DRDO-CEPTAM Question Papers - DRDO-CEPTAM Interview Questions and Answers updated on Oct 2024

Category: Candidate-Experiences

Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) works under Department of Defence Research and Development of Ministry of Defence.DRDO dedicatedly working towards enhancing self-reliance in Defence Systems and undertakes design & development leading to production of world class weapon systems and equipment in accordance with the expressed needs and the qualitative requirements laid down by the three services. 

DRDO is working in various areas of military technology which include aeronautics, armaments, combat vehicles, electronics, instrumentation engineering systems, missiles, materials, naval systems, advanced computing, simulation and life sciences. DRDO while striving to meet the Cutting edge weapons technology requirements provides ample spinoff benefits to the society at large thereby contributing to the nation buliding.
Make India prosperous by establishing world-class science and technology base and provide our Defence Services decisive edge by equipping them with internationally competitive systems and solutions. 

Design, develop and lead to production state-of-the-art sensors, weapon systems, platforms and allied equipment for our Defence Services.
Provide technological solutions to the Defence Services to optimise combat effectiveness and to promote well-being of the troops.
Develop infrastructure and committed quality manpower and build strong technology base.
Core Competence 
Deptt of Defence Research and Development (R&D) is working for indigenous development of weapons, sensors & platforms required by the three wings of the Armed Forces. To fulfill this mandate, Deptt of Defence Research and Development (R&D),is closely working with academic institutions, Research and Development (R&D) Centres and production agencies of Science andTechnology (S&T) Ministries/Deptts in Public & Civil Sector including Defence Public Sector Undertakings & Ordnance Factories.

Defence Research & Development services (DRDS) 

Recruitment and selection of right people with desired competencies form the base of building an effective organisation. Defence Research & Development Organisation recruit/select scientists and engineers through an annual competitive examination at national level called Scientist Entry Test (SET) through open advertisement. In addition to this, talent search through campus interviews, scholarship scheme through Aeronautics Research & Development Board (ARDB) and fresh Ph.D scholars under Registration of Students with Scholastic Aptitude (ROSSA) is also launched.

Defence Research Technical Cadre (DRTC) 
The members of this cadre form strong skilled manpower base to assist scientists and engineers engaged in research and development work.

Admin and Allied Cadre 
The members of Admin & Allied cadre provide administrative/establishment support. Personnel for officer post are recruited through UPSC and non-gazetted personnel are recruited by the laboratories/establishments as per the notified Recruitment Rules.

Training and Development 
DRDO has a dynamic training and development policy which is executed through the Continuing Educational Programmes (CEP) for all cadre personnel viz DRDS, DRTC, Admin & Allied. At the entry level in DRDS, the newly recruited scientists undergo a 16 weeks Induction Course at Institute of Armament Technology (IAT),Pune. Under the Research and Training (R&T) scheme the scientists are sponsored for ME/M Tech programmes at IITs/IISc and reputed universities. The fees is also reimbursed by the DRDO where scientists undergo Ph.D programme. In addition to this, the Organisation through its two premier Institutes namely Institute of Technology Management (ITM) and Institute of Armament Technology (IAT) deemed university offer courses for scientists and Armed Forces in the area of Technology Management, R&D Management and Armament. Recently, a training centre at Jodhpur has been established to meet the training needs for Admin & Allied cadre. In order to attract the futuristic talent, DRDO has Junior Research Fellow (JRF),Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Research Associate (RA) schemes for young & dynamic personnel & interested in Defence Research and Development.
Flexible Complementing Scheme 
In DRDO, under DRDS Rules 1979, as amended from time to time, Flexible Complementing Scheme (FCS) for promotion up to the grade of Scientist 'G' from one grade to the next higher grade is in force, w.e.f. 01 Jul 1990. The post held by scientist shall stand upgraded automatically to the next higher grade on Merit-based promotion under the FCS. DRDO operates a fully Flexible Complementing Scheme (FCS) wherein, the post is upgraded automatically upto the grade of Sc 'H'. FCS operates on the basis of evaluation of Confidential Performance Appraisal Report (C-PAR) and interviews of Scientists in the grades of Scientist 'B' to Scientist 'E' by Assessment Boards and assessment of Scientist 'F' to Scientist 'G' by Peer Review.
DRDO Awards

The DRDO Awards Scheme, in its present form, was introduced in the year 1999 to motivate DRDO scientists, engineers and our partners in industries and academic institutions in contributing for the cause of our national security and self-reliance. The present Award Scheme, instituted by the Government of India, are therefore, meant to encourage DRDO scientists and our partners in the Private Sector Undertakings (PSUs),the private firms as well as the academic institutions in performing even better towards accelerating the pace of development of critical technologies, transfer of technologies from laboratories to industries as well as productionisation of the state-of-the-art defence systems. 

