HPC Question Papers - HPC Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

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Paper is more than an industrial product. It is the cultural barometer of a nation. .e need paper every day for .idening the frontiers of our kno.ledge. Yet, the per capita annual consumption of paper at about 4 kgs in India is among the lo.est in the .orld today.
A Crusader For Literacy
HPC is an extended arm of the Union Government to intensify the movement for literacy through the gro.th of the paper industry. Today it is one of the largest manufacturers of paper and ne.sprint in South East Asia. Simultaneously, HPC has been playing a dominant role in the socio-economic development of the North-East region.
The planned development of the paper industry in India began only in the post-independence period. The gro.th, ho.ever, slo.ed do.n in the sixties o.ing to the escalation of cost and the scarcity of forest-based ra. materials. The stagnation led to frequent shortages of cultural varieties of paper, causing hardship to common consumers. There .ere also the national task of developing the industrially back.ard regions for balanced socio-economic gro.th. It .as against this background that the Government of India set up the Hindustan Paper Corporation (HPC) on May 29, 1970.
A Catalyst For Gro.th
HPC .as entrusted .ith the task of producing substantial volumes of cultural varieties of paper and ne.sprint to maintain stability of price in a volatile market. Besides, it .as designed to be a catalyst for industrial gro.th in the North-East. It .as also engaged in the task of developing indigenous expertise for setting up large ne.sprint and paper mills.
HPC Mills
HPC group has four paper mills, t.o of .hich are units and t.o are subsidiary companies. HPC is the holding company for Hindustan Ne.sprint Ltd. (HNL) and Nagaland Pulp & Paper Company Ltd. (NPPC). Nagaon Paper Mill (NPM) and Cachar Paper Mill (CPM) function directly under HPC’s control and their performance is reflected in HPC’s operating results. Over a period of three decades, HPC has built up a total capacity of about 3.35 lakh tonnes of paper and ne.sprint.
To be a major contributor to the cultural segment in paper industry in terms of volume as .ell as quality, production standard, customer services, R&D and technology upgradation.
To ensure optimum utilization of existing assets to generate maximum internal resources for renovation, gro.th and expansion.
To develop professional management culture consistent .ith the requirement of the industry to attract, develop and retain committed and skilled .orkforce .ith emphasis on trust and team.ork.
To preserve the ecological balance and explore eco-friendly production process to strike a harmonious relationship bet.een nature and industry.
To explore and implement technological upgradation of the existing equipment for improved quality and increasing productivity and for greater cost effectiveness.
To enlarge market channels for perennial supply of all variety of cultural paper and to ensure customer satisfaction through value addition and constant upgradation of quality.
To increase utilization of unconventional ra. materials and adopt recycling method to reduce dependence on forest resources for maintaining ecological balance.
To provide adequate thrust on product diversification and manufacture value-added items like computer stationery, copier paper, S.S. Maplitho, etc. and create a brand equity for higher profitability and greater market share.

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