MAHADISCOM Question Papers - MAHADISCOM Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

Category: Electrical-Engineering-EE

Mahavitaran (महावितरण) or MahaDiscom (Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited - MSEDCL) controlled by Government of Maharashtra, is a public sector undertaking (PSU) and second largest Electricity Distribution Compnay after State Grid Corporation of China which distributes electricity to all regions of the state; except Mumbai city and the most part of its suburban region, where BEST (Bombay Electric Supply and Transport Company) and Reliance Energy, TATA Power, are the only distributors.

Erstwhile Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) was looking after Generation, Transmission & Distribution of Electricity in the State of Maharashtra barring Mumbai. But with enactment of Electricity Act 2003 of Government of India, MSEB was unbundled into 4 Companies on 6 th June 2005 viz.

MSEB Holding Co. Ltd.,Maharashtra State Power Generation Co.Ltd.- MahaGenco (महानिर्मिती:mahanirmiti),Maharashtra State Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd.- MahaTransco (महापारेषण:mahapareshan),Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd.- MahaDiscom (महावितरण:mahvitaran).MahaDiscom (महावितरण) is responsible for distribution of electricity throughout the state by buying power from either MahaGenco, Captive Power Plants or from other State Electricity Boards and Private sector power generation companies. An holding entity 'MSEB Holding Company' was created, holds all the stake in these three companies.

Consumer Base
MSEDCL supplies electricity to a staggering 1.86 crore consumers across the categories all over Maharashtra excluding the island city of Mumbai. There are about 1.31 crore residential, 30 lakh agricultural, 13.46 lakh commercial and 2.5 lakh industrial consumers in MSEDCL area which fetch an annual revenue of about Rs. 33,000 crore.

Sources of power
MSEDCL’s sources of power include thermal, hydro, gas and non conventional sources like solar, wind, bagasse etc. apart from hydro power of Koyna. Thermal power constitutes the major share which it gets from Mahagenco projects, Central Sector projects and RGPPL.

In terms of infrastructure, MSEDCL operates a vast far flung network comprising 33 KV, 22 KV & 11 KV lines, sub-stations and distribution transformers spread over 3.08 km2 geographical area of Maharashtra covering 41,015 villages and 457 towns. It has 1947 sub-stations (33 kV) with 49,000 MVA of transformation capacity, 10,334 HV feeders, and several thousand circuit km of HT and LT lines.
Human Resource Development

MSEDCL has a workforce of about 76,000 employees. This force is the real asset of the company . The welfare and well being of this asset has been given top priority by the company. As such it has enhanced the scope of training facilities to a great extent. In addition to the existing 4 training centers, MSEDCL has recently[when?] established well equipped 25 training centers at Circle offices which impart necessary training to line staff. Every year about 20000 employees are put through refresher/professional/HR trainings. Safety is given special importance and safety training is imparted to line staff on regular basis. Engineers are also deputed to various other well reputed training centers outside Maharashtra for training under MDP module and also deputed for training under DRUM Project of USAID on regular basis.

Social Responsibility

In last 2 years about 2000 wards of deceased employees have been provided with jobs. Two ITIs at Vaijapur (Dist. Aurangabad) and Kalyan have been adopted to improve facilities there to help the local population.

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