The Scheme consists of a total of 17 awards, out of which, 4 awards are given by the Directors of the concerned laboratories/establishments in recognition of outstanding contributions of their scientists and other supporting staff consisting of technical, administrative and allied cadres. 
The remaining 13 awards are decided at the DRDO HQrs for which nominations are called every year from all laboratories/establishments. The nominations are initially short listed by the Screening Committee under the chairmanship of the Chairman, Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC). The short listed nominations are, thereafter, examined by the Apex Committee for finalisation of the awards which also consists of two outside experts. These awards are normally given away by the Prime Minister of India on the "Technology Day" which falls on 11th May of every year
Aeronautical Research & Development Board (ARDB)
The Aeronautical Research & Development Board(ARDB) was set up by the Government of India to coordinate, provide funds and sensitize futuristic, scientific technological areas having potential applications for aeronautical systems, at academic institutions and national scientific laboratories. For this purpose, Grants-in-Aid of Rs. 5 crore per year has been earmarked. Besides the projects activities, the Board promotes Centre of Excellence in selected areas like computational fluid dynamics, systems design & engineering and composite structures technology; some more centres are under consideration. Intellectual Property developed through ARDB funding is shared with the grantee institution. The Board also promotes seminars, presentation of papers in India & abroad, writing of books, and promoting air mindedness in school children. 

For further details, please contact: 

The Secretary
Aeronautical Research & Development Board
314,A Wing, 
DRDO Bhawan, New Delhi-110 105 
Tel.: (011) 23007314 
Fax: (011) 23793004

Armament Research Board (ARMREB)
The Armament Research Board (ARMREB) was constituted in 1997 to promote innovative research in scientific fields useful for armament discipline. The Board was set up to enhance the intellectual, physical infrastructure and scientific understanding in the field of armaments to meet the future challenge. Armament being a complex multi-disciplinary field involves ballistics and aerodynamics, materials and metallurgy, mechanical and electronic engineering, opto-electronics and computer techniques, explosives and pyrotechnics, modeling, simulation and system analyses, etc. Three research panels covering an entire spectrum of armament discipline are operating under the Board. 

Objectives of the ARMREB are as under:- 
To foster knowledge-based growth of armament discipline in the country, strengthening and integration of national resources of knowledge, know how, experience, facilities and infrastructure.
To catalyze the needed cross-fertilization of ideas and experiences between defence and non-defence experts in scientific and technical fields that contribute to armament technology.
To launch and coordinate research in specified areas of armament discipline in academic institutions.
To create conditions suitable for attracting talents and experience through research collaborations and other academic exchanges.
To adopt synergic approach towards national needs and priorities in the field of armaments, yet keeping in focus the global advancements, in order to develop competence in key areas.
To help in creating self-sufficiency in critical technologies needed for development of competitive armament stores and put the armament discipline in the fore-front in global scenario.
To lead to technological innovations useful for combat multiplier both for the near term and future.


Charter of Duties
The ARMREB has the following charter of duties:- 
To support basic research applicable to armament discipline.
To set principles and practices governing the relationship of DRDO with the academic world.
To consider and approve, by peer evaluation, research proposals submitted to ARMREB.
To set funding pattern and funding methodology for the research panels of ARMREB.
ARMREB will exclude funding of development of system hardware
Grants-in-aid Scheme 
The ARMREB has instituted a "Grant-in-Aid" Scheme to harness and nurture the research talents available in academic institutions. Under this scheme, grants are offered to research organizations/universities/departments/laboratories/industries for research in basic sciences and engineering, setting up of basic facilities/ infrastructure, organising seminars/symposia/workshops, etc. 

