18. Which of the Following will define a type NODE that is a node in a Linked list?
A)struct node {NODE*next;int x;};type def struct node NODE;
B)typedef struct NODE {struct NODE *next;int x;};
C)typedef struct NODE {NODE *next;int x;};
D)typedef struct {NODE *next;int x;}NODE;

19. How many columns are retrived from this query:
SELECT address1 || ',' ||address2 ||','
||address2 "Address" FROM =

A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. 0

20. What is the is the result of the fallowing Code
Insert into table A value(a1):

A. Table B gets created with the row inserted in the first statement.
B. Table B is not created
C. Table B gets created , but no row gets inserted into Table A
D. Rollback throws up an exception .
