Whole-Testpaper |   14362


The interview consisits of 3 rounds.
 1.Aptitude Test
 2. Technical round (interview)
 3.HR interview.
1.Aptitude test  time 1hr (sectional cut-offs)
    It consists of 3 sections
    1) verbal - 20 quns
    2)quantitative aptitude & reasoning - 20 quns
    3)technical - 10 quns

Verbal consists of 20 questions from basic English grammar refer (synonym, antonyms, passage, sentence complete,
active voice, passive voice) Objective General English by RS Agarwal. 
Quantitative aptitude of 10 questions (ages, ratios, work time, pipes cisterns,)  refer RS agarwal quantitative aptitude
reasoning of 10 questions(figure matrix, logic, puzzles, blood relations, series etc) refer verbal & non-verbal reasoning by RS agarwal  .
 Technical of 10 questions form basic computer fundamentals and c,ds,c++ basics.

  (English and technical questions are very easy so i advice you to attempt quant and reasoning first. then technical then english.)

  Icleared aptitude test and called for technical round on 26th march 2011 mine was the 11am batch.    
Technical interview:

    there is totally 30 I was send to 13th panel.
    technical HR looks very cool.

me: good afternoon sir.
hr: good afternoon karthik, take your seat.
hr: do u had your breakfast.
me: yes sir.
hr: you look so nerves.
me: no sir i am alright.
 he seen my resume and asked me( as i am from telangana region in andhrapradesh)
hr: ok karthik represent your region and talk for some time.
me: i told.
 he asked me more questions and it went for 25min on telangana topic as my technical is 30min.
as Iam from EEE he didn't asked me any questions related to IT. he just asked me to write
Fibonacci series program and i did it.
then he asked me to draw a two way switch circuit connecting to a lamp.
I drawn it.

then he given me a HR form and said all the best.
Isaid thank you sir and happily took than form.

and i filled that form after that they conducted a essay test for those people who cleared technical.
the topic is E-learning Vs Traditional learning
take care that you  should remember that what you written in it.
it will asked in hr. 

3.HR interview.

here is 2 panels for hr and my HR was a lady she is hurry and a little bit serious

hr: what is the difference between confidence and over confidence ?
me: I said "I can do is confidence and I can only do is over confidence
she is totally satisfied with this answer.
hr: tell me about your family?
me: told bla bla....
hr: what is your achievements ?
me: told.
hr: are you able to relocate ?
me: I said yes and given reason.
hr: what are your hobbies ?
me: told
hr: do u have any questions?
me: asked some questions
hr: are you ready for a bond of 15 months?
me: yes mam.
hr: ok karthik thank you and we will get back to you if you are selected.
me: thankyou mam and came out.

This is my experience and i am waiting for results....
please pray for me.... bye
