Whole-Testpaper |   18574



Hi Guys it's Nilanjan Dutta of NSEC. 'm in my 3rd yr n do'n B.Tech in ECE. WIPRO came into our col on 7th n 8th. On 7th they conducted the apti and rest were on 8th.

The procedure goes like this:-

ENGLISH------very easy one. u can do those with "zero" effort. some anytonyms(very very easy) n some synonyms, punctuations,articles etc were there.. NO NEED TO GO THROUGH BOOKS LIKE BARRON's.could do 13 out of 15.

QUANTITIVE:--- A bit tough. Could do only 9 out of 15.Q s on Permutation, simple venn dia n probability. It was not that easy like the English one.

TECHNICAL:- again a bit tough.('coz 'm outa ece). o/p of C n C++......comp org....unix....n even Comp GK..... o/ps were a bit easy.. could do only 7 outa 20.......

NOTE:- there were no negative marks . SECTIONAL cut off were there... Result came out within 45mins. outa 297 students 137 were selected...

On 8th we had our interview...it was supposed to start 4m 9am... but I had mine on 6.30pm.....

first i had my TECHNICAL interview:-----
it was a nic ce one. only one pannelist was there..he was a bit friendly...asked about my galfren......n then came to the point....
very basic Q's like:--

1. vat is AM?
2.Vat s FM?
3.Diff b2in them.
4.Diff b2in Analog n digital signals.
5.Diff b2in void n null pntr.
6.usage of void ptr.
7.vat s accumulator?
8.Storage classes inC.....................................etc.

Answered all the Qs... He asked me something 4m my CV......Then gave me the HR 4m.....I was delighted...... Filled the form up n waited  4 the HR.....technical int lasted 4 almost 25 mins....

My HR started at 10.40 pm..............U know vat...i was the last man to be interviewed.......So don't loose hope if u r gett'n late to get interviewed...that hardlly matters.....

one madam was there.......she was not hav'n a very happy face....... I remained cool....... Q's like:---------

1. How r u filling being the last candidate of the interview???
2. why Wipro??
3. Vat do u mean by " Act With Sensitivity"?.....etc

every time I answered she differed with me...making me fill stressed...but I kept my tempo up.... Then another madam came in asked again few Qs......like

1. Vat do u mean by "growth"?
2.diff b2in personal n proffessional growth.............etc.......It lasted 4 almost 20 mins........

After 50 mins....the list came out n found myself in that list........


1.Appeared in the APTI:----297
2. Cleared the APTI:----------137
3.Cleared the TECH INT:------56
4. FINALLY SELECTED:------40...

Keep faith on urself  n PLZ PLZ don't loose ur hope if u cud nt do well in the previouse campus'n...Even I cud nt do well in CTS....Now 'm A WIPROITE.......

Finally thanks to all hu has shared ther experiences in this prestigious site......

ALL THE BEST.........................."JEET TUMHARI HOGI".........................

Nilanjan Dutta
