Punjab-National-Bank-PNB Question Papers - Punjab-National-Bank-PNB Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

Category: Aptitude-Reasoning

With more than 119 years of strong existence and over 6000 branches including 5 overseas branches, 6460 ATMs, 5047 Business Correspondents and 2165 Ultra Small Branches, Punjab National Bank is serving more than 82 million esteemed customers. PNB, being one of the largest nationalized banks, has continued to provide prudent and trustworthy banking services to its customers. The Bank enjoys strong fundamentals, large franchise value and good brand image. To meet the growing aspirations of the people and compete in these tough conditions, the Bank offers wide range of products and services.

Awards and Recognitions:
Owing to its performance during the year 2012-13, Bank earned many laurels and accolades in recognition to its service towards doing good to society and on its overall performance. Recently, PNB was awarded with “IDRBT Banking Technology Excellence Award under customer Management and Intelligence Initiatives’. Bank also bagged “Golden Peacock Business Excellence Award” 2013 by Institute of Directors. Bank has been recognized as ‘Best Public Sector Bank' by CNBC TV 18. The Bank has also been recognized as “Most Socially Responsive Bank” consecutively for second year by Business World and PwC. Further, The Sunday FINWIZ 2012 declared Bank the “Best Banker in Agriculture Credit (Large)”.The Bank was also conferred with National Award for Excellent Performance in Lending under PMEGP Scheme of KVIC in North Zone by Ministry for MSME, GOI. Apart from this, Bank was also bestowed with the IBA Banking Technology Awards 2012 under the categories of “Best Use of Business Intelligence” and “Best Risk Management and Security Initiatives”.
Globally, 'The Banker' Magazine, London has ranked PNB at 170th position amongst World's Top 1000 Banks in 2013, up from 175th position in 2012. Forbes Magazine has placed PNB at 668th place amongst 2000 global giants. The Bank has also been ranked at 26 amongst FE 500 India's Finest Companies

Punjab National Bank  Origin of PNB-Histroy

Punjab under the British especially after annexation in 1849 witnessed a period of rapid development giving rise to a new educated class fired with a desire for freedom from the yoke of slavery. Amongst the cherished desires of this new class was also an overriding ambition to start a Swadeshi Bank with Indian Capital and management representing all sections of the Indian community. The idea was first mooted by Rai Mool Raj of Arya Samaj who, as reported by Lal Lajpat Rai, had long cherished the idea that Indians should have a national bank of their own. He felt keenly "the fact that the Indian capital was being used to run English banks and companies, the profits accruing from which went entirely to the Britishers whilst Indians had to contend themselves with a small interest on their own capital".

At the instance of Rai Mool Raj, Lala Lajpat Rai sent round a circular to selected friends insisting on an Indian Joint Stock Bank as the first special step in constructive Swadeshi. Lala Harkrishan Lal who had returned from England with ideas regarding commerce and industry, was eager to give them practical shape.

On May 23, 1894, the efforts materialized. The founding board was drawn from different parts of India professing different faiths and a varied back-ground with, however, the common objective of providing country with a truly national bank which would further the economic interest of the country.

The Bank opened for business on 12 April, 1895. The first Board of 7 Directors comprised of Sardar Dayal Singh Majithia, who was also the founder of Dayal Singh College and the Tribune; Lala Lalchand one of the founders of DAV College and President of its Management Society; Kali Prosanna Roy, eminent Bengali pleader who was also the Chairman of the Reception committee of the Indian National Congress at its Lahore session in 1900; Lala Harkishan Lal who became widely known as the first industrialist of Punjab; EC Jessawala, a well known Parsi merchant and partner of Jamshedji & Co. of Lahore; Lala Prabhu Dayal, a leading Rais, merchant and philanthropist of Multan; Bakshi Jaishi Ram, an eminent Civil Lawyer of Lahore; and Lala Dholan Dass, a great banker, merchant and Rais of Amritsar. Thus a Bengali, Parsi, a Sikh and a few Hindus joined hands in a purely national and cosmopolitan spirit to found this Bank which opened its doors to the public on 12th of April 1895. They went about it with a Missionary Zeal. Sh. Dayal Singh Majithia was the first Chairman, Lala Harkishan Lal, the first secretary to the Board and Shri Bulaki Ram Shastri Barrister at Lahore, was appointed Manager.

For more details visit official site

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