Polaris Placement Papers - Polaris Interview Questions and Answers updated on Feb 2025

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Category: Candidate-Experiences

Category: Candidate-Experiences

Category: Candidate-Experiences

Category: Candidate-Experiences

Category: Placement Preparation

Founded in 1993, Polaris FT is a leading Financial Technology company headquartered in Chennai. With its comprehensive portfolio of products, smart legacy modernization services and consulting, Polaris offers state-of-the-art solutions for Core Banking, Corporate Banking, Wealth & Asset Management and Insurance. Polaris is the chosen partner for 9 of the top 10 global banks and 7 of the 10 top global insurance companies. Polaris believes that value creation in an outsourcing relationship grows as customer relationships mature with time. Relationship, expertise, technology, Intellectual Property and Global Reach are the routes that enable the company to come closer to its customers worldwide.


In Polaris, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or Corporate Citizenship is not just an involvement in charitable or philanthropic activities due to business responsibility but our organization's conscious decision to support our social, economic and ethical responsibilities. CSR practice is embedded in our organisation culture and is part of our way to give back to the society where we live and owe our growth to.

Ullas Trust

Ullas Trust (Polaris’ CSR initiative) was started in 1997 by the Polaris employees, with an aim to integrate Polaris with a larger community and enable them to enjoy the bliss of working with young minds in the country.

The primary motive of Ullas is to recognize academic excellence in students from the economically challenged sections of our society and encourage the “Can do” spirit towards chasing their dreams and aspirations. Very early in its evolution, Ullas decided to focus its energies on students during the most vulnerable stage in their journey – adolescence! This would translate into students from Class (Grade) 9th to 12th.


It is this objective that Laser Soft Info systems, a group Company of Polaris, launched the initiative called 'Sampada' - involving PWD (People with Disability) or Differently Abled People (DAP) as we prefer to call them, into our company's mainstream. Today, as an organization, we have Differently Abled People as associates (we refer to our 'employees' as associates) recruited and performing across different levels in the organization.

Registered Office 
Polaris House, 244, Anna Salai
Chennai - 600006. INDIA
Phone: 91-44-39874000

Corporate Office
'Foundation', 34, IT Highway
Chennai-603 103. INDIA
Phone: +91-44-2743 5001

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