WIPRO campus recruitment drive procedure and new placement papers in MVR College |   35741

WIPRO campus recruitment drive procedure and new placement papers in MVR College

Wipro new latest campus recruitment placement drive candidates experience shared for your reference to prepare for your upcoming wipro off and on campus recruitment drive. 

Hi Friends I would like to share my experience in wipro campus placement drive...on 28th and 29th sep 2013 MVSR ENGG COLLEGE,HYD, Andhra pradesh.The session started at 10.00am with the preplacement talk for more than 1hr. Wipro this years placement procedure consists Wipro PPT -Preplacement Talk,Wipro Group Discussion,Wipro technical hr.Wipro this years placement one selection process is that student who have more that 85% in their academics will be called directly for Wipro technical and HR. Other students should clear Wipro GD,Written Test (Online aptitude test) Technical and HR 


Before appearing  wipro placement procedure-Refer wipro official site wipro company profile, wipro history etc.., Try to learn and practice wipro previous years solved question papers of aptitude reasoning,Refer wipro previous years and this years new placement papers, candidate experiences, wipro technical hr interview questions. Practice wipro free mock on line tests 

Wipro first section Group Discussion GD procedure

First session was GD : students who are consistent in their academics with 85% above from 10th till date will be called directly for TECH HR. Other students like me should clear GD,WRITTEN to face the TECH HR

Around 400 students attended for this wipro drive ,400 members are divided into groups. 

Each group consists of 15 members and the topics for the GD will be intimated one day before..and its not actually GD but the session that had taken place was JAM, were one topic is given and one minute time for preparing and 1-2 minutes time to speak about the topic... Dont worry they are not going to see what stuff you are speaking, they just see your fluency in english ,the way you are approaching the topic,The way you communicate and the main thing is your body language, postures. Actually what happened is all members in our group were well prepared for those topics and done very well so the HR had no option rather than conducting another session.... JAM session were 30sec time is given for every one and were asked to speak anything for 1 min on any topic which we are interested...I have done it by speaking about my favourite cricketer Rohith G Sharma .In every group 5-10 members were short listed for written test. I have done with GD SESSION. its a quite easy session.. not that tough as real GD sessions.

Wipro second section Aptitude Test-Wipro written test
Wipro written test consists logical ability, verbal ability, quantitative analysis and aptitude each section consists 25 questions

1)logical-25(syllogism,arrangement,directin,data sufficiency, clocks and calendars ,number sequence, odd one out..etc)

2)verbal -25(sentence correction,2-RC's,jumbled sentences, sentence completion, Data Interpretation, FIB..etc)

3)quantitative analysis-(25) (don't remember correct num of questions) (logarithms, time and work, distance and speed, profit loss, surds, LCM,GCD,averages,ratios,probability,permutations all the basic topics will b covered)

r.s agarwal book is enough in clearing the written test, get well prepared on the above mentioned topics thoroughly.

about 180 members cleared written test.

Wipro third section Technical and HR 

Done with my written test and the next is TECH-HR

On the next day the session started around 9.30am and I have been waiting for my number to be called for interview , my no. was last in the list and I was called to the tech hr around 6.30pm in the evening...waited from morning till the evening, no more hopes and fully in a frustation state and I am the last one to be interviewed by that H.R ,gathered so much patience and went into the hr room.Looking at the HR I felt like he to was in a same situation as I am at that time.. but the difference is he showed off in his face but I never showed the same on my face...(*very imp thing to be noted- be patient)

ME: good morning sir,, ,though it was evening I wished him gud morning to give an impression that I am still in fressh mood.

HR :gd mrng!! please be seated

HR: introduce about yourself

ME: started with my name native place, academics extra curricular activities etc...

HR: asked some questions about my academics Got 300/300 in mathematics in your 12th grade and dint even scored 50% of marks in engg??

ME: gave reason like ... sir I have worked in the same way how i worked in my 12th but did not get good score in first year mathematics.. and in 2nd yr i concentrated less on my studies.. involving in extracurricular activities....

HR: m not satisfied with your reason...

ME: sir I don't have any other reason to say, the thing which i said was authentic sir...!!

HR: can I give u some problems in inter math's?

ME :yea sure sir!!

HR: what is cos90

ME: 0

HR : r u sure or do u want to change your answer? (tried to divert me )

ME: confidently!! yea sure sir...(thinking for a while)

HR: can u solve (1+sinA)/(1-sinA)..... R u comfortable or shall I change the discussion?

ME: not necessary sir....m comfortable... done d problem and said that... sir problem can be solved but the solution will b again in complex form only...

HR: Dats ok.. do u have any backlogs?

ME: NO SIR... till date.. no history backlogs my positive point)

HR: read my resume thoroughly....

HR: r u willing to work all over the world?

ME :yea sir m 100%sure about it....

HR: shall we start our tech round.. I will ask some basic questions about electrical....

ME: (WIERD)ok sir.. your wish

HR: i keep my hand in switch board, will I be getting any electric shock?

ME: you will be getting electric shock for sure sir...our body is a good conductor of electricity. I can give an explanation for it sir... if you wear chappal or any other non conducting material (insulating) it doesn't matter wont b getting any shock. If you doesn't wear any chapel which is a non conductor of electricity- ground ,human body and the power supply from switch board will become a closed circuit and electricity will be passed through our body which results in current shock.

HR: REALLY.. I don't know

ME : but this is the thing which happens. (confidently)

ME: OK then if I wear chappal and keep hand in switch board nothing happens to me? same thing happens with the wood also?

ME: YEA sir bt if the voltage is so high that our chappal cannot bare then its a diff issue...same thing happens with wood also which is also a non conducting material...

HR:ok then can u show the diagram of the transformer?

me: shown clearly.. (bt stopped in between and said thats ok I have understood what u r going to draw)

HR: you have done the project .. tell the names of your teammates

me: said..xyz..

HR:how did u go to that project work. .about transportation?

ME: without any hesitation -in city busses SIR

HR:asked some questions about project work...

ME : explained briefly...

HR: according to present adaptability conditions r u flexible..?

ME: actually dint understand that question at that time.. bt said thoroughly yea sir i am flexible....

this is how my tech hr was completed and..Im not called for general HR round.. wipro has a separate general HR round for some of the randomly selected students for their analysis sake.. bt its nt true that students who got shortlisted for generally HR will b selected for sure and those students who r not short listed for gen HR will not be selected. chances r partial.... and don't disappoint if else u r not called for second HR round which is GEN HR round.. I am one among them.... results were declared after 5 days of this program and m done with HR also..

finally 96 students were placed and m one among them.

so friends .. b bold ..be confident whether u are sure about it or not...don't show off your mood or your impatience on your face take care of your body language, eye contacts. .,be clear about your resume without any confusions, project work...

Don't get disappointed if HR says that he is not satisfied at your profile or anything... hope for the better one. And the main thing is don’t take back or change your answer at any cause.

--hope that this would help u in fetching some of your doubts, in the same way how the other placement papers helped me in guiding the whole process....

This is the summary of wipro  placement procedures Try to refer and practice wipro previous years solved questions papers of aptitude and reasoning. Wipro free on line mock test this will increase your speed in online tests Refer wipro official site for the history of wipro about wipro wipro company profile etc ....Thank you guys best wishes to all
