ITBPF Question Papers - ITBPF Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

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ITBPF was raised on 24 Oct,1962.Presently ITBP is deployed on border guarding duties from Karakoram Pass in Ladakh to Jachep La in Arunachal Pradesh covering 3488 km of Indo-China Border and manning Border Outposts on altitudes raging from 9000’ to 18700’ in the Western,Middle and Eastern Sector of the Indo-China Border.

ITBPF is a specialized mountain Force and most of the officers & men are professionally trained mountaineers and skiers. Being the first responder for natural disaster in the Himalayas, ITBPF has been carrying out numerous rescue and relief operations

Indo-Tibetan Border Police was conceived on October 24, 1962.ITBP was initially raised under the CRPF Act, however in 1992, the parliament enacted the ITBPF Act and rules there under were framed in 1994( you may access same under relevant menu)
The " Himveers" and National security

ITBP is a multi-dimensional force. Presently Battalions of ITBP deployed on Border Guarding Duties from Karakoram Pass in Ladakh to Jachep La in Arunachal Pradesh covering 3488 KM of India China Border are manning Border Out Posts at an altitude ranging from 9000’ to 18500’ in the Western, Middle & Eastern Sector of India China Border. ITBP is basically a mountain trained Force and most of the officers & men are professionally trained Mountaineers and Skiers,. They have scaled more than 140 Himalayan peaks including Mt. Everest Four times ( Recent successful expedition in April-May, 2012),besides ITBP batallions are also deployed on CI OPS / IS / VIP security duties at Chamba - Doda border, in VA/Startegic locations and with VIPs in Delhi and VIPs in Srinagar J&K.

The border posts manned by ITBP are exposed to high velocity storms, snow blizzards, avalanches, and landslides, besides the hazards of high altitude and extreme cold, where temperature dips up to minus 40 degree Celsius. ITBP conducts Long Range and Short Range patrols to keep an effective vigil on inaccessible and unmanned areas on the border. To maintain optimum operational efficiency of troops, periodical tactical exercises are conducted independently as well as jointly with Army.
Multifarious facets of the Force :

New challenging role that has emerged for ITBP is disaster management. Being the first responder for natural Disaster in Hamalayas, ITBP was the first to establish 06 ( Now 08) Regional Response Centres in HP, Uttaranchal and North East and carried out numerous rescue and relief operations in various disaster situations, which took place in our areas of responsibility as well as other parts of the country. ITBP has already trained 1032 personnel in Disaster Management including 98 personnel in Radiological and Chemical/biological emergencies.

ITBP has established a National Centre for Training in Search, Rescue & Disaster response at Bhanu, Haryana which is imparting training to personnel of ITBP and other Paramilitary / State Police Forces. there is also a training center for the Dogs at Basic Training center situated at Bhanu. The center is known as NICD.

Presently ITBP Commando’s are providing security to Embassy of India Kabul,Consulate General of India, Jalalabad and Khandar in Afghanistan since November, 2002. Besides this 02 Coys of ITBP are providing security to BRO personnel for their Delaram – Zaranj road construction project in Afghanistan since July 2004.

ITBP has also excelled in UN peace keeping operation. The Force personnel have been deployed for peacekeeping operations in Angola, Namibia, Cambodia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Mozambique and Kosovo. Presently 01 coy of ITBP is deployed in United Nation Mission in Congo since November, 2005. A National Centre for UNCIVPOL training has been setup at ITBP Camp, Tigri, New Delhi for providing systematic training to Indian Police Officers for deployment in UN Mission.

ITBP is also providing security to the pilgrims during Annual Kailash Mansarovar Yatra from 1981. ITBP provides communication, security and medical cover to the yatries from Gunji to Lipulekh Pass and back to Gunji in co-ordination with MEA and Kumaon Mandal vikas Nigam.

Functions & Tasks of the force proves as a multi-dimensional force.

1.Vigil on the northern borders,detection and prevention of border violations, and promotion of the sense of security among the local populace.

2.Check illegal immigration , trans-border smuggling and crimes.

3.Security to sentive installations, banks and protected persons.

4.Restore and preserve order in any area in the event of distubance.

In border vigil task ITBP mans forward border posts at altitudes ranging from 9000' to 18000'.Most of the forward posts remain cut off by the surface route during winter months.The border posts are exposed to the fury and violence of the nature like snow blizzards,avalanches,landslides, besides the hazards of high altitude and extreme cold where temperature normally remains below -40 degrees Celcius.
The force ,besides guarding the border , is heavily engage in fighting terrorism in the State of J&K , where it has displayed exemplary nerve and gallantry.

The "Himveers" , as the personnel are affectionately called , also provide security cover to installation and to VIPs in Delhi. Each year ITBP Personnels are deployed to UN Peace Keeping Missions in Kosovo, Angola & Western Sahara and Sierra Leone. Crest of the Force epitomizes the Force motto Shaurya Drindhdta Karamnishta has Ashoka and Chakra on Top with two rifles.It inspires men to put duty before self.

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