Group Discussion Topics

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 Current GD Topics

* A Unipolar World spells disaster for underdeveloped countries like India

* Is Globalization Really Necessary?

* What shall we do about our ever-increasing Population?

* Corruption is the price we pay for Democracy

* Foreign Television Channels are destroying our culture

* What India needs is a Dictatorship.

* With media publishing and telecasting trivia, censorship is the need of the hour.
* Kaun Banega Krorepati is less about knowledge but more about money and personality.

* Beauty contests degrade womanhood

* The rise of regional blocs threatens independent nations like India

* Six billion and one bronze!

* Is dependence on computers a good thing?

* Should the public sector be privatized?

* China and India are similar nations with contrasting ways

* Is India a Soft Nation?

* Value based politics is the need of the hour

* Religion should not be mixed with politics

* How to deal with high oil prices

* Our cricketers are not to blame for match fixing

* Why can’t we be world players in industry as we are in software?

* Multinational corporations: Are they devils in disguise?

* Should there be limits on artistic freedom (the controversy on Fire).

* Should there be private universities?

* Does banning fashion shows and New Year parties save our culture

* Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail

* Influence of Social Media

* Mobile phones / Internet – a boon or nuisance

* What Could Be Social Responsibilities Of IT Companies.

* Impact Of Television Channels In Cross Cultural Tolerance. and so on.

* Position of Women in India compared to other nations

* Is China better than India in software

* Will punch lines rule the Advertisement

* Balance between Professionalism & Family

* Education in India compared to Foreign nations.

* Privatization in education is good or bad

* Success is all about human relations

* Women are good managers

* Increasing no. of Engg. Colleges is a boon to society

* Both ignorance and confidence lead you to success

* Is the Union Budget 2014-2015 convincing?

* India should adopt deterrent policy with neighbors

* Drug price Control - Justified Or Not?

* Universal Disarmament Is a Must

* Now is the time to change the Juvenile Age..?

* Do you advocate Decentralization in an organization?

* Reservation for women would help the society

* Water resources should be nationalized

* NGOs - Do they serve people's interests or are they pressure groups?

* CCTVs in DTC buses – Is that enough to safeguard Delhi?

* Is it fair to call ‘Hindutva’ to be the cultural identity of India?

* Sania Mirza’s appoint as Telangana’s brand ambassador – should we be discussing it?

* River Ganges: Pure Or Impure

* Should Yoga be made compulsory in schools?

* Animals should not be dissected for academic purposes.

* Self discipline is the key to better and safer traffic
