EPI-Engineering Projects (India) Ltd Question Papers - EPI-Engineering Projects (India) Ltd Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

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About EPIL

Envisioning and visualizing the concept of turnkey execution of projects as an effective tool to create the needed infrastructure to hasten the pace of multi-disciplinary industrial construction, EPI was incorporated in 1970 as A Government of India Enterprise under the administrative control of Department of Heavy Industry. Since then, EPI has admirably performed its assigned roles as the country’s leading Prime Contracting Company and has left its imprint not only in India but in the overseas market as well where its past operation spread over a decade in the wake of oil boom in the Middle East. EPI successfully executed 30 odd projects valued over US$ 782.00 million in Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yugoslavia, Maldives, Bhutan and Thailand

EPI has executed over 478 multi-disciplinary projects in India valuing over Rs. 57331.349 million. Through the execution of these projects, EPI has in its own way contributed immensely in the development of the Nation and there is hardly any state in India where EPI’s pronounced presence is not visible. EPI has the rare distinction of having worked for almost all Power Sectors and Steel Plants in India in Public Sector as well as in Private Sector. EPI’s contribution in project execution for various sectors is also quite substantial.

EPI is proud to be one of the first few companies to have been awarded integrated certification for Quality Management and the Environment Management System ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004 for all its areas of operation, OHSAS 18001:2007 for Corporate Office and is a "Mini Ratna" Company.

To be the leading turnkey project execution company, committed to quality and timely completion of projects, continuously enhancing stakeholder value.

i) Focus and maintain business in its most profitable segments while expanding into new business segments.

ii) Deliver exceptional client service with an unrelenting focus on value creation.

iii) Pursue operational excellence with a strong focus on quality and margins. 

Core Values

» Customer satisfaction at the heart of mind
» Quality - a way of life
» Synergy through collaborative teamwork
» An urge to excel, always
Willingness to learn as an organization
» Continuous skill and knowledge upgradation
» Manpower - the essence of EPI’s universe


EPI is a Mini Ratna Company

EPI has the rare distinction of having worked for almost all Power utilities and Steel Plants both in the Public Sector as well as in the Private Sector

EPI is one of the first few companies to have been awarded certificates for its Quality Management System, Environment Management System and Occupational Health and Safety Management System i.e. ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004 for all its areas of operations and OHSAS 18001:2007 for Corporate Office

EPI has been Pioneer in Project Exports and opened up avenues for other Indian contracting companies.

EPI has executed several complex projects in the middle east and India utilizing the state-of-the-art technology as per international standards

Department of Heavy Industries under the Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government of India has rated EPI as an "Excellent Company" for the years 1998-99,1999-00,2000-01,2001-02,2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 based on the performance under the MOUs signed with the Government of India

EPI’s performance for the year 2009-10 under the MOU signed with the Department of Heavy Industries qualifies for excellent rating

EPI was felicitated by the Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board for timely completion of Tankara-Gauridad Bulk Water Project, District Rajkot

EPI was felicitated by Gujarat Water Infrastructure Ltd., Gandhi Nagar for its excellent performance in successful completion of Buchau-Anjar Project for Supply of Water ahead of schedule.


EPI has received a number of awards for its performance against MOU Targets as also performance on projects, some of which are as under :

Prime Minister’s Merit Certificate for Excellence in the Achievement of MOU Targets for the year 1998-99.

Merit Certificate for Excellence in the Achievement of MOU Targets for the year 1999-2000.

Merit Certificate for Excellence in the Achievement of MOU Targets for the year 2000-01.

Performance of EPI was among the top ten Public Enterprises and the Award was conferred by the Late Shri Krishan Kant, the then Vice President of India on 04.05.2002.

Felicitation by the Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board for performance in infrastructure projects in the State of Gujarat during the year 2001-2002 for timely completion of Tankara-Gauridad Bulk Water Pipeline Project (Distt. Rajkot).

The Award was conferred by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Gujarat, on 19.05. 2002.

DHI has also conveyed its appreciation to EPI for its exceeding the targets committed by it under the MOU signed with the Government for the year 2000-01.

President’s Merit Certificate for Excellence in the Achievement of MOU Targets for the year 2001-02.

Felicitation by Gujarat Water Infrastructure Ltd. Gandhinagar for excellent performance of EPI in successful completion of Buchau-Anjar Pipeline Project for Supply of Water ahead of schedule.

The award was conferred by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Gujarat on 18.05.2003.

For more details :http://www.engineeringprojects.com/index.asp

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