AtosOrigin Placement Papers - AtosOrigin Interview Questions and Answers updated on Feb 2025

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Atos is an international information technology services company with annual 2012 revenue of EUR 8.8 billion and 76,400 employees in 47 countries. Serving a global client base, it delivers hi-tech transactional services, consulting and technology services, systems integration and managed services. With its deep technology expertise and industry knowledge, it works with clients across the following market sectors: Manufacturing, Retail, Services; Public, Health & Transports; Financial Services; Telecoms, Media & Technology; Energy & Utilities.

Atos India is a CMMi Dev Level 3 and PCMM Level 5 Company and is also certified for ISO 9001, ISO 20000 and ISO 27000. We are currently pursuing CMMi Dev Level 5 and CMMi SVC Level 3 certification. Atos India provides services to clients in India and around the world. We are the largest home to global delivery centers as part of the global Service Lines (SI and MS),focusing on industrialization of Global Delivery.

Combining nearly two decades of presence in India, our services cover IT Solutions, Application Management, Infrastructure Management, Network and Communication Management, Command and Control & BPO. We have grown to become the fourth largest geography for Atos with offices across 6 cities in India.

Atos is focused on business technology that powers progress and helps organizations to create their firm of the future. It is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic and Paralympic Games and is quoted on the Paris Eurolist Market. Atos operates under the brands Atos, Atos Consulting & Technology Services, Atos Worldline and Atos Worldgrid.

System Integration - Delivering seamless business systems
We have a strong portfolio of System Integration offerings to provide increased added value for clients, as well as a source of better growth and profitability. Our enhanced distributed delivery model has quality, scalability, predictability and flexibility at low price point, and we have a strong nearshore and offshore presence. We continue to adapt our existing portfolio to cater for the increasing demand for Software-as- a-Service. 

Managed Services - Transforming IT infrastructure and business operations
As the undisputed leader in Managed Services, we are one of the few companies that can provide all the “design, build and operate” elements of a complete outsourcing solution. We manage and transform all the IT operations of our clients, including the management of their entire information and data processing systems.

High-Tech Transactional Services - Advancing business strategy through innovative processing solutions
Through our Atos Worldline SBU, we are a European leader in payment services. We specialize in electronic payment services (issuing, acquiring, card and non-card payment solutions and processing),e-Services for Customers, Citizens and Communities, and financial markets. With the Atos WorldGrid unit, we will focus on offering smart energy solutions around production, transport, distribution and retail, to enable energy efficiencies and increase sustainability, while improving operational performance. 

The origins of Atos
Atos is an international information technology services company with annual 2012 revenues of EUR 8.8 billion and employees 76,400 in 47 countries. It was formed on July 1st 2011 from Atos Origin and Siemens IT Solutions and Services GmbH.

Atos Origin was formed in 2000 when Atos and Origin merged. It grew steadily, not only through acquisition but also through outsourcing deals, staff and technology transfers. In 2002, KPMG Consulting’s businesses in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands were acquired to establish Atos Consulting. This transaction provided the Group with a major presence in the Consulting segment of the IT services market.

In 2004 the Sema Group was acquired from Schlumberger in January 2004, thereby creating one of the leading European IT services companies. At the time of the acquisition, Sema Group employed 20,000 staff and generated annual revenues of approximately EUR 2.4 billion. Atos Origin employed 26,500 staff, generating annual revenues of more than EUR 3 billion.

The acquisition of SIS and the Siemens partnership is the logical continuation of the Atos strategy. With a workforce of more than 48,000 employees, Atos Origin generated revenues of over EUR 5 billion during the year 2010.

Where SIS comes from
SIS was formed during a groundbreaking merger in 2007 which saw Siemens Business Services (Germany),Program and System Engineering (Austria),Siemens Information Ltd (India),Business Innovation Center (Switzerland) and Development Innovations and Projects (Greece) united under the umbrella of Siemens IT Solutions and Services –called SIS internally (a division of Siemens AG.).

Made up of two business units, IT solutions and outsourcing services, SIS provides strong business technology as well as an extensive range of services and solutions. With a workforce of more than 32,000 employees, SIS generated revenue of EUR 3.7 billion during the year 2010. With over 75% of that revenue from outside the Siemens network.

Atos Manifesto
Together, we embark on a new journey that will shape the future of IT

Manifesto campaignWith a presence in more than 48 countries and a workforce of 74,000 business technologists, we can offer our clients in-depth market expertise, an extended global reach and an impressive services portfolio.

Based on our 30 years of successful, proven experience in consulting, managed services - number 1 in Europe -, systems integration as well as cloud computing services and transaction-based activities, we understand your business challenges and deliver IT solutions that fit your needs, with measurable and sustainable results.

Our ambition? To unite people, technology and business to accelerate progress. Today, together, we start shaping the exciting future of IT and business. Join us.

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