CRPF Question Papers - CRPF Interview Questions and Answers updated on Feb 2025

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The Central Reserve Police Force came into existence as Crown Representative’s Police on 27th July 1939. It became the Central Reserve Police Force on enactment of the CRPF Act on 28th December 1949. It has completed 60 years of glorious history. The Force has grown into a big organization with 207 Bn, (including 181 executive Bns, 2 Mahila Bns, 10 RAF Bns, 6 CoBRA Bns, 2 DM (NDRF) Bns, 5 Signal Bns and 1 Special Duty Group),37 Group Centres, 11 Training Institutions, 2 CWS, 7 AWS, 3 SWS, 4 Composite Hospitals of 100 bed and 17 Composite Hospitals of 50 bed

Role and Functions of the CRPF
The Central Reserve Police Force is an armed Force of the Union of India, with the basic role of striking reserve to assist the State/Union Territories in Police operations to maintain law and order and contain insurgency. Its role is that of a catalyst in maintaining law & order, and returns to barracks once this objective is achieved. The force is also being used for various police duties in various States.

It is All India in character, both in deployment and in its composition. Due to its unique capability to quickly adapt to various situational requirements, and also, to work in perfect harmony with the State Police, CRPF has, over the years, acquired the distinction of being perhaps the most acceptable Force, by the people and the State administrations.


The mission of the Central Reserve Police Force shall be to enable the government to maintain Rule of Law,Public Order and Internal security effectively and efficiently,to preserve National Integrity and promote Social Harmony and Development by upholding supremacy of the Constituion

In performing these tasks with utmost regard for human dignity and freedon of the citizens of India,the Force shall endeavour to achieve excellence in management of internal security and national calamities by placing Service and Loyalty above self

Broad gamut of duties performed by the CRPF are:

Crowd control

Riot control

Counter Millitancy / Insurgency operations.

Dealing with Left Wing Extremism

Overall co-ordination of large scale security arrangement specially with regard to elections in distrubed areas.

Protection of VIPs and vital installations.

Checking environmental de-gradation and protection of local Flora and Fauna

Fighting aggression during War time

Participating in UN Peace Keeping Mission

Rescue and Relief operations at the time of Natural Calamities.

CRPF History-

Salient Features of the Act governing CRPF

The CRPF is governed by the CRPF Act 1949 (Act No. LX VI of 1949) published in Gazette of India Extraordinary part IV dated 30.12.1949 and received the ascent of the Governor General on 28th December,1949. The objective of this Act is to provide for the constitution and regulation of an Armed Central Reserve Police Force. The Suprme Court of India has dealt with some aspect of this Act in-re Akhilesh Prasad Vs Union Territory of Mizoram (AIR 1981 S.C 806). The Act consist of 19 sections in all. Section 4 deals with appointment and powers of superior officers. The Central Govt. is the administrative ministry for the CRPF.

Needless to say that discipline is the backbone of any uniformed Force. Ensuring proper discipline through judicious exercise of powers help us to achieve good morale in the Force. In CRPF the following kinds of disciplinary actions are taken depending upon the merits of each case:-

Departmental Enquires: These are conducted under section 11(1) of CRPF Act 1949 read with rule 27( c) of CRPF Rules 1955, and the instructions issued from time to time.

Orderly Room: Unit Orderly Room is held once weekly or as required, except on Thursday, at the time to be notified in Force Order u/s 11(3) of CRPF Act 1949 read with Rule 32 of CRPF Rules 1955.

Judicial Trial : Judicial Trials are held u/s 9 and 10 of CRPF Act 1949 read with Rule 36 and Rule 36(E) to (J) of CRPF Rules 1955. Judicial Trial is conducted u/s 10 and method of trial is that of conducting 'Summons Trial' as contained under Cr.P.C, 1973. Powers have been given to all the officers of the rank of Commandant and equivalent rank as per the details given under notification No. J.II-9/74-ADM-GPA-I(MHA) dated 25.1.78 New Delhi 110001.

Penal recoveries are also affected u/s 13( c) of CRPF Act 1949 and collective fine u/s 14 of the CRPF Act 1949. Section 15 the Act deals with power to keep a member of the Force under open or close arrest.

Departmental enquiries are preceeded by a Preliminary enquiry (para 6.6 and 6.7 of Establishment Manual CRPF and Standing Order No 5/2000 dated 5/6/2000) or Court of Inquiry (para 3.21 and 6.1 to 6.5 of the establishment Manual CRPF) as the case may be.

Suspension: The authority empowered to order suspension of the member of the Force are detailed under Rule 27(A) and (B) of CRPF Rules 1955.

Appeal, Revision, Petition: Rule 28,29 and 30 of CRPF Rules 1955 deals with Appeal, Revision and Petitions respectively.

These Rules deals with various aspects like general powers of superior officers, composition of the Force, Organisation of a Battalion, Training, Discipline, Rules regarding Judicial Trial, Internal management, Pay and Allowances, Rules for promotion, Rules and Regulation for recruitment, Appointment and other conditions of services etc.

A member of the Force also enjoys certain police power which have been given vide notification No. J.II-9/74-Adm(Pers-II) GOI-MHA, New Delhi 110001 dated 27.7.76. These include power under sections 41(1),46, 47, 49, 51(1),52, 74, 102, 129, 131, 149, 150, 151, 152, Of CrPC.

Legal protection against prosecution is available to a member of the Force for lawful action taken by him in the course of official duties as per section 17 of the CRPF Act 1949. Protection against arrest is available u/s 45 of Cr.P.C 1973 for acts done or purported to have been done in discharge of official duties. Section 132 Cr.P.C 1973 deals with protection against prosecution while section 197 of Cr.P.C 1973 deals with prosecution of judges and public servants.

The role of the Force has been mentioned in the 'Blue Book' issued by MHA read with 'Operational Hand Book' issued by Ops.Directorate and is also governed by various Circular Orders and Standing Orders issued from time to time. In essence the role of the Force is to:-


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