CGI Placement Papers - CGI Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

At CGI, we're committed to helping all of our stakeholders succeed. Our 31,000 professionals in 125 offices worldwide provide end-to-end IT and business process services that facilitate the ongoing evolution of our clients' businesses. CGI is committed to helping our clients achieve their business goals; to providing our professionals with rewarding careers; and to offering shareholders superior returns over time. At CGI, we are in the business of delivering results.

A focus on the fundamentals

More than 35 years of long-term growth with 31,000 professionals in 125 offices
9.1/10 satisfaction score from more than 2,400 signed client assessments
Rigorous project monitoring resulting in 95% on-time, on-budget delivery
Committed to world-class service levels with over 98% exceeded or met
Among the lowest attrition rates in the industry – with 85% of professionals owners

CGI History
Founded in 1976, CGI has evolved into a leading IT and business process services provider. Our 35-plus years of continuous profitable growth is a testament to the confidence our clients place in us, to the commitment of our members, and to the sound
business model and sustaining principles on which we were founded.

Serge Godin founded CGI in Québec City, Canada, in June 1976. A few months later, André Imbeau joined him and together they committed themselves to build a company based upon a shared dream: "To
create an environment in which we enjoy working together and, as owners, contribute to building a company we can be proud of."The name “CGI” is the French acronym for “Conseillers en gestion et informatique,” which means
information systems and management consultants. In English, the acronym stands for “Consultants to Government and Industry.”

CGI Dream/Culture

This dream has its roots in the original and simple idea that first motivated CGI's founders when they created the company:

"To create an environment in which we enjoy working together and, as owners, contribute to building a company we can be proud of." 

Our mission and vision

CGI's mission is to help our clients with professional services of outstanding quality, competence and objectivity, delivering the best solutions to fully satisfy client objectives in information technology, business processes and management. This statement describes CGI's purpose as well as our ambition and values.

Our vision is to be a world class IT and business process services leader helping our clients succeed. 

CGI Values

Partnership and quality
Objectivity and integrity
Intrapreneurship and sharing
Financial strength
Corporate social responsibility

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