Whole-Testpaper |   20400


Hello Friends..!! When ever I am visiting this site I am thinking that when I will get job…..now I am very happy that I was selected to Wipro…………….

The exam was held at Annamacharya Insitute  oftechnology……

No of students appeared:1800(approximately)

No of students finally selected:82

The Entire test procedure was like this...
  VERBAL TEST (15 Questions)
  QUANTITATIVE TEST (15 Questions)
  TECHNICAL TEST (20 Questions)


[1] APTUTUDE TEST (9:45 am-10:45am)
-VERBAL TEST (15 Questions)

NO paragraph for us.....


3.Rearrangement of letters(2)
4.Onemeanig like  LASSITUDE
Refer highschool English grammar..........its enough..................
Refer R.S .Agrawal for this .its enough........problems are frm time&work,problems on ages......boats&streams,time&distance..........coding&decoding.........numberseries......etc…


Even though I belongs to IT stream..........Technical paper was some What difficult.............

1.Conversion of binary to decimal

2.logic gates(1)veryeasy……………..





&some other questions..................

 After 2hrs results were announced.from our college 65 are selected in written test…………

TECHNICALINTERVIEW(around 20 To 30 min)

Started at 5:45pm

1.Tell me about ur self..

2.What rank u will give 2 urself in c


3.Write any C program

    A:I wrote prime no’s program

4.Diff b/n c&c++

5.Diff b/n java&c++

6.Sql queries(3)

7.Some questions in cn like wat is udp,tcp,diff b/n udp&tcp

8.What is http

9.He is asked do u know about uml.

    A:I said we don’t have dat subject…..

I:He asked me to show my marklists………When I was taking he said no need….

10.Some questions in SE like

11.S/W life cycle..

12.Diff b/n whitebox&blackbox testing

13.Integration testing

Which was explained by me

14.Which components are used in testing……

A:I said I don’t know sir……

Whatever u say give ur answers confidently…….whether it is rite r not….


Finally he give me Hr form…

36 are selected frm Technical frm our ksrm College…………..

HR INTERVIEW(around10 minutes)

Interview started at 9:00pm

HR  Interview was very cool………..

    ME Good evng mam

HR:Good evng Archana how r u

   ME:I m fine

HR Tell me about ur self other than academic details….


HR How will u manage ur team as I mentioned teammember  in HR form

    ME:Which was explained

AS I was mentioned one of my hobbies as web browsing

HR Hobbies:which websites do u use

For What u will use.

     ME I told dat google,yahoo,orkut……..

HR Tell me about orkut……….


HR:I give u some northside as location u wont do………

    ME:Getting a job in Wipro is great……Wherever u will give I will do(she is impressed)

Hr:I ask u bond for 2yrs u will do……..

    ME:Yes mam(said confidently)

HR:Any questions 2 the panel

    ME:Can I have feedback abt my interview

HR U can see in Ur results

HR Thank u archana…

     ME Thank u mam

 Results were announced nextday……..I was selected……..I m very happy……….from our college 22 are selected............thanx to freshersworld………………….

 I believe both hard work and God's grace have paid for my success.
Thank you,