Whole-Testpaper |   24457



Hi frnds.. This is Meena  from M.G.I.T. Im glad 2 say u all that I got placed in WIPRO. It was off campus conducted on 28th july.

Around 2250 members wrote da aptitude test out of which 348 got selected 4 interviews.Finally 83 got selected out of interviewed candidates. 



Duration :  60 mins

Total       :  50 questions

Verbal     :  15 questions

Analytical:  15 questions

Technical  : 20 questions

NO Negative marks

There was individual cutoff 4 all da sections.



·        Rcs

·        Jumbled Sentence

·        Analogies

·        Synonyms

·        Antonyms

·        Idioms



·        No. Systems

·        Profit&Loss

·        Probability

·        Time&Work

·        Time&Distance

·        Coding

·        A simple Problem of Finding min no. of Ducks was given



This section was bit easy compared 2 Previous sections.

Simple questions were asked like

·        Who discovered mouse?

·        Conversion from Binary 2 Decimal

·        Outputs of some C prgms


Time Management & Cool Mind is important 2 get through Written test


I detail the questions asked me in


me : may I come in sir?

Sir:  Yes.

me:  gudevng sir!

Sir:  gudevng. Pls be seated

Me: thanq sir

Sir: Give urresume

Me: gave my resume n I maintained myself 2 sit straight & keep smiling.

Sir: Pls introduce urself

Me: I was well prepared 4 this n was telling in such a manner that im spontaneous. I totally impressed him by telling my strengths n family background n my hobbies.

Sir: so Meena, dancing n Writing poems r urhobbies?

Me: s sir. My poems got published in my clg magazine also n I got many prizes in dance Competitions.

Sir:Wow! That’s really gr8

Me:Thanq sir.

Sir: y there is a huge % drop? I think urconcentrating more on extra curricular activities.

Me: (here I was very cool n explained 2 him like a friend)

Sir : write da pgm for swapping 2 no.s

Me: wrote using 3 logics

Sir:what is the fn. of  picture tube?

Me: I dnt know sir. V have T.V engg in present sem

Sir:o.k what is an antenna?

Me: a transducer which cnvers electrical signals of radio frequency 2 em waves of same Frequency.

Sir: is function of antenna & remote cntrl same?

Me: no sir

Sir :no?

Me: NO  SIR.

Sir: it is same (n explained me abt it).

Me:Thanx 4 correcting me sir.

Sir: asked me smething abt LCD & Plasma tv

Me: I was not sure but said something

Sir: (explained me correctly)

Me: Thanq sir. Now I stand correct

Sir: (gave me H.R form) get PERFECTION in java, c++,c so that u will b in gud position in Wipro

Me: O.k Thanq so much sir.

Thatsit..my interview was da shortest. It went for 15-20 mins. for others it was bit tough n went for abt 30 mins.Actually i prepared myself in a Good masnner n was natural n Spontaneous wid my answers n SMILING



My turn came around 12.45 a.m. I was feeling very sleepy but managed 2 keep myself acvtive by talking something or da other with da people around me . I was in dilemma whether 2 say gudmrng or gudn8.


Questions in H.R Interview were

·  Tell me abt urself?

·  Define success

·  Do u think u r successful?

·  Y do u think u r successful


They announced our result at 3 a.m. by gods grace I was selected. At last, I jus wanna share with U all b4 this company, I was not able 2 get through 3 companies. This is my 4th company.So this is 2 motivate u all. So frnds don’t give up.

Give urbest n best comes 2 u.


Thanx 2 my CHWEET MOM n my family members who always encouraged me. Thanx 2 all my friends who cares me very much.





