NIELIT Question Papers - NIELIT Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025
Category: Selection-Procedure Category: Selection-Procedure
National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT),(erstwhile DOEACC Society),an Autonomous Scientific Society under the administrative control of Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY),Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India, was set up to carry out Human Resource Development and related activities in the area of Information, Electronics & Communications Technology (IECT). NIELIT is engaged both in Formal & Non-Formal Education in the area of IECT besides development of industry oriented quality education and training programmes in the state-of-the-art areas. NIELIT has endeavoured to establish standards to be the country’s premier institution for Examination and Certification in the field of IECT. It is also one of the National Examination Body, which accredits institutes/organizations for conducting courses in IT in the non-formal sector.
At present, NIELIT has twenty three (23) offices located at at Agartala, Aizawl, Ajmer, Aurangabad, Calicut, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Gangtok, Gorakhpur, Guwahati / Tezpur, Imphal, Itanagar, Kohima / Chuchuyimlang, Kolkata, Lucknow, Patna, Shimla, Shillong and Srinagar/Jammu with its Head quarters at New Delhi. It is also well networked throughout India with the presence of about 800 institutes.
Over the last three decades, NIELIT has acquired very good expertise in IT training, through its wide repertoire of causes, ranging from ‘O’ Level (Foundation),‘A’ Level (Advance Diploma),‘B’ Level (MCA equivalent),‘C’ Level (M-Tech level),IT literacy courses such as CCC (Course on Computer Concept),BCC (Basic Computer Course) and other such long term and short term course in the non formal sector like courses on Information Security, ITeS-BPO(Customer Care/Banking),Computer Hardware Maintenance (CHM-O/A level),Bio-Informatics(BI-O/A/B level),ESDM etc, besides, high end courses offered by NIELIT Centres at Post-Graduate level (M.Tech) in Electronics Design & Technology, Embedded Systems etc. which are not normally offered by Universities/Institutions in the formal sector, in association with the respective state Universities.
The basket of activities of NIELIT is further augmented by the wide range of projects that it undertakes. NIELIT has demonstrated its capability and capacity to undertake R&D projects, consultancy services, turnkey projects in office automation, software development, website development etc. NIELIT is also the nodal implementing agency on behalf of DeitY for Data Digitization of the population of 15 assigned States and 2 Union Territories for the creation of National Population Register (NPR) project of Registrar General of India (RGI). NIELIT is also successfully executing the Agriculture Census and Input Survey project under which tabulation of about 10 crore data records have to be done.
NIELIT has planned a road map for adopting appropriate pedagogy for metamorphosing NIELIT into an Institute of National Importance.
To be the leader in the development of industry oriented quality education and training and be the country's premier Institution for examination and certification in the field of Information, Electronics and Communications Technology (IECT).
To be the single source for quality assurance in computer education among the nation's non-formal institutes, After turning out competent IT professionals in large numbers, NIELIT reach is now being extended to all regions of the country as well as overseas.
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