GMR Placement Papers - GMR Interview Questions and Answers updated on Feb 2025

Category: Interview-other

GMR Group is one of the fastest growing infrastructure enterprises in the country with interests in Airports, Energy, Highways and Urban Infrastructure sectors. Employing the Public Private Partnership model, the Group has successfully implemented several iconic infrastructure projects in India.The Group also has a global presence with infrastructure operating assets and projects in several countries including Turkey, South Africa, Indonesia, Singapore and the Maldives.

GMR Infrastructure Limited is the infrastructure holding company formed to fund the capital requirements of various infrastructure projects across the sectors. It undertakes the development of the infrastructure projects through its various subsidiaries.

The Group’s commitment to inclusive growth is achieved through its Corporate Social Responsibility arm – the GMR Varalakshmi Foundation (GMRVF). GMRVF works with the under-privileged sections of the community in all the locations where the Group has business interests

"As a responsible corporate citizen, GMR Group, besides being actively engaged in infrastructure development, is fully committed to the larger goal of enhancing the standard of living of the people, particularly that of the marginalised.

The Group believes that only through this will the larger objective of fully developing and tapping the nation's true potential be achieved. Accordingly, the corporate policies of the Group are driven by a set of seven carefully drafted core values. 'Respect For Individual' is one such core value of the Group. In line with this, the Group as a whole ensures that it adheres to all statutory regulations pertaining to Occupational Health, Safety and Environment along with gender and age specific issues of employment. Specifically in the context of Child Labour, the Group abides by the ILO guidelines and the Indian legislation which also ratifies this by not employing children and minors either directly in its establishments or through its contractors and vendors."

Similarly, the Group is also committed to environment protection. Its many efforts towards this cause, has won it several awards and accolades. It has won the prestigious Dr. M.S. Swaminathan award for environment conservation methods and processes at its power plant in Chennai. The first and only of its kind sewage treatment unit in the plant treats 7200 cubic metres of raw sewage per day from Chennai Metropolitan & Sewerage Board to produce 5400 cubic metres of clean water for its own use.

The Effluent Treatment Plant (E.T.P) in the distillery unit of the integrated Sugar complex at Sankili, Andhra Pradesh, has set up a “Methane Recovery and Power Generation Plant.” This enables the plant to combust Methane, a potent Green House gas, to steam and generate electricity from it. The process eliminates the emission of Methane into the environment and reduces use of fossil fuels. GIDL has pioneered the project activity in the country.

'GMR Group will be an Institution in Perpetuity that will build Entrepreneurial Organizations making a difference to society through Creation of Value'.

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