A leader in development, watch how ADB improves the quality of life for millions in Asia and the Pacific.
Since its founding in 1966, ADB has been driven by an inspiration and dedication to improving people’s lives in Asia and the Pacific. By targeting our investments wisely, in partnership with our developing member countries and other stakeholders, we can alleviate poverty and help create a world in which everyone can share in the benefits of sustained and inclusive growth.
Whether it be through investment in infrastructure, health care services, financial and public administration systems, or helping nations prepare for the impact of climate change or better manage their natural resources, ADB is committed to helping developing member countries evolve into thriving, modern economies that are well integrated with each other and the world.
The main devices for assistance are loans, grants, policy dialogue, technical assistance and equity investments.
We are at the forefront of development thinking and practice, spreading information through regional forums, a growing online presence and the publication of specialized papers, serials and books.
Economists, sociologists, engineers, gender experts and environmental scientists are amongst the hundreds of professions at the bank working together to reduce poverty, and ensure growth across the Asia and Pacific region is sustainable and inclusive.
Did you know?
ADB aims for an Asia and Pacific free from poverty. While it has achieved a significant reduction in extreme poverty, the region remains home to about two-thirds of the world’s extremely poor.
With $21.72 billion in approved financing in 2011, more than 2,900 employees from 59 countries, ADB in partnership with member governments, independent specialists and other financial institutions is focused on delivering projects that create economic and development impact.
Economists, sociologists, engineers, gender experts and environmental scientists are amongst the hundreds of professions at the bank working together to reduce poverty.
Environmental sustainability is a core strategy of ADB’s work as it is the poor that are most severely affected. Environmental damage and resource depletion are already impeding the region’s development and reducing the quality of life.
ADB is active in creating the framework for the private sector to be involved in investing in new projects that underpin development and improve the lives of the 1.7 billion people in the region who live on less than $2 a day.
Since 2000, the Asian Development Fund has transformed the region with the construction of thousands of schools, bridges, health clinics and roads, providing opportunities for people to lift themselves out of poverty.
Over the past 6 years, ADB, through the Asian Development Fund has:
expanded the access of more than 19 million students to quality education by building or upgrading more than 60,000 classrooms and training 720,000 teachers;
helped more than 252 million people gain better access to wider economic opportunities and social services by building or upgrading more than 56,000 (km) of roads;
provided more than 2.1 million households with access to clean water by installing or rehabilitating about 14,000 km of water supply pipes;
connected more than 1.8 million households to electricity by building or upgrading more than 35,000 km of power transmission and distribution lines; and
reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 2 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year by promoting more efficient and cleaner energy operations.Policies and Strategies
Strategy 2020: The Long-Term Strategic Framework of the Asian Development Bank 2008-2020 is the paramount ADB-wide strategic framework to guide all its operations to 2020. It reaffirms both ADB's vision of an Asia and Pacific free of poverty and its mission to help developing member countries improve the living conditions and quality of life of their people.
Strategy 2020 identifies drivers of change that will be stressed in all its operations - developing the private sector, encouraging good governance, supporting gender equity, helping developing countries gain knowledge, and expanding partnerships with other development institutions, the private sector, and with community-based organizations.
By 2012, 80% of ADB lending will be in five core operational areas, identified as comparative strengths of ADB:
Infrastructure, including transport and communications, energy, water supply and sanitation and urban development
Regional cooperation and integration
Finance sector development
ADB will continue to operate in health, agriculture, and disaster and emergency assistance, but on a more selective basis.
ADB has developed a corporate results framework to assess its progress in implementing Strategy 2020. Annually, it will monitor implementation through the ADB Development Effectiveness Review.
Read more ADB publications on Policies and Strategies.