Whole-Testpaper |   22806




Hello friends,

       I got placed in WIPRO TECHNOLOGIES.   I am sorry to all of you, I took two week to write about my experience.

        The placement process was held at PES College, Mandya. Including our college (Vidya Vikas Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mysore),totally 15 colleges were there (1300 candidates).

        Company has 15 months bond (including 3 months training).

Salary offered:

During training period - 12,000 (stipend)

After training – 2.25 to 2.7 lacks (depending upon our performance.)

Short listed candidates:

Written test – 271 

Tech round – 110       

HR round – 75 (Ooh! thank GOD I am one of them).

        Friends, before I tell you about my experience in WIPRO placement process, I want to tell about the long journey behind it.

Companies attended:

Infosys: didn’t clear written test itself. (Remember, you have to explain the steps while solving puzzles. Here I made a big mistake).

Caritor: didn’t clear written test.

CTS: didn’t clear written test.

Tech Mahindra: didn’t clear written test.

Subex: didn’t attend the test.

TATA Elxsi: cleared written test, cleared tech round, cleared HR but I didn’t sign the bond. (It had 2 years bond and the job place was Pune).

Satyam: didn’t attend the test.

L n T InfoTech: didn’t clear written test.

Accenture: didn’t clear written test.

WIPRO TECHNOLOGIES: Cleared all the rounds and got selected.

The selection process of WIPRO consists of 3 rounds:

1.Written test.

2.Technical interview.
3.HR interview.

Written test:

It consists of 50 questions, 3 sections:

1.Verbal – 15 questions

2.aptitude – 15 questions

3. technical – 20 questions

Remember there will be sectional cutoff.

Verbal section: This section was very difficult. This time questions were only based on anatomy, analogy and arranging the sentences in order. Not even a single question was on active to passive voice, direct to indirect speech and paragraph reading. They gave very difficult words. I suggest you to refer GRE Barron’s book for this section.

Aptitude: Even this section was difficult because it was time consuming (Lengthy problems). Please work on all the chapters in R.S. Aggarwal. Don’t neglect even a single topic. (This time we had questions from stocks & shares, partnership too).

Technical: This section was bit easy compared to other two. But you should know the concepts of all your subjects in depth. We had many question from UNIX & USP (UNIX Shell Programming). Others are from C, C++, OS, Data structures, ADA and Computer Networks. Some times they will ask logic design too.

They announced the short list at 2:30. At 3:00 interview process started. I had my interview at 6:00. When I went to my panel I was shocked. (We got the information that among 13 candidates no body has cleared tech round from that panel. I was the 15th person to enter that panel & thank God 2nd to clear the tech round).

Finishing the interview for 14th candidate he went out & came after 10 minutes and told the volunteer to send me in.

Me: may I come in sir?

He: yes. Please come in. take your seat.

Me: thank you sir.

He: sorry Sandhya, I made you to wait.

Me: (with a smile on my face) its ok sir. No problem.

He: so can you please define your self?

Me: sir (Told about my family background),as my hobby I write portraits, read technical magazines like Digit, PC Quest, Chip (+point)

He: (stopped me) who is the editor of Digit?

Me: Maulik Jasubhai.

(Please note, whenever you tell about your hobbies, strengths, weakness, etc please be ready to prove them. Prepare an example for each.)

He: (Impressed) good, continue.

Me: My another and interesting hobby is to write C-programs. I love C-coding, because of which today I have 6 projects in my hand, 5 completed projects and another one is under progress.

He: (shocked) 6 projects? Hmm I am impressed. Can you explain your projects?

Me: Sure sir (I went there with full preparation. I took my projects in a CD. Even I took the printout of the programs). I explained my projects by showing the source code.

He: very good. You have done good projects. If I ask you to write programs it will be meaning less, so I don’t ask you to write program. (Thought for sometimes) ok tell me what will be the output of this program? (Wrote a small block)

Me: (explained something)

He: ok. Tell about types of scheduling.

Me: (shit! I forgot them and was thinking) hmm

He: (gave me a clue)

Me: told the answer.

He: (smiled)

Me: (smiled)

He: what about SQL?

Me: (Oh! god. I am weak in SQL, so told frankly) sir I am weak in SQL. But still you can test my knowledge.

He: gave some information & told to write a query.

Me: (wrote something)

He: (smiled) you told you are weak in SQL. How come you wrote the perfect answer?

Me: (smiled)

He: (Thought for a while) asked an aptitude question.

Me: (shocked! Aptitude question in tech round!) Calculated something and explained. (I think I was wrong. So lost confidence)

(Friends please remember if you don’t know the answer don’t sit simply. Try to explain something or anything related to the topic. It may be right too. They never ask for perfection. But you should at least know the basics. )

He: ok. (Gave another problem)
Me: (Started calculation, but was wrong again)

He: (Stopped me) it’s ok. Leave. Again some basic questions on arrays and strings.

Me: told everything (got my confidence back).

He: ok Sandhya. It was nice to talk with you. You may leave.

Me: (I thought I lost the battle, still smiled) thank you sir.

He: (Just wanted to see my reaction it seems) gave me a form & told “take this form and go to HR”.

Me: (with big smile) thank you sir. (Came out & told yesssss!!!)

     I took half an hour to fill that form. Be careful while filling that form. You may get questions on that form. Please use effective sentences while filling the form. (Meanwhile my other two friends came with a big smile. Oh god! We all cleared the tech round. We were happy). I phoned my brother & took his help to fill the form. 2 cool HR’s were there to help us.

After finishing the form filling process, we came down. Within 5 minutes HR called me (at 7:55).

Me: may I come in sir?

He: Yes. Come in. take your seat.

Me: thank you sir.

He: Define your self. Tell me about your family background (he specified).

Me: (Told about my family background.)

He: why your marks are so less? (I got less percentage in 5th and 6th semester)

Me: sir, I am very much interested in practical application more than theories. You can see my resume sir I have mentioned 6 projects. I have done all of them from 3rd to 6th sem. Means 2 projects per semester.

He: (stopped me) doing projects is good. I really appreciate you. But still your main objective is to score good marks na? How can I believe that you are technically good?

Me: sir I have cleared my tech round. It proves that I have good control over my subjects. I have studied my subjects to gain knowledge but not for examination purpose.

He: (Impressed) will you score good marks in 7th & 8th SEM?

Me: sir, I have done these projects only to prove my technical skills and get placed in a reputed company like WIPRO. After getting placed I will be tension free and I can concentrate on my studies. So I will sir.

He: are you sure?

Me: (Told with confidence) yes sir.

He: (Impressed) ok. You may leave.

Me: (With a smile on face) thank you sir.

        At 10:00 they announced the list of students who got placed.

Ooh! Me and my 2 friends made it. We got selected for WIPRO.

Friends please don’t be sad if you are still trying. One or the other day will be yours. Please keep faith on God and don’t stop working. I know how we feel when we fail to get through. But take each and every thing as a good experience. They are the opportunities to gain knowledge. Keep on trying till you succeed. All the best.

Finally I would like to convey my thanks to my parents, my brother and my best friends. They are the biggest support for me to win this battle. Also thanks to my lecturers Yogesh, Purushottam and monish Kumar. Thank you everyone.
