Wipro Latest Placement Paper |   9479

Wipro Latest Placement Paper

1          Quantitative /analytical reasoning (20 questions)
2          Verbal ability (20 questions)
3          Technical section (10questions)

Section-A Quantitative /analytical reasoning
1. Mr. Sharuk decided to walk down the escalator of a tube station. He found that if he walks down 26 steps, he requires 30 seconds to reach the bottom. However, if he steps down 34 stairs he would only require 18 seconds to get to the bottom. If the time is measured from the moment the top step begins to descend to the time he steps off the last step at the bottom, find out the height of the stair way in steps?
Ans.46 steps.

2. A boat travels 20 kms upstream in 6 hrs and 18 kms downstream in 4 hrs. Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the water current?
(a) 1/2 kmph
(b) 7/12 kmph
(c) 5 kmph
(d) none of these
Ans. (b)

3. Three containers A, B and C have volumes a, b, and c respectively; and container A is full of water while the other two are empty. If from container A water is poured into container B which becomes 1/3 full, and into container C which becomes 1/2 full, how much water is left in container A?

4. A number of cats got together and decided to kill between them 999919 mice. Every cat killed an equal number of mice. Each cat killed more mice than there were cats. How many cats do you think there were ?
Ans. 991.

5. The square of a two digit number is divided by half the number. After 36 is added to the quotient, this sum is then divided by 2. The digits of the resulting number are the same as those in the original number, but they are in reverse order. The ten's place of the original number is equal to twice the difference between its digits. What is the number?
Ans. 46

6. A monkey starts climbing up a tree 20ft. tall. Each hour, it hops 3ft. and slips back 2ft. How much time would it take the monkey to reach the top?
Ans.18 hours.

7. A wizard named Nepo says "I am only three times my son's age. My father is 40 years more than twice my age. Together the three of us are a mere 1240 years old." How old is Nepo?
Ans. 360 years old.

8. A garrison of 3300 men has provisions for 32 days, when given at a rate of 850 grams per head. At the end of 7 days a reinforcement arrives and it was found that now the provisions will last 8 days less, when given at the rate of 825 grams per head. How, many more men can it feed?
Ans. 1700 men.

9. From 5 different green balls, four different blue balls and three different red balls, how many combinations of balls can be chosen taking at least one green and one blue ball?
Ans. 3720.

10. If 2994 ÷ 14.5 = 172, then 29.94 ÷ 1.45 = ?
A.  0.172
B.  1.72
C.  17.2
D.  172

11. Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ticket drawn has a number which is a multiple of 3 or 5?
B. 2/5
C. 8/15
D. 9/20

12.  Pointing towards a person in a photograph, Anjali said,”He is the only son of the father of my sister’s brother .” How is that person related to Anjali?
A.   Mother 
B.   Father
C.   Maternal uncle 
D.   None of these

13. If A + B means A is the sister of B; A - B means A is the brother of B; A X B means A is the daughter of B, which of the following shows the relation that E is the maternal uncle of D?
A.  D + F x E 
B.  D - F x E
C.  D x F + E 
D.  D x F – E

14. A is father of C and D is son of B. E is brother of A. If C is sister of D, how is B related to E?
A.   Daughter 
B.   Brother-in-law
C.   Husband 
D.   Sister-in-law

15. There are 8 houses in a line and in each house only one boy lives with the conditions as given below:
   1. Jack is not the neighbour Siman.
   2. Harry is just next to the left of Larry.
   3. There is at least one to the left of Larry.
   4. Paul lives in one of the two houses in the middle.
   5. Mike lives in between Paul and Larry.
If at least one lives to the right of Robert and Harry is not between Taud and Larry, then which one of the following statement is not correct ?
A.  Robert is not at the left end.
B.  Robert is in between Simon and Taud.
C.  Taud is in between Paul and Jack.
D.  There are three persons to the right of Paul.

16.  If PAINT is coded as 74128 and EXCEL is coded as 93596, then how would you encode ACCEPT?
A.  455978 
B.  547978
C.  554978 
D.  735961

17. A, P, R, X, S and Z are sitting in a row. S and Z are in the centre. A and P are at the ends. R is sitting to the left of A. Who is to the right of P ?
A.  A
B.  X
C.  S
D.  Z

18. Which of the following words would correctly decode the word ZHOFRPH if the simple alphabet shifting code is used?

19. A, B, C subscribe Rs. 50,000 for a business. A subscribes Rs. 4000 more than B and B Rs. 5000 more than C. Out of a total profit of Rs. 35,000, A receives:
A.  Rs. 8400
B.  Rs. 11,900
C.  Rs. 13,600
D.  Rs. 14,700

20. Three partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. They had partnered for 14 months, 8 months and 7 months respectively. What was the ratio of their investments?
A.  5 : 7 : 8
B.  20 : 49 : 64
C.  38 : 28 : 21
D.  None of these

Section-B Verbal ability

1. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. In the west, Allied Forces had fought their way through southern Italy as far as Rome.
B. In June 1944 Germany’s military position in World War Two appeared hopeless.
C. In Britain, the task of amassing the men and materials for the liberation of northern Europe had been completed.
D. The Red Army was poised to drive the Nazis back through Poland.
E. The situation on the eastern front was catastrophic.


2. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.
A. The two neighbours never fought each other.
B. Fights involving three male fiddler crabs have been recorded, but the status of the  participants was unknown.
C. They pushed or grappled only with the intruder.
D. We recorded 17 cases in which a resident that was fighting an intruder was joined by an  immediate neighbour, an ally.
E. We therefore tracked 268 intruder males until we saw them fighting a resident male.


3. Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer.
A.  If I had known 
B.  this yesterday
C.  I will have helped him.
D.  No error.

4. Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer.
A.  I have got 
B.  my M.Sc. degree
C.  in 1988.
D.  No error.

5. Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer.
A.  Though he stoutly persisted in denying his involvement in the case,
B.  the facts made it very clear
C.  that he had hand in the cruel murder of his wife.
D.  No error.

6. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
A.  Common
B.  Ridiculous
C.  Dignified
D.  Petty

7. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
A.  Excitement
B.  Worry
C.  Flux
D.  Anteroom

8. Choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.
A.  Abdicate
B.  Renounce
C.  Posses
D.  Deny

9. Choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.
A.  Divine
B.  Immortal
C.  Spiritual
D.  Eternal

10. Choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.
A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power
A.  Expert
B.  Intellectual
C.  Snob
D.  Literate

11. Choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.
To issue a thunderous verbal attack
A.  Languish
B.  Animate
C.  Fulminate
D.  Invigorate

12. Select the pair which has the same relationship.
A.  seven:septet
B.  four:quartet
C.  two:binary
D.  five:quince

13. Select the pair which has the same relationship.
A.  curtail:activity
B.  expunge:book
C.  edit:text
D.  censor:play

14. Pick out the best one which can complete incomplete stem correctly and meaningfully.
His appearance is unsmiling but ......
A.  his heart is full of compassion for others
B.  he looks very serious on most occasions
C.  people are afraid of him
D.  he is uncompromising on matters of task performance
E.  he is full of jealousy towards his colleagues

15. Pick out the best one which can complete incomplete stem correctly and meaningfully.
The officer who had neglected to files his income tax returns had to ......
A.  return the files
B.  pay a fine
C.  be rewarded
D.  play mischief
E.  give warning

Questions(16-20) Read the paragraph given below and answer

Until the end of his first year at school, Cyril retained many of the pleasures and pursuits he had brought with him from home, and he kept an old interest in butterflies and fossils. His grandmother had presented him with a fine bird's eggs cabinet, but he could never bring himself to risk in climbing trees. Once or twice he dissected dead birds from sheer determination to overcome his horror of the operation. Probably it was his envy of those physically unlike himself that brought on a phase during which he drew massive athletes with thick necks and square shoulders. Again he was pitying himself for what he could never be.

16. Cyril dissected dead birds to
A.  see if he would like to become a doctor
B.  please his grandmother
C.  satisfy his curiosity
D.  overcome the fear of act

17. The reason Why Cyril made drawings of athletes was that
A.  though he admired them, he lacked a fine physique himself
B.  he loved violent exercises
C.  athletics was a passion with him
D.  he had to complete an assignment

18. Cyril did not want to climb trees because he
A.  loved to play on the ground
B.  was scared of falling down
C.  disliked trees
D.  thought it was childish

19. Until the end of first year, Cyril retained his interest in
A.  bird's eggs
B.  butterflies and fossils
C.  dissecting bird's
D.  drawing pictures of athletes

20. Cyril's early schooling was in some ways like home life because
A.  he had all his old friends with him
B.  the food and the climate were same as at home
C.  he kept an doing what gave joy and recreation at home
D.  his family visited him often

Section-C Technical

1. What is the difference between a NULL Pointer and a NULL Macro?
2. What is the difference between const char*p and char const* p?
3. What do you mean by pure virtual functions?
4. What is a conversion constructor?
5. What is the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)?
6. What modifiers are allowed for methods in an Interface?
7.  What are the transaction properties?(SQL)
8. What is log shipping?(SQL)
9. If both data and database administration exist in an organization, the database administrator is responsible for which of the following?
A.  Data modeling
B.  Database design
C.  Metadata
D.  All of the above.

10. Backward recovery is which of the following?
A.  Where the before-images are applied to the database
B.  Where the after-images are applied to the database
C.  Where the after-images and before-images are applied to the database
D.  Switching to an existing copy of the database