For further details, please contact:- 
The Director
Defence R&D Organization
Room No. 416, 4th Floor, 'A' Wing,
DRDO Bhawan, Rajaji Marg
New Delhi - 110 105
Tel : 011-2301 7680 , 2300 7416
Fax : 011-2301 7505
E-mail : brgandhe@drdohq.res.in

Extramural Research/Intellectual Property Right (ER/IPR)
DRDO sponsors new research projects in the area of basic science/applied sciences under DRDO Grants-in-Aid Scheme to various academic institutions and R&D labs outside the boundaries of DRDO. The Directorate of ER/IPR invites project proposals from various academic institutions R&D labs and industries in the prescribed format. The proposal is sent to concerned DRDO labs/academic institutions/other R&D labs for review based on the scientific & technical merits of the proposal. The comments of reviewers are then forwARDEd to Project Investigator in case any clarification/modification in the proposal is sought by reviewer accordingly, without disclosing the name and address of reviewer. On the basis of favourable comments of reviewers the minutes are prepared and the case is put up to the concerned competent authority for its approval/sanction. The progress of the research work is reviewed by DRDO periodically and progress report is submitted by Project Investigator to the Directorate of ER&IPR along with the minutes of Project Review Committee (PRC). Assets of a capital nature, acquired out of the sanctioned grant, are the property of DRDO. 

The accounts audited by external audit authority/statutory auditor, Utilisation Certificate and Closure Report are submitted by Project Investigator at the end of closure of the project. The Intellectual Property arising out of these projects lies with the host institution unlike in the case of CARs projects by DRDO labs where it lies with the laboratory of origin. The Directorate of ER/IPR provides the Grant-in-Aid also to organize the conferences/symposia/workshops/seminars to various academic institutions/R&D labs in the field of science and technology with interest to DRDO/Defence. The Technical Reports received from Project Investigator(s) on closure of the project are circulated to concerned DRDO labs for the their perusal, comments and use. 

Partnership with Industries 

The DRDO has taken a conscious decision to actively promote participation of Indian Industries in defence production. Interactions with industries take place during different phases of a product cycle, such as:- 
Development Phase - Once system/product to be developed is identified and qualitative requirements are established, suitable industrial entities are identified to participate in the activity as 'developmental partners'.
LSP (Limited Series Production) Phase - Once a lab developed prototype system is successfully evaluated by prospective users, a limited series production order is usually placed by the prospective users. Industry partners are co-opted for execution of this phase of activity.
Bulk Production - Even though traditionally PSUs and Ordnance Factories undertake bulk production of weapon systems and e uipment. Primarily, a substantial portion of the work of production of sub-system is being farmed out by them in consultation with the nodal DRDO laboratory to private industries in the civil sector. With the opening up of defence production to industries in the private sector, their involvement is steadily going up.
Spin-offs, Marketing - Private industry is called upon to exploit the civil spin-offs from the defence technology by effecting required repackaging/modification. At times there is a requirement of industry taking up maintenance of the equipment on its sub-systems for a defined period. Scope also exists for industry to seek potential market for these products in India/Abroad with due approvals.

DRDO has been actively promoting private industries participation in its entire gamut of activities. Interactions are organized at regular intervals not only with interested industrial units but also with organizations such as CII, FICCI, ASOCHAM. DRDO has organized several DRDO-Industry meets to appraise industry veterans about opportunities awaiting them in Defence R&D. These initiatives have been highly appreciated by the Indian Industry. 

Exhibitions and Exposition 

DRDO has been actively participating in national and international expositions/exhibitions to showcase its achievements in Defence R&D and create an awareness about our accomplishments and abilities. Some of the major events in which DRDO has been participating regularly are :- 

(a) DEFEXPO - Once in two years
(b) AERO India - Once in two years
(c) National Science Congress - Every year
(d) International exhibitions as a part of Indian contingent:-Asian Aerospace in Singapore- Once in two years
(e) Any other similar event, as directed, in India/Abroad - On as required basis

DRDO's participation in the 'Vigyan Rail' was a resounding success. The exhibition on wheels drew thunderous applause from enthusiastic visitors from every nook and corner of the country. Buoyed by its success, the Ministry of Science and Technology organized a second run of the train - Science on Wheels - this time christened Vigyan Mail. 

Formed : 1958

Headquarters :DRDO Bhavan, New Delhi

For further details, please contact:- 

The Director,
Directorate of Industry Interface and Technology Management 
Room No. 447 
'B' Wing, DRDO Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 105

For more details please visit www.drdo.org

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