NPCIL Question Papers - NPCIL Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited is a Public Sector Enterprise Under the administrative control of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE),Government of India. The Company was registered as a Public Limited Company under the Companies Act, 1956 in September 1987 with the objective of operating atomic power stations and implementing the atomic power projects for generation of electricity in pursuance of the schemes and programmes of the Government of India under the 

Atomic Energy Act, 1962. NPCIL has also equity participation in BHAVINI, an organization formed for implementation for Fast Breeder Reactors programme in the country. 

NPCIL is responsible for design, construction, commissioning and operation of nuclear power reactors. NPCIL is a MoU signing, profit making and dividend paying company with the highest level of credit rating (AAA rating by CRISIL and CARE). NPCIL is presently operating 20 nuclear power reactors with an installed capacity of 4780 MW. The reactor fleet comprises of two Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs) and eighteen Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) and includes RAPS-1(100 MW) owned by DAE, Government of India. Currently it has four reactors under various stages of construction totaling 3400 MW capacity and 1400 MW (RAPP-7&8) is being prepared to be in construction with first pour of concrete planned mid 2011. 

Pre-project activities at the sites, accorded ‘in principle' approval by the Government in October, 2009 have been taken up aggressively so as to enable early launch of projects at these sites. NPCIL completed its units namely TAPS-3&4 and KGS-3 with gestation periods matching international level achievements in construction of nuclear power plants. 

Major Activities 

The Mission of the Company is ‘To develop nuclear power technology and to produce nuclear power as a safe, environmentally benign and economically viable source of electrical energy to meet the increasing electricity needs of the country'.

Operating Units and Units under Construction 

The operating nuclear power units are Tarapur Atomic Power Station Units-1&2 (2x160 MW BWRs),Tarapur Atomic Power Station Units-3&4 (2x540 MW PHWRs),Rajasthan Atomic Power Station Units 1to 6 (100 MW, 200 MW and 4x220 MW PHWRs),Madras Atomic Power Station Units-1&2 (2x220 MW PHWRs),Narora Atomic Power Station Units-1&2 (2x220 MW PHWRs),Kakrapar Atomic Station Units-1&2 (2x220 MW PHWRs) and Kaiga Generating Station Unit-1 to 4 (4x220 MW PHWRs). The Units under construction are Unit-1&2 (2x1000 MW PWRs) of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project and Unit-3&4 (2x700 MW PHWRs) of Kakrapar Atomic Power Project.First pour of concrete of Units-7&8 (2x700 MW PHWRs) 0f Rjasthan Atomic Power Project is expected in mid 2011.

In addition , NPCIL has also 10 MW Wind Farm operating at Kudankulam site. 

Operating Performance 

Highest ever nuclear power generation of 26473 MUs was achieved in the year 2010-11, registering an increase in electricity generation of 41% as compared to the generation in the previous financial year 2009-10. NPCIL continued its journey of operating reactors continuously without outages by recording continuous operation of more than a year by Madras Atomic Power Station Unit-2 and Tarapur Atomic Power Station Unit-2 by the year 2010-11. So far eight reactors have registered continuous run of more than a year. NPCIL has consistently maintained overall availability factor of reactors above 80% for several years and in the year 2009-10 it reached upto 92%. 

Safety Performance 

NPCIL has achieved more than 337 reactor years of safe nuclear power plant operating experience. NPCIL operates plants with motto ‘Safety first and Production next'. The Environmental Management System (EMS) and Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) as per ISO-14001: 2004 and IS-18001: 2007 respectively are maintained at all the stations. By following the principle of ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) and maintaining the highest standards of safety within the Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs),the occupational exposures of employees of the company at various NPPs are maintained well below the values specified by the regulator, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB). The environmental releases of radioactive effluents from NPPs are maintained significantly low (average less than 1% of the limits specified by AERB). NPCIL contributed in enhancing safety & reliability of nuclear power plants globally through its active participants in World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO),Candu Owners Group (COG),IAEA and other international organizations. NPCIL units have been receiving several safety awards form various national agencies like AERB, NSCI, Gujarat Safety Council, National Safety Council-Mumbai and DGFASLI 

Biodiversity Conservation 

NPCIL has voluntarily taken up Environment Stewardship Programme (ESP),besides fulfilling regulatory and statutory requirements. The programme focuses on the scientific study of bio-diversity, particularly avifauna, within and around Exclusion Zones (EZs) of Indian nuclear power plants for the conservation & improvement of habitat in association with the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS). NPCIL has published a coffee table book “Our Flying Guests” on the birds found within and around all the Indian nuclear power plants. 

The Business Plan 

The plan proposals have been made in line with the key drivers for nuclear power programme of DAE. New schemes, taking advantage of international co-operation for capacity addition, have also been considered. The XI plan proposal envisages capacity addition of 2660 MW through completion of ongoing projects and proposed start of construction activities on 8 Units of indigenous 700 MW PHWRs and 10 Units of 1000 MW LWRs with import option . Government has given in-principle approval for five new green field site in the state of Haryana, M.P., A.P., Gujarat and West Bengal. Various pre-project activities at these sites and at Kudankulam and Jaitapur sites are going on in mission mode. The company has recognized the necessity of developing indigenous capability to support this growth and has initiated the setting up of facilities to manufacture major components by the leading industry partners. The prospect of opening up of nuclear trade with India has encouraged several suppliers from around the world to visit NPCIL and have exploratory discussions. Various MoU and JVs have been signed to facilitate the implementation of the nuclear power programme in the country. 

In the diversification front, action is being taken to enhance the capacity of the Kudankulam Wind Farm capacity. NPCIL has been looking for opportunities for investing in Hydel to support peak demands. An MOU has been signed with Tehri Hydro Electric Development Corporation for setting up of Pump Storage Scheme at two potential sites. Maharashtra government has already given its approval for the proposed sites at Malshej Ghat & Humbarli.

Financial Positions 

The authorised share capital of the company is Rs. 15,000 crore, of which Rs. 10,174.3327 crore was paid up as on September 30, 2011 fully subscribed by the Government of India. The total asset was Rs. 41894 Cr. and Reserve Surplus Rs.13893 Cr. as on March 31, 2011. For the financial year 2010-11 the total income was Rs.6897 crore, PAT Rs.1376 crore, the revenue realisation 98.92% and dividend paid was 30% of the net profit. The average tariff was Rs. 2.49 per unit.

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