Whole-Testpaper |   21683





 selection procedure of wip is same ... 15 verbal , 15 analytical,20 tech. questions.
there is individual cut off for each section so prepare well but i prefer u too be technically  sound.
let me tell u most of the ? fom my exam
1.   read n  fill  blanks
  in all comp. simplicity is the most ....(a)....... virtue.u shd write in a....(b)........ nn strt fwd manner. The choice of words shd be discriminating. Try to use ...(c)..... words smthng.  Donot allow poetic images or.....(d).... to spoil the grace>>>smthng>>>>especially if the relevance is......(e)......
a) admired
b) simple
d)not sure but "pictures"
2.  problem on punctuation mark---- wt qualities of a 1 act play hv u noticed in the play?
   ans is (b) "  "
3.  my prep. for exam.........(thorough)......
4. similar to ORVIATE
.5.  word whc does not belong to same category......ans is "clergywoman"
6.  misspelt word  .....halucination>>>>it is spelt as hallucination
7. active passive voicec problem
8. direct indirect
9.  most inappropriate word in the line
    The rice ration was drastically reduced.>>>>>>ans -- slightly
10. replace the underlined phrase
11.  choose the correct word ..  amateur is ans.
 this is all abt verbal....
  1.  A photo 10*15 inch to be enlarged..so tht eidth will be 22 inch  n ratio of width to length will be unchangedthn length will be.....
ans) 33
2.  A is twice fast as B  n B is thrice fast as C , C covers in 60 min how much time  A take?
ans) 10 min
3. farmer buys 3 hens , 2 pigsn 4 cows  frm a mna who has 6 hens , 5 pigs n 8cows..thn how many choices??
ans)14000 ways (try it simple one)
4. row of students after interchanging wt will be the position .......
ans) 15th
5.. series question
   BEH, KNQ,TXZ .........
ans) CFI
6.  next term
  1:02   7:12   2:03  3:04    5:06  11:12   ........
ans) i don't know  try urself
7.  man earns 100 put 80 in saving rati of money earn to saving
8.  ? on pedulam ...
9.   house having 35 ft, 8 inches long wall ....thn in inches it's value is
10. man want to rch the window wh is 40 ft  abv ground.The distance from the foot of the ladder to wall is 9 ft.how long shd the ladder be?
ans)41 ft.
int i=3;
 int x=100;
ans) 3...100..2...100...1......100
2.  main
  int i;
cout< i;
ans) 10
3.  main
  struct xyz
 int i;
struct xyz xyz;
int i=20;
ans) compile time error
4.   wt  int(*p)[5]   means
........chk its ans
5.  worst case of stack method push for stk of size n assume linked list representation
ans) o(n)
6.  merge sort based on............ divide n conquer
7.  ? on gdb
8.  prfetching pages is ........fetching  pages that will req. during exe. bfr application is run
9.  program output  of a program of AREA .... ans is 12
10.  overloaded functions are exmple of..  .............polymorphism
11.  program output ....of pointer
12.  whch is not a problem with dynamic relocatable partitions?
  Ans) overhead
13.  layers of OSI
14. ability of processor to delegate its use by application is called...............  preemptive multitasking
15.2-3 question on unix
16. question on  tree    preorder n post order traversal
17.  default port for the HTTP protocol
  ans) 80