General - other |   14832

General - other

Wipro -Hyderabad       Date 26-2-2005 St Anns Hight school

Verbal-15 questions
Analytical- 30 Questions
Technical-35 Questions   Time-90Min


For the verbal section GRE barrons will do..

It includes fill in the blanks..analogies ..on paragraph containing blanks..synonyms..idioms


1 A horse is tied to the corner of a square of side 15 m with a rope of length 14m.Find the area which the horse can graze and the area which it cannot.

2.The ratio of incomes of C and D is 3:4.the ratio of their expenditures is 4:5.Find the ratio of their savings if the savings of C if one fourths of his income.

3 Find the no of ways in which four balls can be selected from 4 green and 6 white balls

4. A is 6 times as fast as B and takes 100 days less to complete a work than B. find the total no of days taken by A and B to complete the work.

5.A cube is painted Black. It is divided into 125 equal cubes.find the no of cubes which have atleast 2 sides painted black.

6. If a covers 15 miles in 20 minutes and 20 miles in 30 min then find the average speed of A.

7-16 analytical type questions

These r basically easy ones...we need not work out much..the answer will be in the question itself....we need to have concentration...don't waste time trying to solve doing all rough the question first...


If pqrstuvw are numbered from22 - 33 not necessarily in that order....given few condition like

R is as much less than u as t is more than p etc etc...and many more conditions llike this...

One condition was q is in the middlle... find the orer of the letters starting from lowest to highest.

And in the choices there was only option which had q in the middle guys don't waste time trying to arrange the letters jst check the conditions and look in the choices which satisfies

18 if 39X41=15 and 47X56=12 then 24X78=? (numbers not exactly same but model)it was tough

19 The ratio of the no of boys to teachers is 3:80.if 3/5 of the students r girls and the no of boys is 51 more then the no of girls find the no of teachers.( Not sure may be one more condition missing).

if DKML is coded as MNJK then FGHY is coded as ( letters r not same) was tough
one more on probality like a 6 letter is to formed insuch a way that no letter is repeated etc etc I don't remember exact question
another one like rabbit gives tortise a start of 200 m .if 2 leaps of rabbit is equal to 3 leaps of tortise then find the no of steps taken by rabbit to catch up with tortise..(not exactly but model is similar)
Register variables can hold
a Garbage values
b Array
c Double values
d All of the above

2.When an array is passed to a function what exactly is passed.

the values of the array
the address of the starting variable in the array.
The addresses of the elements in the array
Compiler recognizes the function as pure virtual function if
A The function if equated to 0.
B the function has no body
C if it is declared with the keyword virtual
D none
In the select clause which of the following can be used to group the data
A group by
B order by
C having
D none
netware uses which protocol
5. Which of the following is invalid
A class<Template t,int I>
B class <Template t=char>
D None

one more on templates -theory
int *p, i=4;




int n=66,m;



printf(n , m);

9. A for loop was given and ques was how many times the loop will execute-easy one


int num[5];


The 5 in the first and the second statements denotes

11.which of the foll is correct

A static enum num{ON,OFF}
B static const enum num{ON, OFF}
C const enum num{ON, OFF}
D None

12 Which of the foll will print the sum of the values from10 - 100 asuming that post is initiaised to 0

A For(int I=10;post =0;I<=100;I++)

B For(int I=10;I<=100;I++)
and two more choices

13 which of the following is not gives an l value
a a
b *(a+I)
c &a[I]
d None

14 -16 Three problems on networks related to ethernet tokenring etc etc

17 one ques related to ethernet

18 one related to DHCP

19 one question on NAND gates like what is the min no of inputs required etc etc

20 one ques on structures

21 one program on java where the class extends cloneable and 3 lines of code.. which throws Exception

22Public static void main( string [ ] args)
int a[]= new int[5];

output of the above ..choices were something like exception thrown static reference to non static variable

one ques related to PL/SQL functions......
One on preprocessor directives
One on gateways
one was preorder traversal but the diagram was not given so this ques was deleted
That's it guys, That's all I remember. Any mistakes anywhere pls excuse me

(Paper Submitted By : Hima Bindu)

