General - other |   15023

General - other


hello everybody,,, this is Ron.......
Last day (25th february,2007) Wipro came to our college for campus recruitment.......I am contributing my experience ...........

The whole selection procedure was of 3 parts...
1 written test....
2 technical interview.....
3 HR interview,,,,,,,

1) The written test:-  There was 3 parts in it..a) verbal  b) analytical(pure apti) and
c) The technical..........
    I warn every non CSE or IT students about the technical part...even as the verbal and apti are both cakewalk...the technical part had got questions from c++, os, CO, be prepared......

2) After passing the written test...i was much more nervous ....but kept my cool ......the conv is given below...(there was 8 panels taking interviews, me was in panel 6)
 me   ......  good afternoon sir.....
 sir    good afternoon to u too...pls have the seat....
 me   thank u , sir.....
 sir    okay.........can i see ur icse and isc marksheets pls.....
 me   sure , sir.....( i gave him my marksheets........he read them carefully for more than a minute , and i also handed y cv to him.........)
sir   ohh, u r a ECE student.....(turning over to the next page of my cv , he jst saw the preffered subjects heading and saw there.."c++")
          "u know c++....."
me   yes sir, but i did not study in an was just self study.......
sir  which book did u follow..
me  herbert schildt.
sir  very good then...i'll ask u frm c++ only........
me  no problem sir....

In the next 20 mins he asked me everything from c++...from the cincept of oops to file handling....i answered evry question.........

sir much do u know c....?
me   as much as taught in college.......(smiled a bit)
sir  okay.. lets see........what is a macro....

Again there was 5 questions from macros, preproccesor directives and all those things......I answered confidently...
After that...he just took out a writing board and started writing on it.......and in the meanwhilehe gave me 2 mathematical riders...after i solved it......he said......okay was very nice talking to u..take this HR form and fill it up quickly and go to the HR panel quickly.........THE END...

3) the HR interview was a walk in the park.....the rejection rate is low......they just test ur smartness and how do u probs....but one thing......razor sharp answers with a smile makes a real difference.....
my hr interview was finished by 4 pm.....i had to wait till 8:15 to get the results.....
I GOT IT......

