RailTel-RCIL Question Papers - RailTel-RCIL Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

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Category: Civil-Engineering

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RailTel Corporation of India Limited (RailTel) an ISO-9001:2000 organization is a Government of India undertaking under the Ministry of Railways. The Corporation was formed in Sept 2000 with the objectives to create nation wide Broadband Telecom and Multimedia Network in all parts of the country, to modernize Train Control Operation and Safety System of Indian Railways and to significantly contribute to realization of goals and objective of national telecom policy 1999. RailTel is a wholly owned subsidiary of Indian Railways.

RailTel is building state of the art multimedia telecom network using SDH/DWDM based transmission systems and high end MPLS-IP routers. RailTel has extensive expertise in building telecom networks. Moreover, RailTel draws its manpower from signal and telecom branch of Indian Railway which has been in the business of construction, operation and maintenance of telecom systems for more than 50 years.

Our Vision is to become the preferred telecom solutions and services provider for knowledge economy.

To attain leadership in providing premier telecom infrastructure service by offering the cost-effective state of the art communication solutions.

To facilitate Railways in expeditious modernizing of their operation and safety systems and network providing by state of art communication infrastructure.
To plan, build,develop, operate and maintain a nationwide broadband telecom and multimedia network to supplement national telecom infrastructure to spur growth of telecom, broadband and IT enabled value added services in all parts of country specially rural,remote and backward areas.
To generate revenue hrough commercial exploitation of its telecom network.

Corporate Social Responsibility
RailTel has also taken initiatives in areas where it can play important role in bringing valuable change in the society. Under one such project, RailTel funded project for providing artificial limbs, calipers & hand paddled tricycles for disabled persons through which 916 such people were benefitted. In another project, RailTel funded project for providing financial assistance under “Project assist” to 263 girls affected by violence for their education and skill development.

1. Aims & Objectives 
To integrate social and environmental concerns in the business processes. 
2. Budgetary Provisions 
RCIL shall make an allocation every year as per MOU and guidelines issued by DPE on CSR. 2010-2011 MOU stipulates allocation to the extent of 1% of  net profit in CSR. 2009-10 net profit is about 110 crores. A sum of Rs. 1.1 crore is proposed to be allocated for CSR activitites in 2010-11. The money  shall be non-lapsable and spent on a clear set of programmes as identified in CSR policy/action plan. A special non-lapsable fund to be denoted as “CSR  Fund “shall be created for such activities, accumulating any unspent/unutilized amount, if any, in a fiscal year. 
3. Implementation Mechanism 
The planning & coordination of all such activity on company wide basis shall be centralized and vested with the CSR Cell in Corporate Office to be constituted by MD/RCIL. The CSR Cell will consider the proposals received for CSR from Regions/ NGOs/Institutions etc. CSR cell will evaluate and select or formulate the item wise CSR projects every year in accordance with the CSR policy. Approval of individual CSR projects would be accorded by MD after examination of proposals by DF. Auditor’s fee and other expenses relating to the execution and administration of the CSR programme shall be included in the CSR budget. The CSR Cell will submit quarterly progress reports to RCIL Management.  The CSR Cell may engage NGOs, Institutes, Trusts, Missions, etc of proven track record or appoint professionals with requisite expertise as field officers on contract basis to assist in delivery of the CSR programme. The periodicmonitoring of the CSR programme will be done at the BOD level by a Directors Committee appointed by BOD. 
4. Activities under CSR 
RCIL shall constantly strive to remain a good corporate citizen committed to the concerns of the society as a whole. The CSR funds and efforts of the company shall be invested in community development projects & people centric activities with emphasis on Rural, weaker and poor sections of society, under developed areas. Any activity of the areas mentioned in the list of possible areas in DPE guidelines would be taken up under CSR. However, to start with, thrust areas would be as follows:-

*Skill Development, Vocational Training 
*Sanitation and Public Health 
*Relief to Victims of Natural Calamities, Communal and Terrorist Violence and their families 
*Health and Family welfare. 
*Drinking water facility, electricity facility, Solar energy Supplementing development programmes of the Govt.. Promotion of livelihood for economically weaker sections and development of backward areas.  *Scholarships to meritorious students belonging to SC,ST,OBC and Disabled categories. 
*Adoption of villages 

5. Reporting 
*CSR activities undertaken by the company shall be duly reflected in the Annual Report both in narrative form and in numbers quantified in terms of: 
* Amount utilized vis-à-vis amount budgeted 
* No. of projects with recurring allocation taken up/completed /in progress 
* No. of projects with nonrecurring allocation taken up/completed /in progress  *RCIL website shall also carry the CSR policy and details of programmes undertaken

For More Detals :http://www.railtelindia.com


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