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General - other


Hello Friends, I am Shruthi Ravindra, 7th semester,Computer science, JSSATE, Bangalore. We had our placements during the holidays after finishing our 6th semester finals.

Wipro conducts the following 3 rounds in the selection procedure:

1)Written test(1 hour)
2) Technical Interview
3) HR Interview

On the Day of placements, Our test started at 9.45 am.. It was for 1 hr duration. In all, 133 candidates appeared for the written test conducted by Wipro.

The test consisted of 3 sections namely
1. Verbal (15 questions) -sectional cut-off -8
2. Aptitude/logical reasoning (15 questions) -sectional cut-off -8
3.Technical(20 questions)-sectional cut-off - 12(for IT students).

The test given to us was pretty ok.. The technical part was damn easy for us.. it had questions from C, C++, UNI, Comp networks, Logic design(something bout grey code),Operating systems,data structures,etc.

I would recommend you to do your basics in the above subjects well.

Verbal ability section was also good..not very tough..No need to refer to Barrons ..Jus refer to verbal reasoning book by RS aggarwal.Thats more than enough.

Aptitude section was a little lengthy..but not vey tough..

It had questions from RS aggarwal only..Do this book properly. The various topics to give importance to are:

1)Time and distance
2) Time and Work
5)Ratio and Proportion
7)problems on Ages
8)problems on numbers
9) some reasoning questions like


B G E given that A*B*C=B*G*E=D*E*F, find the value of G.


10) and also something like a farmer has P no. of hens and cows.. Total no. of heads are Q and total feet are R. Find the no. of hens he had. Please take care of the sectional Cut-offs.. It is compulsarily present.

Out of the 133 students who appeared for the written test, only 54 cleared( i was one of them). Immediately after the announcement of written test results, we were called for the technical interview...

It was very good. The interviewer asked me easy questions.I could answer all the questions.

The questions he asked were-
1)what is the diff between structure and array
2) Name some operating systems
3)What is the difference between dynamic allocation and static allocation
4)Write a pgm to convert a string into a number.

He asked me some other questions and thn gave me the HR form. which meant that i had cleared the Tech interview round.

Then HR interview was just a cakewalk. Actually the Tech interviewer had written very good comments about me ..The interviewer was very impressed :)

Then she jus asked me about me family background, my hobbies and that how many hours in a day i studied. The she told me thanks and i left the room..

After one hour , the results were announced and I was selected :).. In all 38 out of 54 students were selected. It truly feels as if you are on top of the world..It was a very special moment in my life.

Just two days before i attended Wipro, me had written for CTS, I never got thru the written round only,which was a huge shock for me. I dunno where i had gone wrong.I was very upset. But with my friends' support and constant encouragement by my family members, I never lost hope and with determination and hard work bagged this job in Wipro. After this, I truly believe that What ever happens, happens for good.

And on this occasion of Friendship's day, i want to thank my dear friends and all those people who gave me constant support and encouragement.

With this i Wish you all Good luck for your placements!! Chao!!
