BCPL Question Papers - BCPL Interview Questions and Answers updated on Mar 2025

BCPL Overview

 Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL) is implementing the prestigious Assam Gas Cracker project, the first ever Petrochemical project in entire North East India. The project came as a part of the historic Assam Accord signed on 15th August, 1985 with the motive of overall socio-economic development of the region. It was approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 18th April, 2006. Subsequently a Joint Venture Company BCPL was incorporated on 08th January, 2007 as Central Public Sector Enterprise under the under the Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Govt. of India. The project is expected to generate scope for substantial investments in setting up of downstream plastic processing industries, thereby will generate both direct as well as indirect employment.

GAIL (India) Limited is the main promoter having 70% of equity participation and the rest 30% is equally shared by Oil India Ltd (OIL),Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) and Government of Assam. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Honourable Prime Minister of India laid the foundation stone of this project on 9th April, 2007. The mechanical completion of the project is expected by July 2013.

The Complex is spread over 3000 Bighas of Land at Lepetkata, and situated at approximately 15 Kilometers away from the Tea City Dibrugarh. M/s Engineers India Limited is the Engineering and Project Management Consultant for the project. Gas Dehydration and Compressor facilities are established at Duliajan along with Gas Sweetening Unit and C2+ Recovery Section at Lakwa.

The Feedstock for the project will be Natural Gas and Naphtha. OIL and ONGC will supply Natural Gas and Naphtha shall be supplied by NRL. The principal end products of the Complex will be High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Linear Low Density polyethylene (LLDPE) totaling 2, 20,000 Tonnes per Annum (TPA) and 60,000 TPA of Polypropylene (PP). The other products include Raw Pyrolysis Gasoline and Fuel oil.

BCPL Genesis 

Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited is poised to emerge as dominant player in the field of Petrochemicals. Situated in Dibrugarh district, amidst lush tea gardens and the mighty river Brahmaputra flowing by the north bank of the town, the Petrochemical Complex is rooted in history of the state as the project is an outcome of the 1985 Assam Accord, aiming at the socio economic development of the entire North Eastern Region.

BCPL Chronology of Events at a glance:

18th April 06 :     Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved the Assam Gas Cracker Project. 
8th Jan 07 :     JV Company, BCPL was incorporated.
1st Feb 07 :     1st Board meeting of BCPL held
9th April 07 :     Foundation stone laying at Lepetkata by Hon’ble PM Dr. Manmohan Singh 
10th Sep 07 :     Engineering & Project Management Consultant appointed
1st Oct 09 :     Financial Closure achieved.

BCPL Vision,Mission & Objectives 

BCPL Vision

To emerge as a dominant petrochemical player in the northeast region, providing value to stakeholders, offering best-inclass products & services, contributing to economic growth while remaining environmentally conscious.

BCPL Mission

To establish significant presence in the north-east region in petrochemical sector by way of production / sourcing and marketing of quality products, deploying efficient distribution and marketing channels to cater to the needs of target customers.

BCPL Objectives

- To produce petrochemical products using natural gas, naphtha or any petroleum products as feedstock and devise an effective distribution system for the same in North-east region of India.

- To develop market for petrochemical products, mainly in North-east region of the country.

- To relentlessly strive to exceed the expectations of the customers in delivering quality products through use of state of the art technologies and implementation of best practices in the areas of operations, safety, health and environment.

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